King of Stage

Chapter 392: Biggest winner



When Wyatt Garcia arrived at the press release site of the awards ceremony, he was taken aback by the battle in front of him. The turbulent crowds on the inner and third floors blocked the scene and could only accommodate fifty people. The scene of the photographers left and right, but at this time more than 100 people were crowded, and the whole scene was on the verge of bursting.

Originally, after the awards ceremony, the official arranged a media photo session. All the winners will be on the stage, holding the phonograph trophy for shooting, and Michael Jackson, Nora Jones, Beyoncé, Adele and others will embrace. The photos with multiple trophies are all done here.

This link is still mainly for photo reporters. The official only arranged a relatively short interview time, and the in-depth interviews will be held at the celebration party after the awards ceremony; moreover, the photos after the awards ceremony are mainly for shooting the trophy. Photos, this is different from the red carpet, which also means that the angle and light are relatively fixed, and there is no exclusive or exclusive difference.

In addition, after the awards ceremony is over, reporters need to interview countless subjects that need to be photographed, and they are simply too busy. The winners are not the only focus-if you want to dig out exclusive news, reporters should leave the area where the winners gather. Cut into the award ceremony from different angles.

Precisely because of this, the on-site space arranged by the Grammys is fixed, and it is far from spacious. It is usually about 30 or 50 reporters, which is enough. In the end, those small newspapers and magazines that did not have access to the scene often used official photos from mainstream news agencies such as the Associated Press.

Of course, the winners are still the focus of attention. Therefore, the photo session after the annual awards ceremony shows a lively scene among the crowds and the clothes, but not too enthusiastic or out of control. Even last year when Adele tied Beyoncé's record for the number of single female singer awards.

However, tonight?

Wyatt couldn’t believe his eyes. He strongly doubted whether the grand event tonight has surpassed the year when Nora Jones was born, comparable to the year when Michael Jackson made history-although he has not experienced it. After the awards ceremony in 1983, the only thing that can come to mind now is the black and white newspaper page seen on the computer. This is the only picture that can be compared with it.

The sea of ​​people is turbulent but laid out in an orderly manner. Everyone is standing in a hustle and bustle, just like a group of veneer dance professionals gathered together to participate in the Olympic competition. Close to each other, and then squeeze in as many people as possible, the dense black pressing over the heads is simply too frightening.

Don't say squeezed in, it is extremely difficult to even insert a finger.

Wyatt was dumbfounded.

"This... what's going on?"

Although Wyatt also expected that after the king made history tonight, a storm will inevitably be set off, and the collision of controversy and praise will intensify, but he never expected that he was just making a three-minute call. , When I arrived at the scene again, there was no room left.

Newcomer of the year, recording of the year, song of the year, album of the year, the first musician in history to win four comprehensive awards; plus the best rock album, a total of five Grammy trophies, both in quantity and quality Both surpassed the Black Keys and took the lead in the 55th Grammy. One day the king undoubtedly became the brightest and brightest star tonight, and the earthquake response of the mountain whistling tsunami was brewing.

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More importantly, in recent years, Beyoncé and Adele, who have made history one after another, are the biggest hotspots to climb to the top under the expectations; but the king is an out-and-out dark horse, jumping from the cracks in the stone. After coming out, he went black to the end and broke through countless pieces of spectacles.

Shocked! Shock! shock!

It is conceivable that the entire North American music industry will usher in a seismic response, and things are far more far-reaching than imagined——

What does Grammy's move mean? What impact will the music industry have?

Rock's strong revival? The full rise of the new generation? Indie musicians and underground bands will usher in a new spring? Is the innovation of genre integration more encouraged? The prevailing wind direction has changed? Unpopular music genres get more attention? The cooperation between music and television is further increasing?

Or something else?

Grammys are Grammys because their every move may affect the trend of the industry, not only affecting the strategies of major record companies, but also the survival and development of musicians. The benefits of a phonograph trophy are far Far from being as simple as album sales.

For a simple example, Grammy awarded the album of the year to rock and roll this year. More importantly, four of the five nominees are rock albums-although Huan Entertainment has been classified into the popular category, in essence , "Some nights" is still the category of pop rock music.

So, this also means that rock will inevitably get more attention. The masses of people are willing to try to listen to more rock albums, and even pay for them. Record companies are willing to release more rock albums and are willing to pay attention to more rock newcomers. Naturally, the whole rock and roll The business prospects of classification will also rise in an all-round way.

It's not just that One Day King's and other nominees' album sales can be improved. To be precise, the entire rock category will benefit.

This is the real power of Grammys.

Naturally, one day the king monopolized the four major comprehensive awards and was born with a posture of creating history. This also means that the entire industry will inevitably be affected. The conclusion of the awards ceremony tonight is the beginning of the follow-up wavelength. It's that simple. Now reporters hope to learn more about King One Day, because the entire industry is paying attention to this band——

Everyone is wondering, how did the king succeed in one day, and can the road to success be replicated?

This is the root cause of the on-site Honestly, I didn’t even predict the newcomer of the year..."

"Tonight, the Huan Entertainment team is really...well, destiny, destiny, I originally thought they had a chance to win, but they ended up with a King for One Day."

"...I would like to appreciate King One Day’s performance again. Personally, this is the essence of tonight. It is more visible than King One Day’s creation history."

"Wait, so I mean, Nora Jones has no history that can be created, and is now created by King One Day?"

"Actually, before the nomination list came out, I didn't even know who the King One Day was."

"Still need to say? They are the biggest winners. I think they will win even more than Adele last year. Newcomers, they are newcomers through and through!"

"Everyone is talking about the magic red of the year, but one day the king is even more powerful than the magic red, four major comprehensive awards, tusk."

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