King of Stage

Chapter 497: Poke the wound

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Trastan is looking at Ronan, measuring and guessing how this guy has completed a reborn transformation in just half a year.

Ronan was also looking at Trastan, guessing what he had chosen to show up at this moment after diving for so long.

However, the silent blank did not last long and was interrupted in just one or two seconds.


Although Cliff was controlled by Ollie, he tried his best to struggle and couldn't get rid of it, and it didn't work to get angry at Ollie, but his voice still expressed strong protest.

"What are you doing? **** Christ! We should just throw a punch at that frog face! Beat him hard! Why do you want to talk to him? What can we say to him? There is no relationship between us! Grass! I want to kill him! I want to kill him!"

Frog face?

At this time, Ronan had time to take a closer look at Trastan's appearance-

Objectively speaking, Trastan is not handsome, with dark skin, thin body, and short height, it is easy to be regarded as a smuggled illegal worker by others; however, his body proportions are very appropriate, and he is in a suit and leather shoes. Dressing up is enough to change the temperament of a person.

The most important thing is that Trastan has a pair of bright eyes, which are turning around every moment, like a mouse looking for fragrance. His face with a light smile is not aggressive and kind. And kindness can easily dispel the vigilance of others.

It's just because the eyes are particularly prominent like bull's eyes, and the deep double eyelids magnify this effect. It is indeed...a bit like a frog, not a derogatory one--but Cliff's curse should be a derogatory one.

From just a brief contact, it can be seen that Trastan should be a guy who is very good at camping, and should have a lot of common language with Scout, but compared to Scout’s "white" appearance, Trastan suffered a little bit, which also means that he needs to spend more effort to be able to break into those circles, and the side also proves that he is different from Scout.

Scout should be more arrogant and condescending; but Trastan is not. He can put down his figure and do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

Ronan is more wary of Trastan than Scout, not only because he can let go of his self-esteem and pride, but also because he is the one with nothing, like a gambler, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, as long as he captures the opportunity , He can survive, which is much more dangerous than Scout.

In just one meeting, the alarm intuition in Ronan's mind has tightened.

But apparently, Maxim was still in a state of irrational anger, completely ignoring the tense atmosphere of probing between Ronan and Trastan, and Yang Sheng agreed with Cliff's words.

"We have nothing to say. If you want to communicate with us, then see you in court." Compared to Cliff, whose anger broke through his brain, Maxim still retains a bit of sanity. He knows how to deal with special problems. Rubbish like Rastan.

But Trastan was a stubborn guy. He raised his hands to make a surrender. Not only did he not panic, but he also showed a big smile. He said smoothly, "Oh, oh, calm... calm down! Two people! High school students, with our relationship, how do they need to get there?"

Maxim’s “sense” is only relative. Trastan’s words immediately ignited the powder magazine again, “What is our relationship? What is our relationship?” Maxim also couldn’t calm down, his nerves after exhaustion. More lack of control, patience soon bottomed out.

"What happened between us, do you still need me to remind you again? Or, you have forgotten? In a blink of an eye, it has been left behind? If so, I don’t mind awakening your memory again. Stand in front of us with a face and talk about our relationship."


Trastan laughed directly, adding fuel to the flames in the raging atmosphere, Cliff was about to explode, but it didn’t help, but it only highlighted Trastan’s ease and leisurely walk. It seems that the band Every step of the reaction of the members is in his calculations.

"It's not necessary. I remember what happened and know what happened. Therefore, I only showed up today. I made a special trip to apologize with sincerity."

Unexpectedly, Trastan actually admitted all the "criminal" facts so frankly, which actually killed everyone by surprise.

Maxim was stunned, and Ollie was stunned, so that Cliff broke free of Ollie's restraint, clenched his fist and rushed towards Trastan, and then he could see Trastan back again and again. After two steps, he raised his voice and said, "Cliff, if you want to prove your innocence to your teammates in this way, you don’t have to, because you look too eager, as if you are ready to destroy. The witnesses are average."


The hurried words were spoken clearly, and he shot Cliff with full firepower like a machine gun, so that Cliff completed an emergency brake. The first reaction was to turn around and look at his teammate, trying to explain something, but Because the anger dazzled his brain without any thoughts, he wanted to rush towards Trastan again when he became so angry.


A call came from behind, it was] Pay attention to the public.. Number [Book Friends Base Camp], read books every day and draw cash/points!

"Stop! You swing your fist at him, it will only become a handle for him to attack us in turn, you don't want to put yourself into such a dilemma."

A sensible life, rein in the precipice.

Cliff was furious, turning around and yelling at Ronan, "So? Just let him go? Then we can do nothing like cowards?"

Despite the raging anger, Cliff's footsteps finally stopped, his hands clenched into fists, and his body trembled uncontrollably because of too much force. The violent ups and downs of his chest could clearly feel the burning anger , Fell into violent rages.

Is Cliff really angry?

Ronan expressed strong suspicion, but Trastan still poke the wound in Cliff's heart——

At first, it was Cliff that matched the bridge and Trastan became the agent of King One Day; similarly, it was Cliff who continued to plan and promote, hoping that Trastan could open up the situation for King One Day's cause. In the end, Trastan became a betrayer, completely pushing King One Day standing on the edge of the cliff into the abyss.

Although the band members have never blamed Cliff, nor doubted Cliff, but for Cliff, they have a heavy burden on their backs. They always feel guilty, regret, and sad. It was just the pressure he put on himself before, but it broke out after encountering Trastan today.

Trastan's words just now obviously hit Cliff's heart wound.

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