King of Stage

Chapter 514: have a bee in one's bonnet

An icy blue moonlight fell in the palm of the palm, and the fingertips were gently swinging up and down, and you could see the light and shadow flowing, revealing a touch of loneliness in the coldness, and the focus of the line of sight was gradually blurred in the flowing light.

"I miss my friend, I miss her smile, but we are already strangers, we are already strangers." (Note 1)

The closest lover is also the closest confidant.

From a friend to a lover, even a lover is still the friend who understands each other best, but when the love disappears, the friendship is also forced to break. When losing the lover, I also lose my only confidant. Looking back suddenly, each other is already a stranger. , Everything can never go back.

Gathering, scattering and reunion, this is an eternal topic in life, however, until the end of life, it is impossible to graduate from this] Pay attention to the public.. number [Book Friends Base Camp], read books every day /Point coins!


The melody, surging gently in the throat, melodious and light, seems to be able to see the graceful figure of the golden notes dancing in the gurgling moonlight; quiet and moving, the gentle chords can not feel too much power but can be touched To the flexibility of the inner core, a powerful energy burst out.

"I miss my friend, I miss her smile, but we are already strangers, we are already strangers."

A light "stranger", but with the destructive power of destruction, destroys everything unreasonably, and cuts everything possible cleanly.

"... Ronan."

A dim call came from behind, interrupting Ronan's humming, turning his head abruptly, and then seeing Ollie standing at the door of the room with a sad face.

Ronan was stunned. He didn't realize that the melody he sang was so sad, and the turbulent undercurrent under the calm surface was so hurtful, but the inspiration came. The sorrow that loomed in between, and the drooping shoulders revealed a sense of frustration, which made Ronan unclear.

"Oh, awake? What? What, have you had a nightmare?"

Ollie wanted to speak and stopped, but because of the chaotic thoughts in his mind, he didn't know how to express it. Finally, he dragged his pillow and walked forward. The soles of his feet seemed to stick to the ground, and he dragged forward. When he got to the sofa, he rushed forward with weightlessness and threw the whole person in.


A piece of dust fluttered.

Ronan looked at Ollie inexplicably, and the only explanation was a nightmare, "It's just a dream, there is no need to think too much, and you will be fine when you wake up."

But Ollie remained silent and remained silent.

Just when Ronan thought Ollie had fallen asleep again, Ollie's voice came from the sofa dullly, "What if she is just for my star aura? What if she just disappears for fun? "


"What if she just uses me to approach Maxim?"


Ronan couldn't keep up with the rhythm a bit, confused, and didn't know what happened, "Oli..." But if you ask Oli what is going on at this time, it seems to ruin the atmosphere.

Fortunately, the next second, Ollie sat up, "It's Stephanie. She has disappeared and has been out of contact for three days."


Which Stephanie?

Ronan suddenly felt that his brain was a little awkward, squinted for a while, and finally awakened his memory, "Ah, that Stephanie!"

At the Grammy midnight party, Ollie happily took the guest back to the hotel. The guest was called "Stephanie." Ronan still doesn't know her surname, I am afraid Ollie does not. They met at a party and talked very happily, and then Stephanie followed Ollie back to the hotel as a "guest".

In the next few days, the band’s schedule was full and there was no time to go to bed. Of course, Oli could not meet Stephanie, but it is estimated that the two people still have contact.

It now appears that Stephanie should have lost contact.

"I thought it was a one-night event." Ronan said his guess, so he didn't notice the situation that the girl never appeared again, because it was taken for granted-of course, also because he didn't have the energy to pay attention to those trivial matters. .

"No! She is not such a girl!" Olly emphasized sternly, Ronan quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, indicating that he was not malicious.

Although Ronan wanted to ask Ollie about the relationship between Stephanie’s loss and Maxim, but he felt that this might not be the best time, "So, did you have a nightmare?"

Ollie slumped his head, his reaction speed seemed too slow, and he paused for two shots before nodding in affirmation; "I dreamed that she said she was with Maxim. She just wanted to use me as a springboard to get close to Maxim. "


The imagination is a bit rich.

And this is a dream.

"...Do you think Maxim will accept Stephanie?" Ronan suffocated for a long time and just suffocated this sentence-he can't be blamed. He is a rookie with no experience and no reference value for emotional matters. Therefore, he only has this idea in his mind now.

Ollie's eyebrows and the corners of his mouth drooped, "How do I know that I am not Maxim."

Ronan immediately realized that he had said something wrong, so he quickly changed his words and said, "Oli, you should be more confident in yourself. Not everyone likes Maxim, Jennifer..."


"Oh, Stephanie collided with you sparks, so she likes you." Ronan tried to bring some comfort to Ollie.

Ollie couldn't listen at all. "Be confident? It's very easy to say, Mr. Ronan Cooper, who always lacks confidence."

Ronan raised his eyebrows lightly, revealing an enthusiastic expression: Ollie, who is always well-behaved, has actually learned the skill of cynicism.

Ronan found it more interesting than angry. He looked at Ollie like a brand new stranger.

Ollie also realized that his tone was not very good-and it was just a dream, nothing counted, "Sorry, I think I should be insane now. I don't know what I'm thinking, but I can't control."

Ten days of busy work is a challenge for everyone in the King’s Band. Everyone is facing their own Ollie rubbed his hair like a chicken coop , Raised his head and looked at Ronan, "So, is this the end? Will I never see her again?"

A farewell may become a farewell, and no one can predict the future through the years and the vicissitudes of life. In just ten days, too many things have happened. Ten years have passed in a trance. After the world has turned upside down, their lives are no longer the same.

The thoughts became chaotic, even if they knew that it shouldn't be the case, they still couldn't control it; even if it had never been like this before, it can't be suppressed now.

Ollie looked at Ronan, his dim eyes still not awake revealed a trace of dazedness, mixed with sadness, seemed to have lost the direction of focus, and then all his emotions settled down, dragging his shoulders down, muttering to himself in a low voice. "So, are we really strangers?"


That's it.

Note 1: Strangers (Sidecreek)

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