King of Stage

Chapter 537: Inspiration buds

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"Why don't I know that you still know how to observe stars?"

There was a joking ridicule in his ears. You don’t need to turn your head to recognize it. It’s not Justin or who, Ronan’s smile on the corner of his mouth rises, still tilting his head, quietly admiring the shining stars in front of him, feeling The vastness of nature and the depth of the universe.

But in terms of words, Ronan's counterattack came at his fingertips.

"Treasure man, there is no way. About me, there are still many secrets worth digging. How about, do you need me to fortune your fate?"

Confident words with a little ridicule, just like a mysterious gypsy, made Justin chuckled, but how could Justin easily admit defeat?

Justin was about to fight back again, but didn't want to see Bruno rushing all the way with his hands flexing his hands. He had a violently wagging tail. As a result, he didn't hold back and clapped his hands and laughed.

Bruno looked at Justin in confusion, as if he didn't understand Justin's behavior, turned his head to Ronanto and asked his gaze, and then he could see a smile in Ronan's eyes, who finally looked down, Bruno reacted violently. , "Justin, are you laughing at me?"

"No, no, no..." Justin waved his hand repeatedly to deny, but his words and deeds were different. The hand movements were swaying from side to side, and the smile in his eyes overflowed. Then, looking at the helpless Bruno, Justin did not hold back after all. Laugh out loud.

In fact, the scene may not be really that funny, but it's just like that when friends get along. After you relax, small things can also be earth-shattering.

Bruno is not unreasonable to play a joke, turning his head to look at Ronan, and said sadly, "So, you don't understand astrology, do you?"

"If you want me to see it for you, I can try it." Ronan said solemnly, "For example, I just had a sense of the starry night watching. Next year you should be able to win a phonograph trophy, and you will also welcome it. Two major turning points in my career have brought my career to the next level."

Bruno leaned back slightly, a look of suspicion in his eyes.

Ronan was full of seriousness, "I mean it. Bruno, you shouldn't believe my profession."

Ronan is serious indeed.

Next year, Bruno Mars won the Grammy's best pop album with his album "Mars Jukebox"; then, he will be on the stage of the Super Bowl halftime performance, ushering in the grandest and most grand performance opportunity of his career.

And, in the second half of the year, in collaboration with British producer Mark-Ronson (Mark-Ronson), he collaborated with the legendary song, "Uptown-Funk", which swept across the army and rewritten countless pop music history.

Undoubtedly, 2014 was a key turning point in Bruno's career, truly reaching the top ranks.

"Honestly, Ronan, I believe you, I really want to believe you, but..." Bruno dragged the ending, "You really look like a liar now."

"Hey! Bruno! You can dislike me, but you can't insult my professionalism." Ronan protested righteously.

Justin laughed again, "professional...hahahaha...professional..." Staggeringly, Justin almost turned over from the low stool. After losing the center of gravity, he continued to wave his arms as if stepping on roller skates. Like a big spider, his funny ability is comparable to that of a professional clown.

In the end, Justin was unable to control it after all, relying on his hands to support the sandy ground, which avoided the embarrassment of falling all fours to the sky, but coughing because of the brilliant smile, waiting to sit up straight again, because A little embarrassed by his gaffe.

Rubbing his cheeks and abdominal muscles, Justin raised his hand and gestured to Ronan and Bruno, apologizing, "You are all funny guys."

As I saw Bruno was about to speak, Justin quickly took the lead, "I mean, you are all talented and very interesting. Just now, watching Ronan's live performance, I had an idea in my mind, maybe , We can collaborate on a piece of work."


Bruno tilted his head slightly, "Why did you peek at my script? Even if you cooperate, there should be a first-come-first-served one. I have already made an appointment in advance."

I couldn't wait to raise my right hand high and rushed straight towards the sky, like a good student preparing to answer the teacher's question in a primary school class.

Justin laughed happily, "Cooperation is not just a chance. I mean, we can try different forms of cooperation. I just think Ronan can always capture the delicate and subtle emotions, even if it's just The simplest chords can also capture the rhythm."

Justin was serious. Although his face was full of smiles at this time, the content of the words couldn't be more serious.

Previously, during the "Jimmy Feather Show", Justin felt Ronan's eloquent charm at close range; today, Justin further felt Ronan's love for music, enough to make his heart tremble slightly mad and focused.

Justin, Bruno and Ronan are all creators. They all have their own ideals and concepts for music creation. Perhaps their styles are different, but their souls that love music are the same. If you gather and cooperate, you might be able to burst out brilliant sparks.

Justin likes Ronan's emotions hidden in the melody, as if he can really touch another soul and then awaken his emotions.

"I admit that when I was listening to the song just now, I thought of Jessica. Even now, one of her eyes can make me lie flat in the coffin." Justin said very seriously, but the tone and eyes seemed... It's a bit subtle.

The smile in Ronan's eyes was surging, "You mean, is this a metaphor, or a realistic reflection?"

"Realism, absolute realism." Justin was very sure, Ronan and Bruno both laughed at the puns—is this talking about marriage as the tomb of love?

Ronan nodded repeatedly, "I think this is an interesting idea. Although our music styles are different, but such differences can bring more color to the music, I have some expectations."

Work with Justin and Bruno to complete music creation?

This is simply a dream come true!

Ronan must do his best to control his urge to scream and keep telling himself: calm down, calm down! This is your life now, and there are many more opportunities like this in the future, there is no need to make a fuss.

However, this is not an easy task.

"Ah!" Ronan did not hold back after all, clenching his fists and cheering.

The action without warning stunned Justin and Bruno.

Ronan’s cheeks were a little hot, and he coughed slightly to hide his embarrassment, "To me, you are all superstars, so please ignore my gaffe, okay? Otherwise, I will die now. Up."

With such straightforward and candid words, without concealing their true thoughts at all, Justin and Bruno exchanged glances, and both laughed.

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