King of Stage

Chapter 391: Happy start

Ronan knew that he was embarrassed, he had no masculinity, he was like a mad patient, he knew it all, but he didn't care.

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When he was deaf, he didn't cry, but was in pain.

When his vision was weak, he didn't cry, he was just at a loss.

When he traveled through time and space, he didn't cry, he just looked forward to it.

From before to now, dreams have fallen into endless darkness, life seems to see no color anymore, but he has never been immersed in sorrow, he is just...struggling, struggling and suffering, as insignificant. Ants are stubbornly looking for life in the torrent of time.

Countless times, there have been countless times, he wanted to give up, he was on the verge of collapse, but he still clenched his teeth and persevered-"Inborn" is singing like this: He wants to give up, but this is not what he was born with. Therefore, he can only push a boulder that can never reach the top of the mountain like Sisyphus, and put himself in purgatory again and again, insisting paranoidly and meaninglessly.

He is actually a fool, believing in dreams that no one wants to believe, insisting on the courage that no one dares to persist, and living a foolish life.

However, tonight, Sisyphus finally pushed the rock that could never reach the top of the mountain to the top of the mountain. Even Sisyphus himself couldn’t believe that with the persistence of a hundred years and a thousand years, he actually saw the results, so much so. Sisyphus stood on the top of the mountain and fell apart like this.

There are countless emotions in my chest, but it is difficult to say anything. It is just surging to destroy all defense lines. Fortunately, joy and joy are colliding, but it seems that there are countless grievances that want to vent, and I can’t stop at all. Like a fool, crying loudly.

The tears of collapse were so embarrassing and so bad, but they fell in the eyes of others, but they were not at all. They just empathized, and the strong emotions made Adele who stood by his eyes flushed, trying to come forward to comfort but did not know what to do. He couldn't leave his footsteps, so he just waited beside him.

Not only Ronan, but Ollie, Maxim and Cliff also failed to control their emotions, and tears broke again.

New Orleans, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Washington, New York, Los Angeles...coming along this road, memories flash in my mind like a revolving lantern, giving up several times and persisting several times, arguing several times and joining hands several times. After being confused and rushing several times, he finally reached the top of the mountain.

Only those who have truly experienced the long darkness can feel the preciousness of light, and in many cases, emotions cannot be controlled.

When Alice appeared, she saw this scene.

Adele was standing beside her with tears, and continuous wiping still couldn’t stop the tears from falling; Ronan’s knees were soft and he couldn’t stand up, and his head was drooping and crying uncontrollably; Ollie squatted beside, lightly. He patted Ronan's back to comfort him, and he didn't have time to wipe his embarrassment.

Maxim stood by and looked at the sky, wiping his wet eye sockets surreptitiously. Even though he was sad, he did not forget to be handsome. It seemed that he was shooting an autumn man pictorial; Cliff quietly turned his back to hide his appearance. Like a child who is being punished for standing facing the wall, his stubborn back is funny no matter what.

The picture is a bit happy,

Seeing Ronan's embarrassed appearance, Alice's nose was a little bit sore, her throat seemed to be stuffed with cotton, her emotions could not be expressed accurately, but when she looked at the scene carefully, she couldn't help but make up a few points in her mind. In the drama, all the touches disappeared, and he almost laughed out loud.

There was a low laughter in her chest. Although her eyes were slightly red, Alice's mood rose lightly, exhaled a long sigh, cheered up, stepped forward and hugged Adele to express her gratitude. , Then walked over, squatted in front of Ronan, and patted his shoulder lightly.

Ronan looked up, embarrassed.

Ronan like this is something Alice has never seen before. She has never seen it since she was a child. Her nose was sore that she almost cried, even though her mind was full of imagination, she was full of joy; but At this moment, Ronan once again awakened the night when New Orleans was born with his creation. His tongue was full of bitterness, and words could not describe the surging inside.

For a while, the words were stuck in her throat, and Alice could really feel Ronan's emotions.

But Alice adjusted it a little bit, retrieved her own voice, and vomited as soon as she said, "The reporters are already waiting, are you sure it doesn't matter?"


There was a sad scream in his ear, not Ronan, but Maxim.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! My image! Ah, God! Ronan Cooper! You guy! If I get tainted photos of my life by the media, it's all because of you! **** Christ! I can't stand myself now! Such a bad image! I need to take care of myself! No! I need to change a set of clothes! No no, I need to take a shower directly! Shame! Ahhhhh, this is a shame!"

Maxim's chattering looks like an ant on a hot pan spinning back and forth, and then Alice said silently, "You forgot the newcomer of the year..."

"Lah, ah, ah..." Maxim immediately began to whisper weirdly, overwhelming Alice's voice abruptly, pretending not to hear it; at the same time, he kept pressing his ear with his palm and physically cut it off. The source of the sound is simply a child who has not grown up.

Here is a six-year-old child, and there is a three-year-old child who is thinking about it, and there are two five-year-old boys with tears and noses in front of them.

Alice looked at the group of rejuvenating children in front of her, UU reading suddenly felt like she had become a kindergarten teacher, "You still have time to return to the dressing room."

I thought Maxim couldn't hear it, but I didn't expect... Maxim stopped for a while, then turned around and started walking towards the dressing room.

Alice and Ronan were both dumbfounded. They exchanged glances at each other. They couldn't help but laughed, crying and laughing as if they were seamlessly connecting with the madman. Ollie, who hadn't noticed Maxim's movements, didn't understand what was going on. Just staring at the two people in a daze, with question marks in their eyes. Such expressions made Alice and Ronan smile more brilliantly.

Then, Cliff finally finished facing the wall, turned around and sorted out his expression, "Ronan, we should return to the dressing room. Next, we need to be photographed and interviewed by reporters, right? Oh, Alice , When did you come here?"

Obviously, Cliff was immersed in his own world and did not see what had just happened.

This time, Ronan and the three exchanged their sights and paused for a second. Qi Qi burst into laughter, which was hilarious—

From tonight, this is the starting point of happiness.

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