King of Stage

Chapter 498: Come prepared

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the king of stage!

Obviously, Trastan came prepared.

From the moment of his debut, all the circumstances were under Trastan’s anticipation and control. In the face of the king’s raging anger on a day, he was not at all embarrassed, calm and comfortable, and firmly in control of the overall situation; instead, it was Maxim and Cliff lost his mind and was manipulated between the palms of his arms like a fool.

Trastan even accurately calculated Cliff's guilt and anxiety.

However, Trastan still cannot be said to be "a complete strategy" because he has missed Ronan.

Faced with Cliff's anger, Ronan didn't say much. Now is not the best time for internal communication-at least not in front of Trastan.

Ronan looked at Trastan, not only not angry, but also sketched a smile, "Then, now we can start."

Trastan was stunned for a while, looking at the brilliant smile on Ronan's face, a little confusion arose deep in his heart, but it still didn't appear on the surface, "What started?"

"Your performance." Ronan said with a smile, but only after the words were spoken, the smile bloomed, "No, your apology. Didn't you say that you came here to apologize? So, now we can start."


What is this again?

Trastan was really caught off guard. Although he was indeed ready to come and apologize, he was immediately awkward to set up a stage and a link so solemnly, but the problem was that the words were what he said, and he can't overthrow it now. , So the scene became awkward.

Trastan looked at the smile on Ronan's face. The confusion and anxiety in his heart were gradually expanding, but he couldn't say why.

So what should I do?

"Sorry." Without any burden, Trastan directly apologized. Jiang was still hot, so how could he be easily stumped by Ronan?

"Sorry!" Trastan took a deep breath, deliberately made a painful look, and said again, "I tried to find some excuses to explain my behavior. Although I did have difficulties at the time, I didn't want to quibble. My handling methods are terrible, so I won’t make excuses. If I do something wrong, I’ve done it wrong. Sorry."

that's all?

That's all there is to it?

But the problem is that Trastan’s words are actually a little sincere. Both Maxim and Cliff turned their heads and looked at them. Ollie is no exception. It’s just that Ollie glanced at Ronan first and then looked at Terra. Stan, then Ollie could find that Cliff seemed to be eager to speak but held back.

Indeed, what wants to seize the glimmer of hope now is Cliff, who wants salvation and washes his guilt away-what if Trastan really has a secret?

However, Cliff finally recovered some sense and did not speak rashly, because he also knew that no matter what happened to Trastan, the act of leaving without saying goodbye was still a fatal blow to the band, just so bad. A little bit, the band is about to disband completely, then, Trastan's behavior also changed the fate of the band.

He couldn't be fooled by Trastan so easily-but what happened?

Trastan could clearly feel the silence of the air, and he knew that as long as the band members hesitated for a while, it meant that he had already succeeded in half.

Unfortunately, Trastan once again underestimated Ronan.

"That's all? I know, but I don't accept the apology, you can leave." Ronan still had a smile on his mouth, but the content of the words was another matter.

Wait, what?

Things shouldn't be in such a development context! Trastan envisioned countless possibilities, but only missed this one. What's the matter?

"What do you mean? I said, I'm sorry, I have my own reasons..." Trastan was also a little anxious.

Ronan lightly chins his head, his expression is still calm, "I know, I heard it, I am not deaf, you apologize, but I have the right to choose to accept or not, my conclusion is not to accept, full stop, that's all. ."

Trastan was speechless, his expression finally changed slightly, "You can't do this!"

"Why?" Ronan didn't hesitate at all. He went back to the past by hitting the wall, and cut off Trastan's words abruptly.

Trastan was a little angry, why didn't Ronan get in?

Ronan watched the change in Trastan's expression, not only was not angry, but his smile rose slightly, "Do you think you only need to say a word of sorry and things will disappear? But the reality is not like this, let me tell you , What should be the correct way to apologize."

The momentum of the confrontation has undergone a subtle change. Trastan, who had a firm grasp of the initiative, is trying to control the situation, and the members of the king are no longer irritable and impulsive, and quietly gather around Ronan, and then Ronan controls the situation.

"First, you need to return all the compensation we deserve, and triple it."

Ronan only said the first sentence, and Trastan tried to interrupt-how could he let it be slaughtered? Naturally, he needs to argue with reason. As long as he can speak, he is confident that he can shake people's hearts and reverse the situation, but he is facing Ronan, and not the Ronan Cooper with a shy smile six months ago.

Ronan raised his right index finger and gently shook it from side to side, stopping Trastan's defense.

"Ours is ours. We will not change the facts just because we have succeeded now. You owe us more than that. Or, you naively think that after winning the Grammys, we suddenly turned into a hundred. Millionaire, don't you care about the little money before, right?"

Ronan's eyebrows raised slightly. Although he didn't go on, the meaning of the expression in his eyes could not be clearer: You should be smarter than I said, Mr. Cuban.

A look made Trastan's stomach start to burn.

But Ronan’s "attack" is not over, you should say sorry, and then thoroughly sort out the relationship between us, and never meet again is the best choice for both of us. But I know Vanity Fair is a palm-sized circle. It seems a bit too much to ask you to detour when you see us. At least you should keep your distance. "

With an inch, Ronan’s understatement is full of laughter and curse. An invisible blade is dissolving all the advantages that Trastan has established. Trastan smells a crisis from Ronan’s words and can no longer maintain it. Silence, forcibly interrupted, "You should listen to my difficulties..."

"I thought you didn't want to find any excuses." Ronan sneered back, making Trastan choke in one sentence, only having time to defend, "That's because..."

"That's because you thought we would accept your apology," Ronan interrupted Trastan's words in turn, "then listen to your difficulties calmly, and then you can reconcile as before, and you can become ours again. Agent, work hard with us, right?"

There was a smile in his bright eyes, as if he could see through people's hearts.

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