King of Stage

Chapter 353: Silly courage

"...If this is a dream, please let this dream last longer, so that I have the courage to continue."

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So earnest and so desperate, standing in the dark abyss of voice, with a kind of thrilling power, Ronan's words are so sonorous and powerful.

Katy Perry, who was standing by and waiting for the King’s award-winning speech for a day, seemed to feel the same way. She turned sideways a little embarrassed, wiped the corner of her eyes quietly, and inadvertently exposed her fragility—because of sincerity and sincerity, Ronan's words can feel the sincerity from the heart.

"No one can see us and no one can hear us, as if we never existed. Giving up seems to be a wise choice. However, there are too many smart people in real life, so those stupid Who should complete the persistence?"

"So, we chose to persist, even if it is meaningless. Then...tonight, we are standing here."

Take a deep breath.

Take a deep breath again.

Ronan took two deep breaths in a row, and the beating heart and surging emotions calmed a little, allowing the words to continue.

Although Ronan did not collapse like his teammates and calmly completed the award testimony, in fact, the turbulence in his heart was not compromised at all. It was just that he used more powerful control to suppress the slightly trembling heart. At this time, the brain There was a blank, and he couldn't think of anyone who needed to be thankful. The only thing he could do was to follow the surging emotions and vent the truth in his heart wantonly.

"At this moment, standing here, I want to thank the teammates who have stood in the darkest moments and have been persisting, Ollie Love, Maxim Puning and Cliff Barron. Thank you for not having Let me continue to be a fool by myself, willing to be a fool with me."

At the scene, there was a soft laughter, but Jeremiah’s tears burst without warning. Is there anything in the world happier than this? I have a group of friends around me who are willing to accompany myself to be stupid, continue to dream and believe in fairy tales and dreams.

Obviously, Jeremiah is not the only one. The tears are condensed on the eyelashes, reflecting thousands of lights, reflecting the entire Staples Stadium colorfully. From the guests to the audience on the second floor, each one is still sincere. The heart that is still passionate can feel this energy.

"I also want to thank the Huan Entertainment Team, Shining Band, Alabama Swing, and Frank Ocean, who still refuse to surrender in desperate situations, and Frank Ocean; thank you for being trapped in the cage of life and still not giving up on using music to convey your dreams and Every artist of power; thank you for still believing in music, believing in dreams, and believing in life in mechanical life day after day, and you can have more possible listeners..."

"It is you and us, still believing that there is light in this world."

Under the spotlight, Ronan lifted his jaw slightly. Those clear and deep eyes were filled with the lights of the audience, outlining the outline of the facial features, blooming the rays of light that eclipsed the sun, and condensed all the sights and all the lights. Enthusiasm and all the surging, issued a loud call.

"Also, at this moment, dreamers who are watching the Grammy Awards, don't doubt, you are not the only ones in the dark who guard your dreams and stick to your beliefs. You are not alone. Please continue to persevere, please continue to dream. One day in the future, when you stand on the stage shining brightly, please pass on the power of this dream, ignite a ray of light in the darkness, and guide the lost."

"Thank you!"

On a high ground, Ronan raised the heavy gramophone trophy in his hands, his eyes were shining with the light of the stars and the sea, even the spotlight lost its color, and the sonorous and powerful words made the audience stand up collectively, with the most ardent and crazy Also the most sincere applause sent blessings.

Thank you to everyone who still believes in dreams.

Bang bang bang.


The applause slowly gathered, and became more and more turbulent, more and more enthusiastic——

Perhaps not everyone likes King One Day. More precisely, not even everyone knows King One Day and not everyone has heard King One Day’s music. The nomination stage turned out to be a rising trend. It was too fierce, and it also brought together countless jealous and jealous sights for them. Tonight, the king's victory in one day can be described as a real upset.

Until Katie said the name of the King of the Day, there did not seem to be much suspense about the winning of the Huan Entertainment team. However, the King was killed at the last moment, which really created the biggest upset of this year's Grammys. Whether it is a guest, a reporter, or an audience, more or less felt the unexpected impact.

However, Ronan’s sincere remarks from the heart can deeply impress every guest present, whether it is a fledgling newcomer or an old fritters who have been rolling for many years. They can see Ronan’s generosity and the collapse of the other three members. To the heart of a child who truly loves music and truly believes in dreams.

Everyone here has his own story, and at the beginning of each story has his own beliefs and dreams. Now Ronan once again awakens those memories that have been grayed out in their memory, and the touch and emotion are stirring in his chest. Now, standing applause is the only way to vent.

Just as Ronan said, they are all musicians, and they are all fellows of their dreams, just relying on a stupid courage to insist on running ahead.


Boom boom boom!

The audience, roar!

When Ronan turned around, hugged his teammates and Katie, this scene made the guests stand up without reservation, the audience stood up and applauded, and contributed to the opening of the award ceremony for the King for a day. The most grand and enthusiastic applause ever, pushing to the first Lucy sitting in the auditorium on the second floor, hitting her palms hard, staring at Ronan in the center of the stage. One day, the members of the king are full of emotions but it is difficult to find an accurate description. They just try their best to slap their hands so that the surge and surging in the chest can be vented, otherwise the body seems to explode at any time.

However, Lucy knew clearly that she had fallen.

Really fall.

If before tonight, Lucy just liked King One Day, their music, and the little comfort they brought during their downturn; then after tonight, Lucy really fell in love with King One Day, and they would Like a lighthouse with countless heat, it guides the way forward, illuminating the endless darkness of the world.

The throbbing of the fall, making the heart throbbing throbbing, real and powerful, can clearly feel the faint pain from the chest, but completely immersed in it, no matter the joy or the sadness, you can feel happiness. It turns out that like is such a beautiful emotion.

Lucy had even forgotten Ella by her side, she just watched Ronan who gave her teammates a hug in the center of the stage, tearing down like a madman.

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