King of Stage

Chapter 432: Cat and mouse

Why is the supermarket gossip tabloid so disgusting? Because all the information has not been confirmed, the random and whimsical articles are not "news", but novels, or even fantasy novels. It is not that this is impossible, but the genre is different-novels are not news.

But why do supermarket gossip tabloids always have a broad mass base? Because of bizarre, absurdity, and breaking the shackles of daily life, it brings incredible chemical reactions. Perhaps, when ordinary people read tabloids, they are reading novels—real novels.

Of course, the gossip news headed by TMZ is different from the supermarket tabloids. In fact, the gossip of TMZ is even considered to be authoritative information, because when TMZ reports each gossip, it is generally confirmed by two or even three sources of information. , If there is only one source of information, then at least direct evidence of photos, audio or video is needed, and the authenticity will naturally increase.

It is precisely because of this that when Hollywood paparazzi follow clues to investigate gossip, they always need some...unique imagination——

They must break the frame and think one step, two steps or more than others, like a detective. It's like now.

"What? There are conflicts within your band, so don't you know where Ollie is?"

Sure enough, there is still a difference between journalists and paparazzi. I won’t talk about unfounded and chaotic things. Random speculations made out of nothing are also thrown out in a vague way. Anyway, their purpose is not to investigate the truth, but to provoke them. Maybe in the chaos. Able to capture clues.

What if the interviewee is angered by unshielded words? That's even better, because after creating chaos and conflict, news is concocted even if there is no news. For example, "The Grammy's biggest dark horse winner arrogantly spreads alcohol and punches at reporters", "Grammy" Murder at the Midnight Party".

This kind of news can always stimulate sales. Once you see blood, it will be even more exciting. Coupled with the attention effect brought by a series of shocking upsets of Grammys, just a brainstorm, you can predict that this should be 2013. The biggest news since the beginning of the year.

For the paparazzi, it is nothing more than an empty gloved white wolf, just continuously throwing bait out.

Ronan looked at the source of the sound excitedly, but in the bustling camera lens, he could not see the face hidden behind him. He could only vaguely see the fragments of the facial features, and then used these outlines to describe " The true face behind the name "paparazzi".

"How to beat the paparazzi", if a top publicist like Simon House publishes a tutorial, Ronan thought, maybe there should be a chapter in it: Don’t play cards according to paparazzi, but play in the opposite way. The route of chaotic paparazzi is even farther than the paparazzi thought.

In this way, there is no need to do it, just relying on brainstorming to complete the IQ rolling, and the paparazzi can retreat without any effort.

Ronan is ready to try and see.

"Let me guess, if I can clearly grasp the whereabouts of all my teammates, you can say that I try to control every member of the band and suffocate them, so tonight they can't wait to escape the midnight party and breathe free air. And now I am chasing after him."

Ronan's expression is very serious, and he gently chins his head, like a book boy who is reading a poem, and his understatement makes the paparazzi look at each other——

This is too real! And go further and deeper than they thought! To put it simply, Ronan is even more paparazzi than paparazzi and has a better skill.

What is going on with this feeling of "the road is one foot high and the devil is one foot high"? The paparazzi felt the fear that they might be unemployed in an instant.

Then, the paparazzi could see Ronan's angel-like face showing a big smile, which fell in their sight like a demon.

"You guys shouldn't be making up like this? How could the uncrowned king be so shameless? No, no, definitely not. I think too much, right? The reporters I know are not the same as supermarket gossip tabloids. Come on, you must all love your profession, right?"

Ronan's bright and clear eyes were like the first ray of sunlight falling on the dewdrops in the morning, and then the paparazzi could not help but shudder wherever he could see-wait, why did things feel weird? Especially the paparazzi are called "uncrowned kings", no matter how they feel weird.

The point is that Ronan's words and expressions, like a spring breeze, are like four or two strokes, not only dissolving the paparazzi's sharpness, but also talking and laughing like a friend. What is the trust and dependence revealed in his eyes? Such a script, it seems something is not quite right.

At the scene, the paparazzi looked at each other.

Because they are unfamiliar and unfamiliar, they still lack the understanding of Ronan. In just two rounds, they were led by Ronan. It was obvious that the paparazzi had the advantage, but now it is Ronan who has the initiative. Obviously noticed a little abnormality, but couldn't break the situation.

This feeling... this is the first time.

"So, does anyone really know where Ollie is now?"

After flickering for a long time, Ronan still asked questions sincerely, continuing his usual friendly way of talking, and naturally a dialogue was formed, and then someone finally reacted, and before he realized it, he seriously answered— —

"Dr. Derry's private party."

That's it!

Ronan's soft jaws-Dr. Derry, for laymen, his most well-known achievement is the creation of the fashion headphone brand company "Beats", which was later acquired by Apple in 2014 and became the world's most popular fashion design One of the headphones.

But in fact, he has already entered the music industry in 1984. Not only has he won four Grammys, but now he is also one of the top producers in the entire North American region, and he can be regarded as the top leader in the rap field. , Even Jay-Z needs to look up.

Moreover, Dr. Derry has a strong hand, outstanding ability, and one-of-a-kind words. Both black and white have strong connections and a reputation that cannot be ignored.

This is a figure called a godfather.

Naturally, the private party he organized was treated at an extraordinary level, and countless bigwigs were willing to give him face. It was definitely one of the most watched parties tonight.

It seemed that Ollie entered the grotesque world of Vanity Fair like Alice in Wonderland tonight, and Ronan's night suddenly became eclipsed.

This gave Ronan a little peace of mind.

"Thank you!" Ronan said in the direction of the sound source.

At this time, the paparazzi realized what they had done, and they answered Ronan’s question honestly like this. It was really stupid—not only Ronan was looking for the source of the answer just now, but the other paparazzi also After all cast their sights, who is so stupid?

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