King of Stage

Chapter 538: First day grand occasion

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The interference noise of radio wave audio is always lingering. Duncan-Turner couldn’t help but want to adjust the antenna, trying to find the best posture for receiving the signal, but after reaching out his hand, he realized that the computer was placed in front of him. It's not a radio, but I still fiddled with the computer screen with both hands.

He sighed slightly. He shouldn’t be so demanding. It’s already unimaginable to be super lucky to be able to search for live radio broadcasts through the official website. He can still be in the Indio Desert scene in New Orleans and feel the heat waves and Noisy, he really shouldn't ask for more.

In 2013, the rapid development of science and technology, the complete maturity of social networking platforms, the importance of the Internet is also rising, even in a prosperous age such as a music festival, you can listen to the live broadcast through the official website radio channel, allowing people from all corners of the world to pass The network is integrated.

Of course, there is only sound and no picture, after all, it cannot be compared with the scene; what's more, in concerts and music festivals, neither audio nor video can truly simulate the grand occasion of the scene, and the experience effect will eventually differ.

However, for Duncan, who was unable to reach the scene, this was an unparalleled breakthrough-the concept of geographic boundaries has been changed, and the concept of "global village" has become clearer and clearer. He is enjoying unimaginable convenience and should not be complaining.

At this time, Duncan was huddled in the tool room of the factory, shrank into a ball, staring at the laptop in front of him. New Orleans in April has not yet felt the summer heat wave, but Duncan has been slightly permeated with sweat, pitifully. Squatting on the ground, just to synchronize the scene of the Indio Desert.

"Could it be that the network connection is unstable?"

Duncan stood up with his laptop, and then tried to find the best corner of the tool room to receive the signal, but the problem was that the tool room was only the size of a palm, and it had already reached the end after two circles. It was impossible to stretch his hands and feet at all. Duncan scratched his head, too.

Do you want to "climb" a try?

When Duncan was hesitating in his mind, his voice suddenly became clear, and then Duncan stood stiff on all fours, not daring to move at all, lest he shake it a little bit may destroy the current clarity, so Duncan is like a telephone pole, straight. The ground stood in place.

"...The next one will be the King of One Day!"

There is no introduction. On the stage of the music festival, music is the only business card. Even the Grammy's gramophone trophy is not worth mentioning.

Duncan couldn't help but burst into flames. He didn't even realize it. He held his breath and tried to catch the buzzing sound on the other side of the radio station, trying to portray the grand scene in his mind.


Boom boom boom.

The turbulent heat waves and dense crowds seem to be transmitted through radio waves, and even the dryness of the desert can make the body agitate. Being in the boundless sea of ​​people, looking at it is just a vast ocean, visual, auditory and touch. It was overwhelmed.

What a magnificent sight it was!

Sophie and Kane and the others don't need to imagine, because they are there.

Bustling. Densely packed. Rub shoulders one after another.

In front of the stage, crowds surged.

In fact, such a scene is not an exaggeration. After experiencing the turbulent waves of people in front of the main stage, one can understand the madness and crowding of the music festival. In front of the stage, 20,000 and 30,000 people can gather, and they are spreading vastly. Come; in comparison, going to the scene where nearly 10,000 people gather on stage three is nothing short of a horror.

After all, the geographical location is still too far away.

Nevertheless, at two o'clock in the afternoon when the sun was shining brightly, nearly 10,000 people still "traveled" to remote corners and made a special trip to enjoy the King’s performance in one day. This is still very rare, either because of curiosity or because of anticipation. Or because of enthusiasm, just gathered together like this.

Even if there were "only" 10,000 people, the scene was still full of people. Under the hot afternoon sun, the figure projected on the ground was not long, like a bunch of playful briquettes spinning around the heel, but colliding. Between friction and friction, the yellow sand densely covered the soles of the feet, the black shadows and the golden sand grains intertwined, forming a magnificent ink painting, slowly spreading out in the vast universe.

In front of stage three, the darkness was so heavy.

No matter what, ten thousand people live, this is already the biggest battle that the king faces outside of Grammys in one day, and it is undoubtedly another difficult challenge.

"Ah... there should be more people."

Melissa complained dissatisfiedly, raising her head and looking at the surging crowd around her, in the boundless desert, it was just a drop in the ocean.

What Melissa expects is that 50,000, 60,000 or even more audiences will swarm in front of stage three, and then completely squeeze the stage and ignite the scene. The current scale is far lower than expected. She does not Satisfy.

"They will regret it and miss the most worthwhile stage of Coachella this year."

Sophie raised her voice and slammed into Melissa's shoulder. Even now she was still confident in today's performance, which made her smile return to Melissa's face, and Sophie asked again.

"You said, what's the repertoire of the band's opening meeting today?"

As soon as the voice fell, all kinds of answers came around, "chasing the light", "my devil", "falling apart"...Everyone can't wait to express their own opinions. Scrambling to join the exchange——

The number of people is not as large as expected. The advantage is that all the fans who are familiar with or know King of One Day appearing in front of the stage for the first time, they know what they should expect, a topic can easily detonate their enthusiasm, and then they are young. People get acquainted.



The heat wave, filled in the air, seems to be able to clearly hear the gurgling sound of boiling, and a little spark can directly detonate the Then, it's on stage!

There is no grand ceremony on stage. One day, the members of the King’s Band appeared from the side stage and walked towards the center of the stage lightly. You can even see the busy figures of the staff going back and forth, and you will be able to distinguish it for a while. It is not clear whether the performance has started.

Because it was too ordinary and too calm, the audience was slightly stunned, and they would not be able to react for a while, but the cheers rang out immediately, accompanied by applause and whistles, they seemed to be ready and couldn’t wait. I want to start this carnival journey.


The restless sound of the scene came from the computer loudspeaker, and then it turned into screaming and cheering, like a rolling heat wave, and then Duncan jumped up with excitement, clenched his fists involuntarily, and the screams hit his chest fiercely, beating frantically The heart of the scene is completely synchronized with the audience at the Indio Desert scene.

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