King of Stage

Chapter 536: Looking at the stars

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Everyone is changing, and Oli is no exception.

Especially the turbulent and noisy Grammys after they became famous overnight, strongly impacted their lives, and the weirdness of Vanity Fair changed everyone in the band.

It's not just "Stephanie", to be precise, they met many "Stephanie".

After the tour restarted, the number of suitors around the band members began to increase, overwhelmed and dazzled, and many self-recommended pillow seats.

Ronan was very impressed in Denver.

When the show ended, bid farewell to the fans, returned to the hotel, and returned to the room with exhaustion, Ronan and Ollie were discussing what to eat for supper, but when they opened the door of the room, they found a woman lying on the bed. All the clothes were covered. It has been thrown on the ground, covered with a white quilt, with a graceful figure undulating underneath the sheet, and a head of golden curls scattered on the pillow, like a beautiful oil painting.

Ronan and Ollie were taken aback.

But the woman supported her head and welcomed her with a smile on her face, "Ronan, I didn't expect you to be so naughty, but if you add Ollie, I don't mind."

With such bold and direct words, Ronan couldn't help but stammers. Perceiving Ollie's surprised eyes, Ronan had to wave his hands again and again to express his innocence.

Ronan really didn't know what was going on.

Later, after dialogue and communication, I realized that the woman was actually an avid fan, bought the cleaner, successfully obtained the master key, and then sneaked into Ronan and Ollie’s room, prepared in advance, and personally did the door-to-door "service." , Looking forward to a night full of excitement/love.

That was the first time a band member encountered such a situation.

Although after the Grammys were over, there were more and more "fans" following the band, so that Ronan knew the word "groupie" for the first time—to put it simply, he liked the word "groupie". The artist is a fanatical group of fans whose goal is to sleep together.

But it was the first time to break into a band member's room.

Ronan and Ollie don’t like this feeling—

Compared with the lively scene, their immediate reaction is that their private space is broken into, just like a robber breaking in, and then their private space is destroyed, the boundary between personal life and the stage world It is also broken, and there is a sense of crisis of chaos.

In the end, the woman was politely "invited" out of the room, and later, it became a topic of ridicule and jokes between Maxim and Cliff.

However, this is not the only time.

Standing under the spotlight, wrapped in the light of Vanity Fair, change is everywhere, and the storm of entertainment to death and the supremacy of interests swept across.

Everyone must face such a test, readjust, re-adapt, and find their own rhythm in a new life.

What is sincere? Where is the bottom line of interest exchange? Who is trustworthy? Who is approaching with unruly purposes? Does the boundary between public life and private space still exist? How much is the seemingly boisterous popularity real and how much is it a bubble? How should it be identified?

Question marks, one after another.

This is obviously not easy. Some people, such as "Home Alone" Macaulay Culkin, have not been able to find the answer in his entire life, or there is no correct answer at all; some people, such as Leonardo DiCaprio After becoming famous with the "Titanic", he completely closed his atrium, and remained unmarried until the end of the known time, because he could not see his true heart and lost the ability to believe.

Including Ronan, they all need more time to adapt gradually—or they will never be able to adapt. This bizarre world is really confusing.

It is precisely because of this that Oli’s expectations for Ophelia are mixed with more emotions, even he can’t tell. The balance, which has been unable to maintain a balanced state from the beginning, is further tilted, and the development of things is lost. With the possibility of prediction, everything fell into chaos.

The emotion of worrying about gains and losses caused Oli to fall into an indescribable sadness. Very often, the scene of happiness is so beautiful that it makes people fall into doubt, and then they begin to grieve, which is probably the case.

"...I got stuck too deep, maybe she was just moved, or maybe I was just touching myself."

Ollie, dare not to be sure, nor can he be sure.

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Ronan opened his mouth, but the words rushed to his mouth, and after all he swallowed—

Reason, it’s not difficult. As a bystander, Ronan can now tell a lot of great truths, "How to know the result without trying", "Enjoying the moment is the most important thing", "Even if the result is not satisfactory but at least once had it It’s the most important thing," but truth is not life after all.

It's like a tug of war between emotion and reason, which is destined to be a fruitless victory or defeat.

So Ronan gave up the whispering words and said with a smile, "Listen to your heart, Ollie, when there is no answer to the question, calm down, listen to your heart, and follow along. That's the only thing. answer."

"But, what if I can't hear it at all?" Ollie's mouth rose lightly, revealing a bit of bitterness.

"No. In fact, we always have the answer in our hearts, but we chose to ignore it." Ronan patted Ollie on the shoulder gently, "If I didn't open the Facebook message, would you be able to endure curiosity? ?"

When Ollie wanted Ronan to open the message for him, the action itself gave the answer. He still wanted to hear a reply after all, but only because he was worried about being rejected did he find Ronan.

Ollie was stunned for a while, and then he came to understand and chuckled lightly.

"Oli, don't live up to the time." Ronan said with a smile, born like summer flowers, don't leave regrets, then lower your voice a little bit, and repeat it again, "Don't live up to it. Time."

Looking up at the starry sky, it is dazzling. The magnificence and misty of the vast universe hides infinite mystery, while human life is so short and so small. But a drop in the ocean, instead of wasting time on those unknowns, it is better to hold time firmly. Bloom freely.

In the vast sea of ​​people, two people can meet, and break the "three hundred look back" rule of acquaintance, this is already a great fate; separation, reunion, and acquaintance, I am afraid that only one in ten thousand chance can happen, Even after the Coachella Music Festival, I have been strangers, but at least now I have three days.

Don't let the time go.

Involuntarily, Oli remembered Ophelia’s smiling face again in his mind, and his mood rose again. He hit Ronan’s shoulder with his shoulder, and laughed happily. He did not continue to mourn the spring and fall, and stood up directly. , Greeted Maxim, "Come and dance together."

How could Maxime refuse such an invitation?

The bonfire became lively again, and everyone sang and danced in a hustle and bustle, cheering and laughing endlessly.

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