King of Stage

Chapter 512: The night is thick

Looking at Alice, who was eager to test her hands, the arc of Ronan's mouth gradually recovered, and then the smile fell to the bottom of his eyes and flickered slightly.

Ronan still likes Alice like this, and every cell in his body can feel enthusiasm, full of energy.

Alice thought about the matters needing attention in the preparatory work, and it took a while to realize that she seemed a bit too excited, as if she couldn’t wait to leave Ronan, complaining about how boring the agent’s work was. Depressed, is this inappropriate?

"Ronan..." Alice turned her head and looked at Ronan, with a little embarrassment in her expression.

Ronan didn't know, so he looked back.

Alice squeezed and explained quickly, "Ronan, I'm not complaining about the job of the agent, I just want to make a movie..."

Ronan suddenly realized it, and a smile burst into his eyes, "Eri, it’s okay, you don’t have to worry about my thoughts. Even if you really don’t like the work of an agent, that’s allowed. At first, you were caught by an unexpected situation. It was never what you wanted to be forced to become a broker. I should say sorry, it was me."

Alice looked at Ronan who was tired before her. After sleeping for fifteen hours, Ronan’s fatigue has actually been recovered to a great extent. Now it is more of a kind of laziness and sleepiness, without waking up; but Alice can still feel the kind of tiredness in Ronan. , Comes from fatigue in the depths of the soul.

Although it is difficult for Alice to guess the specific reason, she thinks it should be related to Trastan and Sophie.

"You don't need to say sorry, but I still want to say thank you." Alice adjusted her mind and said seriously. Seeing Ronan still wanting to make a joke, Alice said first, "I'm serious. Ronan , I just lack the enthusiasm for this job, but I don’t like it."

"This fact, for me, I have learned a lot, how to deal with different people, how to deal with different difficulties at the same time, these things are also what I must face as a director in the future; moreover, this industry is right Female directors always have prejudices, and I am prepared."

"To some extent, I was lucky. I left the ivory tower on campus and adapted to the environment of the entertainment industry ahead of time. And under your protection, even if something went wrong, you would stand behind me, just like an internship. The same period. But how many interns can follow the boss to experience the glory of creating history?"

"So, Ronan, I should say thank you."

Ronan was stunned by Alice's words, and there was a light of suspicion in his eyes, always feeling that Alice was comforting herself.

But the smile on the corner of Alice's mouth bloomed, "Ronan, I don't want to repeat it a second time to make you proud, so you'd better believe it now."

The blunt words carried a coquettish look that only appeared in front of Max and Ronan, which made the corners of Ronan's mouth rise again.

"Yeah, I see." Ronan gently chinked his head to express understanding.

Alice hesitated a little, but she turned sideways and hugged Ronan.

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Ronan felt baffled, so why did he hug him suddenly? The rhythm doesn't seem right.

"You are right about Trastan, you don't need to be guilty or sad." Alice whispered quietly in Ronan's ear.

Ronan laughed blankly and was about to explain. Alice had guessed wrong, but this time Alice did not give Ronan a chance and went on.

"I'm on your side, right or wrong. So, you are not alone, and you don't need to bear it all by yourself. You can always call me."

A short sentence hit Ronan's nose, slightly sour.

The hug didn't last long, and then Alice opened the distance again, blinking at Ronan with bright eyes, "It's a gift in return."

Ronan laughed blankly. "The check for 200,000 US dollars is exchanged for such a return? Am I at a loss?"

Alice didn't mind, "Hey! Others want to change it but can't change it, you need to cherish it!"

"Yes, yes, Lord Alice Cooper!" Ronan nodded graciously.

Alice raised her chin proudly, showing a satisfied expression. She seemed very satisfied with Ronan's reaction, but she didn't say anything any more, just patted Ronan on the shoulder heavily, "Your food should be right away. It’s about to be delivered, and I still have work to complete."

"Although I very much hope to start filming now, there will be a beginning and an end, and I will continue to stick to it until your new agent arrives. Moreover, the four of you are troublesome guys, and there is a lot of work that needs to be handed over. I need to get Jack and Little Tony to adapt to the rhythm as soon as possible."

Even if Alice is carrying the burden now, she can't just leave.

Ronan nodded to express understanding.

Alice stood up, but the steps she was about to leave came to a halt again, "With the band members, I'd better find a chance and let me speak."

If the band members knew that Ronan had persuaded Alice to resign, although there would be no problem from a theoretical level, the emotional level of feelings would be unpredictable. Considering that the band still needs to continue working together, Alice thinks it might be more appropriate for her to offer her resignation.

She can say that the most difficult and hardest time for the band has passed, and her temporary guest appearance is also over. After all, her job is not an agent, and now the band also has the right to choose an agent. Things will be simpler now. It's the best time for her to leave.

I believe no one will object, even if I feel uncomfortable, I can only swallow it, so as not to affect the relationship with Ronan.

Ronan wanted to say something, but Alice showed a big you know what is the most precious experience I have learned in the past six months? "

Ronan didn't know.

"The agent is a scapegoat, so negative accusations are pushed to the agent to ensure that the artist’s image and reputation will not be damaged, and that the artist’s work will go smoothly. This is a very important job for the agent, so you need to Let me complete the last duty of a broker. After all, this should be the last job I have officially retired from the brokerage class."

Alice said with a smile, Ronan couldn't help but chuckled, after all, he didn't continue arguing, but just nodded slightly to show his understanding.

Alice blinked at Ronan, did not say anything, and continued to move forward-she still had mail to deal with.

Watching Alice's fading back, Ronan didn't stand up immediately, still sitting cross-legged in the corridor, sleepiness still lingering, so he slowly closed his eyes, not because of fatigue or relaxation. , Is simply not waking up, the brain's rotation is slightly slowed down and then it enters the dormant state again.

However, the hungry state is always anxious, unable to sleep at ease.

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