King of Stage

Chapter 504: Exhausted

Today, it is really exciting. To be precise, the ups and downs of this period of time are surging, and it is really breathless.

The last second was still under the much-anticipated spotlight, and the next second entered the shadow behind the light to tear a tug-of-war. It seemed that you could hear the cheers of the audience at the "Jimmy Feather Show", but in a blink of an eye they were caught by Trastan. The voice intercepted and interrupted, and when he turned around and thought of Scout, the matter continued to ferment, but no one knew whether Scout would stop there or brewing the next storm.

They have completely forgotten the reason why they chose to leave the parking lot in the first place.

Thinking of this, Maxim retracted his gaze and turned to look at Ronan, who closed his eyes tightly. The disturbing thoughts surged in his mind.

Hesitate to speak and stop.

While waiting to look out the window again, Maxim couldn’t help thinking, perhaps Ronan was right. When they were in a mess because of Trastam, it meant that Trastam had succeeded; but if they wanted to To get rid of Trastan's influence completely, he should be decisively tough.

Even if this means that the hands need to be contaminated with blood donation, it is also necessary. After all, in modern society, from shopping malls to Vanity Fair, whose hands are not stained with blood?

When the avalanche comes, no snowflake is innocent.

Trastan's hands were stained with the blood of King One Day. Perhaps, it is time for King One Day to also be stained with some blood of Trastan.

Slowly, the car slowed down and was entering the parking lane at the front entrance of the hotel. Then Ronan opened his eyes——

Recently, I have become accustomed to supplementing sleep in the car, and the best time to sleep is the distance through the car's moving place, so that now I can feel the changes in the speed of the car and can wake up automatically without calling. What's more, Ronan didn't fall asleep at all just now.

It's not that I don't want to, but I can't.

It turns out that after being tired to the extreme, even when the eyelids cannot be opened, they may still not fall asleep.

Opening his eyes, Ronan could see Alice's sight projected through the rearview mirror, with a little concern.

Ronan’s gaze moved slightly, and he could see that Alice’s phone screen was still on at a glance. Obviously, they were too busy to stop when they were resting. They should be dealing with Trastam's affairs—obviously, they are both. Similarly, the spirit has been tightened to the extreme.

However, Ronan now has no energy to say anything. He just smiled at Alice and said that he was okay. However, because of lack of strength, the corners of his mouth just raised slightly, and immediately calmed down again. It seems that even the curvature of the corners of the mouth can be achieved. Feel the weight of gravity.

Alice's gaze paused for a moment, trying to confirm Ronan's state, but she couldn't tell whether Ronan was exhausted because of Trastan or simply tired, which made Alice's emotions. Wei Wei was a little anxious, but he was helpless.

This kind of powerlessness lingers.

But Alice took a deep breath, retracted her gaze, and continued to get busy.

Ronan looked at the other side of the car window. At this time, he could already see the view of the hotel door. The taxis were lining up in an orderly manner, and their cars were patiently waiting for their order to stop-waiting for the band members. After getting off the car, Little Tony drove to the parking lot.

Ronan was slightly surprised, because fans could still be seen at the entrance of the hotel.

Not much, about the appearance of seven or eight, sparsely circling around the entrance of the hotel, because they held the One Day King's album posters in their hands, which were very conspicuous, and they displayed their identities upright and could be recognized at a glance.

However, the hotel staff are dispersing the crowd, not for the king for a day, but for other hotel guests. They politely advise these fans not to block the fire emergency passage and the main entrance passage, and the confrontation between them can be vaguely seen. , But don't know what is arguing.

Then, it was the turn of the king's vehicle for a day, and little Tony skillfully parked the car at the door of the hotel, pulled up the handbrake, and opened the automatic door.

Maxim, who was immersed in his thoughts, didn’t think much, and got out of the car. Then Cliff, who was sitting on Maxim’s right, also recovered. He was about to stand up, and there was a burst of light in the parking lane. The screaming roar exploded like thunder on the ground, and Cliff, who was slightly dull because of fatigue and thoughts, trembled, his knees weakened, and he fell back into his seat again, with question marks all over his head.

In fact, Maxim was also taken aback, because he was completely unprepared.

However, in the recent period of time, it has been tested by many strong winds and waves. Just this morning, I was still experiencing a wave of crowds at the "Jimmy Feather Show". Maxim has gradually adapted to it. At this time, he was facing such a level of "thunder." , He was only slightly surprised, and quickly recovered his composure, did not lose his mind, and quickly entered the hotel.

"What is going on again?"

There was a question mark in Maxim's mind, but he didn't show it at all. He even waved his hand in the direction of the source of the sound in a leisurely manner-at this time, he could already feel the superstar demeanor.

After a little slower, the other people in the carriage also realized what was going on. Although it was still a little surprised, they didn't expect that the fans would be waiting at the door of the hotel. The treatment seemed to be better than the crowds at the entrance of the studio; No one made a fuss.

But I don't know if it was because of habituality and there was no accident, or because of exhaustion to the point that there was no accident.

Cliff, Ollie, Ronan and others also filed out of the carriage. Jack and Alice broke up, followed behind, and a group of people entered the hotel one after another.



The heart-piercing sound is not noisy—because the number of people is still too small after but it is also very clear because of this, and the content of the words can be heard clearly, and the sharp roar is stirring in the parking space. Surging, people truly feel the energy from the depths of the soul.

Ronan, who was walking at the end, slowed down a bit, looked at the source of the sound, smiled, gestured with his jaw, and then moved on.

Ronan is really tired. Not only has his physical strength bottomed out, but his energy has reached its limit. If he doesn't rest, he doesn't know what will happen. Therefore, Ronan did not stay too much at this time, and his feet hurried forward. Row.

"Ronan! Ah!"

The harsh shouts exploded behind him, and Ronan abruptly stopped in his footsteps. He couldn't help but stand still, turned and looked out through the glass wall of the hotel lobby, and then he was blocked by the tall and strong staff. The fans outside, crying to Ronan in tears.

Even through the glass, I can clearly feel the sincerity flowing from the eyes and expressions.

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