King of Stage

Chapter 505: 1 hug

"Ronan! Ah!"

The heart-piercing shout penetrated the sky, and a powerful force burst out from the depths of the soul, trying to break through the shackles of the staff, and moths rushed forward like flames.

However, the surging power hit a wall head-on, and the tall and strong staff stood still and blocked all possible advances; moreover, a counterattack was being launched, and the two staff members grabbed the young girl as if The bulldozer generally pushed the girl out.

The girl, who looked like a college student, was slightly thin and weak. She was unable to fight back under the interception of the two staff members. She staggered back and forth again and again, seeing that she was about to lose her balance and fall, but she didn't seem to notice her at all. Embarrassed, still crying persistently.


It's like grabbing the only life-saving straw.

Between the lightning and flint, Ronan retreated after a pause, Jack and Alice both stopped Ronan-for his safety.

Alice immediately understood Ronan’s thoughts, but she didn’t think it was a good idea, "Ronan, you can’t take care of every fan’s condition." What’s more, Ronan’s current state is really bad, he She needs a rest, but Alice is not hard-hearted, she also realizes that the situation must be dealt with, "Leave it to me here, okay? I'll pass now."

"Alice." Ronan shook his head.

Of course Ronan knew that he was not the savior. He couldn't even solve all the king's problems in one day. How could he solve everyone's problems? He also didn't want to play the role of the savior-because the savior was so tired that he didn't even have time to take care of himself.

However, it happened right in front of his own eyes, and an impulse emerged from deep in his heart, he made a decision intuitively, and he should come forward to lend a helping hand. Ronan is really too tired now, there is no time to think and no way to be rational, only relying on instinct to complete the choice.

Vaguely, Ronan felt he needed to do this.

So he did.

Faced with Alice's concern, Ronan didn't explain anything, but just expressed his attitude with his eyes, and then broke through the blockade between Alice and Jack and walked over in strides.

Alice couldn't hold Ronan at all, and Jack was easily broken through, which made Alice very depressed, "Jack!"

Jack was also very embarrassed.

However, facing Ronan, Jack was always bound, not daring to be presumptuous in front of him. It was as if Ronan's eyes could suppress everything, and he could not even form an effective block, so he watched Ronan helplessly. go away.

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At this moment, Jack had no choice but to follow him quickly, standing beside Ronan like a bodyguard.


Ronan could hear his voice echoing in his ears, as if soaking in a hot spring. The whole person was floating in a ball of cotton wool, his stomach was still burning, his brain was still roaring, and it seemed that he could no longer feel his toes. Just follow the guidance of intuition and move forward in great strides.


"You shouldn't be so rude."

"She didn't do anything, you just need to stop it, there is no need to use violence."

But after finishing talking, Ronan regretted it a little bit, because the staff were only doing their own work. In the face of crazy fans who lost their minds, the staff were actually helpless, and they were always passive.

"Sorry, I am a little confused now. Thank you for your work, I mean, we have a better way to deal with it."

Ronan said to the two black tower staff, but after finishing speaking, he was still dissatisfied with his tone, because his brain could not turn at all, but he was powerless, so he could only get angry at himself.


Ronan looked at the two staff again and said something, and then quickly walked towards the fan——

After staggering again and again, she had fallen on the road, so that the car behind her braked suddenly and did not dare to approach easily for fear of an accident.

A lot of things happened all of a sudden. Ronan didn’t have time to communicate carefully, and he didn’t even have time to think. He just gestured with his jaw politely, and then he hugged the girl as a princess. Hold it on the shoulder of the road, put it down gently, and make the parking lane clear again.

The car behind me slowly stepped forward, rolled down the window and asked, "Is she okay? Does she need to go to the hospital?"

The concerned voice was slightly nervous.

Ronan raised his head and made an "OK" gesture to the driver, responded with a smile, then looked down at the girl in his arms and asked again, "Are you okay?"

On the contrary, the girl was pinched by her throat, her eyes widened, she was speechless, and she shook her head twice, saying that she was okay.

However, her eyes were still staring at Ronan intently, motionless, as if she couldn't believe that Ronan actually appeared in front of her, and fell into a state of crash in an instant, and even the tension and fear disappeared.

There is still chaos around.

But Alice and Jack have followed up to help deal with the situation on the scene. The two staff members are also lingering. If they are injured or even worse due to their own faults, that is the most terrible. Now they are both. Step forward to confirm the situation of the fans.

"are you fine?"

Ronan asked again, but still didn't get a reply. From the side of his eyes, he could see other fans around him were also eagerly surrounding him. This made Ronan moved and angry, and it was difficult to accurately express mixed emotions.

"It's dangerous, understand? Sophie, it's dangerous."

Although it is a happy thing to be surrounded by fans' cheers and shouts, if the fans lose their minds and cause the scene to lose control, they may go to the other extreme.

"I am very grateful for your support, but I hope you cherish your safety even more than me."

Ronan's tired voice was slightly low and hoarse, and it sounded like a cello in his ears, but at this time, Sophie Vielar did not hear clearly, and all his mind only caught the only word.


Ronan calls herself for So, does Ronan remember herself?

"Ronan? Do you... remember me?"

Sophie made a voice in disbelief, and then she saw Ronan stunned for a while, and then gently gnawed, "Washington, the back door of the concert, right? Of course I remember."


Sophie's emotions fell apart in an instant, she covered her mouth in disbelief, and then the tears collapsed. The whole person hugged Ronan tightly and wept loudly.

Not only moved, but also more emotions, as if I have suffered countless grievances, just crying unscrupulously like this, not caring about my own image at all.

Ronan couldn't help but feel sad.

Feeling Sophie’s strong hug, Ronan suddenly understood his intuitive impulse, as if Sophie needed a hug, in fact, he also needed a hug, at the end of this long marathon.

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