King of Stage

Chapter 433: Temporary driver

The confrontation between you and me, tit-for-tat, changed the atmosphere and rhythm in just a few words, so that before there was time to recover, I was already involved in chaos. The only thing I can rely on is the essence of conditioned reflex. Being able to respond, now is the time to test the real skill.

But why is Ronan the "rookie" who faintly prevails now?

At this time, it is still the same.

Just when the paparazzi were trying to find a fool who answered Ronan’s questions honestly, Ronan’s eyes had already begun to look around, as if he was looking for something, and then quickly attracted the paparazzi’s eyes to come back again. Now it is not to be held accountable. At the time, they still had to deal with Ronan.

The paparazzi buzzed again, eagerly trying to continue throwing the "knife" out to see if they could provoke Ronan to force Ronan to lose control, then catch clues and find a breakthrough; if it can make Ronan out of control and swear. Even if you do it, then the gimmick burst point tonight can be guaranteed.

But now the paparazzi are more curious about what Ronan is looking at or looking for, and whether they can find the entrance——

"Uh, sorry, may I ask, who can call a taxi for me?"



Such words were so unexpected that the paparazzi couldn't help but experience the taste of cerebrovascular blockage.

Sweat the waterfall!

Because Ronan was so right and arrogant and taken for granted that the paparazzi couldn't react a little. A huge question mark slowly appeared on his forehead, as if he had come to a solo talk show. It was created by an extremely ridiculous scene. The sharp contrast that came out made people laugh.

The paparazzi looked at Ronan in front of them, and a question mark suddenly appeared in their minds. I'm afraid this guy is not a fool, right? If he is not a fool, then he will treat them as fools!



The paparazzi can't wait to just eat Ronan alive, but Ronan still has a leisurely look for a taxi? Besides, don’t there be special cars for artists to enter and exit?

How to think or how to feel... funny.

In Los Angeles, it is very difficult to intercept taxis on the streets. On the one hand, everyone has a car, and they don’t need to use taxis frequently. The streets turn around and pick up passengers, but gather in a fixed place to wait. Pedestrians often need to call a taxi company or information desk, and then the operator will dispatch them before they can send a taxi.

Now Ronan is facing such a dilemma-he needs a taxi, but the street can't stop it.

As if feeling the shocked and stunned expressions of the paparazzi, Ronan had to repeat again, "I'm serious, who can call a taxi for me, my cell phone is not with me."

Mobile phone, where Alice is.

In fact, the wallet is not on Ronan, so he can only go to the front desk to keep the account after the taxi arrives at the hotel. It can be seen from this that they are under-prepared. They are completely unprepared for what will happen tonight. They may also encounter many brand-new problems on the spot.

The paparazzi looked at each other, and they suddenly realized that Ronan seemed to be sincere.

So, what should they do? This is the first time for them.

The previous second, the paparazzi were still thinking about how to break through Ronan's defense; the next second, Ronan was already the first step to break the deadlock.

Now that the paparazzi are also in trouble, should they continue to break through the defense line forcibly, or should they keep Ronan first? It may be possible to go hand in hand, but what should we do?

"Ronan, if you don't mind, you can take my car!"

A paparazzi raised his right hand high and said hesitantly.

Swipe it!

The eyes of the paparazzi are all cast over, traitor! Traitor again! How come there are so many traitors among the paparazzi tonight, Ronan is led by the nose again and again! But the angry emotions had not had time to surge, and then the paparazzi realized that this should actually be a chance!

The task of the paparazzi is to track the whereabouts of public figures. Now Ronan directly announces his whereabouts. The paparazzi do not need to run a red light and step on the gas to keep up. It is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As a result, other people will be the first to board!

Instead of complaining about the traitors disrupting the situation, think about whether you can seize the opportunity!


"I can too!"

"Take my car!"

"My car is a Mustang!"

Wow, the paparazzi league collapsed in an instant, and the lively scene was as if the school flowers were recruiting boyfriends in the school. Everyone rushed to sign up, showing their charm like a peacock on the screen, hoping that they would be favored-originally The situation of the same enemy antagonizing Ronan instantly evolved into a life-and-death Shura field.

If this was Ronan's plan, then he would have to admire Ronan's brilliance. He had the initiative in a few words, and he continued to accelerate preemptively, completely defeating the encirclement of the paparazzi.

Facing the hustle and bustle in front of him, Ronan directly ignored the others, and cast his sights on the paparazzi who raised his hand first, "That's trouble."


The paparazzi still refused to give up, shouting hoarsely, trying their best to get Ronan's attention, hoping to turn the tide, the scene was very chaotic, and... very funny.

At this moment, Jimmy-Fallon, who happened to leave the secret back door, looked out his head. He was originally worried about the paparazzi’s flash baptism. He was going to test the water temperature before deciding whether to leave with his female companion. As a result I saw the paparazzi in a mess of porridge hustling around a person--

Ronan's tall and handsome figure stands out from the I can see it at a glance, and then there are voices around him.

"my car!"

"I can be your driver!"

"I have a helicopter license."

Jimmy Fallon is full of question marks: What's the matter? What are they doing? What's the situation now?

As a talk show host, Jimmy Fallon is one of the representatives of the new generation that has risen rapidly after the millennium. He is a comedian of "Saturday Night Live" and is a good friend of top stars such as Justin Timberlake. Young people are extremely popular, and talk shows are quickly getting in line with the social network era, frequently creating topics through social network interactions.

In other words, this is a well-informed and up-to-date celebrity artist, but looking at the lively scene in front of him, he is still dumbfounded.

What is really surprising is not that Jimmy Fallon was completely left out and no one cares about, but the bustling paparazzi are volunteering themselves as drivers. Whether the times are developing so fast that people can’t keep up, or tonight is too much The mysterious and unpredictable laws of the universe are reversed?

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