King of Stage

Chapter 513: Moonlight is like water

Leaning against the wall, closing his eyes and resting for a while, dazedly, he entered a half-dream and half-awake state, too tired but still unable to fall asleep completely. The world also escaped into nothingness. It seemed that it was only ten seconds and fifteen seconds. Ying Sheng had already pushed the trolley to deliver the room service.

"Mr. Cooper?"

Ronan was awakened by the hesitant voice of the suite housekeeper.

"Do I need to prepare a blanket for you?"

Obviously, the first priority of a personal butler is not to ask "why" but to think about "how".

Ronan couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth. He didn't open his eyes, but he felt a little funny because of the butler's "intimateness", "No, let me eat something first." He rubbed his hungry stomach and felt a little painful. Still refused Zhou Gong's call.

Returning to the hotel room, sitting in the living room, the private butler opened half of the curtains, the bright moonlight shone down, revealing half of the deep blue sky, the faint light of stars dotted the night, quiet but noisy-obviously Wan Lai In the lonely early morning, it seems to be able to see the noise of the stars being partying, and people can't help but imagine the lively scene of the stars singing and dancing.

Before the meal, Ronan hesitated a little, whether he could digest the steak in the early morning, and was it too greasy? Can you swallow it?

Facts have proved that not only can I swallow, but I also eat very happily. There is a strange sense of adventure and excitement. It is like sneaking out barefoot in the middle of the night when I was a child, even if I just ran in the living room or corridor at home, it was obviously cold. Shaking, the goose bumps have covered his back, but he still can't control his excitement and excitement.

The only regret is that the sense of taste is much dull, unable to taste the delicate taste of the food, but just roughly feel the buttery aroma mixed with sea salt into the meat, dancing on the tip of the tongue, but it is a pity that he "looks" Dim" can't see the dance clearly.

As a result, it has evolved into a pure "filling" stomach, and dining has become a kind of survival instinct/ability-"People are iron rice or steel, so you are hungry if you don't eat a meal", when such thoughts come to mind , Ronan suddenly felt like a contestant, filling himself like fodder.

Such a sense of absurdity made the smile climb to the corner of his mouth again, and laughed happily.

The feeling of satiety brought by the food made the stomach warm again, and the curled and burning internal organs gradually calmed and unfolded, and found peace again.

In fact, the sleepiness has not disappeared, but the strange thing is that the brain gradually wakes up, as if the sleeping bodily functions are working again. I don’t want to stop for the time being, but I don’t want to stand up, just curled up on the sofa, stunned. Staring at the blue outside the window.

The focus of his sight did not condense, but stared at the slowly warming blue in a dream.

In the short gap between the end of night and the dawn of dawn, the world condenses into a pure and mellow blue, exuding a hazy gleam, mysterious and deep, bursting out with a thrilling force, calming the thoughts and following that Wipe Huihong and exhale and inhale together.

The cold and pure blue color makes people feel warm. I can't help but want to be immersed in it, dissolve and disintegrate, and then merge with the whole world.

The universe is so big and we are so small. The human beings standing in front of the long river of time are just a drop in the ocean, like dust, but we can’t see it, we can’t see the end of time or the boundary of space, we can only see My own life is trapped in my own emotions.

But... Although the truth is so, how many people can really see through it?

But... Although the wounds that know that everything will pass will heal, just like fresh milk has a shelf life, even canned pineapple has a shelf life, everything is like this, the emotion will disappear, the wound will stutter, the memory will fade, time will pass, but every time you face How many people can truly detach themselves when they are emotionally frustrated?

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that human beings have become so real.

"We are strangers..."

Looking at the deep and charming blue, he couldn't help but recall this sentence again in his mind. It was hidden in the depths of heart-piercing sorrow, and there was still a dazed melancholy and sigh, Ronan put his head on his forearm. , Lying on the back of the sofa, and then the melody hummed softly from between his lips and teeth.


At the beginning, it was just a fragmented, disorganized small tune. The melody unconsciously followed the thoughts to slowly rise and fall, like a sleeping whale, the sea gently flows along the smooth skin, and the huge body lurks in the calm sea, as if exhausted. After that, prepare to bask in the moonlight.

Life is full of countless unknowns. Although the separation of life and death is always sad, but even more sad is that many times, we simply do not realize that it is a separation, a quarrel, a goodbye, a turn, a hug, maybe just Become the last meeting in life.

It's like a childhood friend, who grows up and drifts away. The parting happened quietly when I didn't realize it at all. After waiting for many years, I suddenly looked back, only to find that the people I used to be familiar with had already become unfamiliar. People, but forget how parting happened.

Not to mention those who are born, old, sick and die, not to mention those who are flying in disaster.

Perhaps, the parting after the real announcement was heart-piercing and heart-wrenching, but should be cherished even more, because at least I already know that everything is over here.

However, after the "goodbye" farewell, can it really end when it is over? Emotions are inextricably linked, can you really break the code if you break it?

Emotions are human strengths and weaknesses. Most people cannot really complete the credits of this course in their entire lives.

Then Ronan thought of Sophie, thought of Trastan; thought of Alice, thought of the nowhere to be missed at the Grammy Awards, thought of the loneliness and loneliness of the previous life... Thoughts surged, The faint, shallow sadness does not sting, on the contrary, it makes people feel very comfortable, just wanting to follow the gurgling stream all the way, wandering in it, letting the sad emotions flow out.

Like a I love you as before, but we are already Strangers. Note 1)

Humming and humming, the tune gradually condenses, and an understatement contains too many emotions, like dew condensed on the sharp green buds, full of moonlight and lowering the branches. , Crystal clear but icy cold.

Parting is not because of a rupture. Sometimes, it is because you are still in love.

Everyone is trying to find the right answer in the long life, but the problem is that it is the first time for everyone in this world, everyone is making mistakes, everyone will be lost, everyone needs more time , Maybe life never has a correct answer.

Note 1: Strangers (Sidecreek)

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