King of Stage

Chapter 390: Soft knees

"When the heaviness of the world falls on the shoulders, when the weight of despair falls on the soul, come on! Because everyone is chasing the light!"

With loud and loud words, the final conclusion to the award-winning testimonials of the annual album, then, the applause of the guests and the audience once again thundered.


Boom boom boom!

The guests who remained standing in the audience praised the king for a day with the most crazy, enthusiastic and sincere applause.

It’s not because King One Day already has such a status in the industry. Obviously, King One Day, a fledgling but blacked out king, does not have such qualifications and treatment now; but because King One Day makes history tonight, whether people like it or not. , But they all witnessed the birth moment of history with their own eyes on the scene. This is the unforgettable moment in their lives. Apart from shock and envy, they must all admit that it is rare to see.

Boom boom boom!

The thunderous applause that swept the audience pushed the 55th Grammy Awards to the highest level, and the entire Staples Stadium was in a roar.

Lucy, also standing straight and upright, followed the audience and applauded, but she might have to work harder and more frequently. The turbulent movement in her chest made her into a state of forgetfulness, completely ignoring the audience. The audience is immersed in their own world.

Then, just staring at the members of the One Day King's band bathed in the light, and staring at Ronan, who gathered all the attention of the audience, a deep and strong emotion burst out from the depths of his eyes, burning with heat. .

She saw it; felt it too.

Ronan's tears.

Ronan, who is always smiling, always calm, and always talking and laughing, is always frank and sincere, always generous, and always unhurried, hidden behind the light and breezy smile, turbulent emotions It was finally exposed in accidents again and again.

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Tears of happiness gleamed in the light, which made Lucy's eyes warm up, as if she could truly feel Ronan’s joy, anger, sorrow, and moments of return to that night in Las Vegas—

The band just stood on the street singing, full of smiles, even if there were no pedestrians to stop, they were still immersed in the world of music, singing loudly, just like the end of the world, enjoying the joy and happiness brought by music. Happiness, roam freely.

However, darkness is everywhere, the waves are turbulent, and the brilliance of dreams may be swallowed or even extinguished at any time. Every step is frightening and precarious, facing the pain and struggle of falling apart and persevering hard, just like every step after the tail turns into feet. The little mermaid walking on the blade is like, but the little mermaid has never been afraid or sad. Even if it is biting, the pain still blooms in tears.

Because I like it.

Because of love.

Because of persistence.

The little mermaid flew moths to the fire for love; one day the king walked alone for dreams.

Lucy's vision was a little blurry in the tears, but Ronan in the hazy halo became clearer and clearer, making her uncontrollable mind agitated, just as the little mermaid saw the prince in destiny.

Then, the acceptance speech was over. Ronan turned to hug King One Day’s teammates, and Adele, a group of people left the stage busily and walked towards the side stage, but Lucy’s eyes remained reluctant. He stared at Ronan, following the figure from his back all the way.

Just when Ronan's figure was about to disappear on the side stage, Lucy could see Ronan's footsteps staggering, his knees softened, and the whole person squatted down.

Lucy's heart tightened in an instant, and she leaned forward with a worried face, faintly, as if she could see Ronan raising his hand to cover his cheek, and the crystal clear tears just like this, but Lucy didn't. After being able to see clearly, Ronan was surrounded by others, stumbled into the side stage, and could not see again.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

Lucy couldn't help covering her mouth to avoid exclaiming, but the tears were like short-stranded pearls, crackling and falling down. The hot temperature almost burned her cheeks and the back of her hands, but she couldn't stop.

It is hard to imagine what Ronan has experienced and what he has to bear; it is also hard to imagine what the glory and brilliance of tonight means to Ronan. But the only certainty is that this must be far beyond imagination, so Ronan was repressed and repressed, and after all, he could not prevent the emotional burst.

Even with tears of joy and happiness, the gratitude that broke through the dark moment is still full of bitterness, and even the tears have become wronged--

Almost, perhaps only so little, she would not know the King for One Day, and she had no way of knowing that there was such a band groping forward in the dark, always cherishing dreams and always believing in music, from " The magnificence and magnificence from "chasing dreams" to "my devil" to "disintegrating" carried the weight of a soul and truly changed her life. But just a little bit, they are going to miss it.

Such fear caused Lucy to collapse completely, watching the direction of Ronan's disappearance and weeping completely.

Ella, who was standing next to him, didn’t understand. So, trying to comfort Lucy, but she didn’t know what was going on. She shed tears along with her, and she didn’t know where she was moved. After breaking the shackles of her eyes, she I couldn't stop anymore, and then we cried together.

It seems like two fools.

Ronan also felt like a fool.

The steps have left the stage, and the speeches are all over, but I don’t know what’s going on. As if I have been wronged, I cried uncontrollably. The turbulent emotions pulled all the power away, the knees became weak, and then the whole person squatted. Coming down, it was like the whole world betrayed him, crying earth-shattering.

Obviously he should be happy. He clearly made history and realized his dream, but he was so wronged. Isn't this a fool or something?

But Ronan just can't control it.

The depressed and depressed emotions were finally released without reservation, so he burst into tears.

Looking at Ronan who was emotionally out of control, let alone the band members of King One Day, even Adele and the other staff could not help but feel sad.

Ollie squatted down quickly, trying to comfort Ronan, but couldn't make a sound of tears-tonight, Ronan was the one who kept his senses and remained steady. His emotions were never released. Until now, he has been pouring down, and even brought them again. out of control.

Maxim and Cliff couldn't control themselves either, their eye sockets flushed, and they were heartbroken.

They all know that they are bathed in countless lights at this moment, they should stay sensible, should maintain etiquette, should be generous to accept the attention and enjoy the lights, but only they know that the significance of tonight is far more than five phonograph trophies. That's it.

One day, the king.

Tonight, they are the kings!

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