King of Stage

Chapter 354: Emotionally

Quietly, Max watched Ronan on the TV screen quietly. The three teammates had fallen apart so much that they could not be on their own. The tears of total collapse are the best proof. It truly recorded the king's journey for a day. The sadness and ups and downs that come are unknown but real.

A sigh of emotion quietly stirred in his chest, but Max just sat silently on the spot, feeling the surging of this emotion.

Out of sight, Max could notice the halo reflected by the tears of his mother Alison-Cooper's eyes. The calm expression seemed to be unable to feel the stormy waves in his heart, but the crystal tears broke through his eyes. The shackles of his mouth slipped quietly, and then the curvature of the corners of the mouth could be seen lightly rising up, shallow, exuding a warm breath.

Then, Alison turned his head to look at Max, a smile burst into tears, "Ronan, grown up."

Such a simple sentence contains too many emotions. Max's tongue seems to be able to taste the bitterness hidden in it, but Max still agrees with his mother gently.

Alison didn’t seem to want Max’s response either. He looked at the TV screen again, as if thinking of something, and couldn’t help but chuckle. “He has always liked singing since he was a child, always holding a hair dryer as a microphone. Standing on the sofa sing, and then Alice used that camera to shoot nearby. In fact, she didn't even turn on the camera at all. One sang happily and the other patted happily."

While talking, Alison chuckled out and turned to look at Max again, "Then you will be watching nervously next to you, ready to clean up the mess, and can't relax at all~www.] Give you a cash red envelope! Follow the vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

In the face of his mother's ridicule, Max was not embarrassed, but calmly stared at the TV screen and looked at Ronan who was standing on the stage. He knew that Ronan should belong there.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

One day when the King was upset and won the newcomer of the year, he did not have the treatment he could win, but because of Ronan’s heartfelt and heartfelt sigh, he received a unique standing applause treatment, and the entire Staples Stadium ushered in the first small high. /Tide, the atmosphere on the scene is obviously surging.

Amidst the roar of applause from the audience, Ronan and his teammates and Katie left the stage until they entered the backstage. The emotional burst still could not be controlled. Ronan gave Katie an apologetic smile, "This We all hope that this dream will last longer."

In fact, Katie hopes to express her congratulations in person, but looking at the embarrassing situation, the other three people are still having a short time to deal with their embarrassment. She can fully understand Ronan, so she smiles, "Please enjoy this moment. , This is your moment. Once again, congratulations! Your persistence has proven to be the right choice."

Ronan thanked Katie again, and then Katie turned and left.

Lifting his gaze, Ronan could see Alice standing in the crowd, watching him quietly.

Alice is wearing a dark black long skirt, but the skirt does not cross the knees. Even if she is attending the dinner party, she still needs to keep her lightness. After all, there is still an agent's duty to perform tonight, but it is charming and charming. The appearance of the woman still shows the transformation of the eighteenth woman.

The bright lights of the corridor spilled on Alice’s skirt, like a goose-yellow lustrous waterfall. On the contrary, she could not see Alice’s expression at the moment. She could only vaguely capture the bright eyes, with tears and smiles. Just staring at Ronan, he didn't say anything, but he conveyed his emotions accurately.

Then, Alice could see the smile on the corner of Ronan’s mouth rise, bright and bright, because the three teammates had collapsed to a mess, so Ronan had to work hard to clean up his emotions, and did his best to stay calm, and his strong smile was faintly revealed. There was a trembling, which made Alice's nose sore.

She wants to tell Ronan: You did it, you really did it, you proved that you belong to this stage, and you also proved that your dream can be realized, so now you can relax and you have the right to enjoy This moment, the moment that belongs to you, is just like the other three people.

However, Ronan's smile was even brighter.

Even with that, Alice also laughed: this fool.

Alice also temporarily suppressed the joy and happiness of the Grammy Awards. The turbulent thoughts in her mind were temporarily set aside, and she reminded her with her lips:


Ronan reacted right away, and they must be ready to go on stage right away! Now there are more important things than emotion and excitement. The joy of the Grammy trophy can be slowly celebrated after the party after the awards ceremony, and at this time you must focus on the performance.

Turning around, Ronan could see Ollie whose emotions were completely broken.

Maksim had already controlled his tears, but then he remembered that he had no image on the stage, and couldn't help but wailed again, slapped his forehead, "Crazy, Maksim, you are crazy! What about your image? How could you be so stupid? God! I really hate myself!"

Cliff has also stopped crying, but he is still a little lost, standing still in a daze, showing a buffered state, as if it takes time to load when browsing a page, the blank brain has no thoughts, so that the eyes lose focus. Waiting for focus.

Ollie is indeed a little uncontrollable, which makes Ronan a little sad.

Memories of the past six Memories of the past seven years, like a revolving lantern, surging in my mind, so that Ronan’s nose is also slightly sour, they have experienced too much, but Luo Nan showed a big smile again, simply smiling like a fool, using brightness and joy to dispel the sourness in his chest, enjoying the happiness at this moment——


Looking down at the gramophone trophy in his hand, Ronan was in a moment of trance. He never thought that they could win the Grammy trophy, but the heavy weight in his palm reminded Ronan that all this is happening in reality, he He also had the first gramophone trophy in his career.

But the short trance was quickly picked up, Ronan did not forget the important things now, then Ronan raised his head, placed the trophy in Cliff's hands, and deliberately said viciously in a threatening tone, " Be careful not to smash it."

Cliff clinging to the trophy in a hurry, at this moment finally came back a bit, looking down at the trophy in his hand, the focus and focal length finally condensed slowly.

Ronan raised his jaw toward Maxim again. "We are about to prepare to perform on stage. Are you sure you want to appear again in this image?"

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