King of Stage

Chapter 539: At ease

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Ho Ho Ho!


Oh oh oh!

The air waves formed by the sound rolled in, gathered from all directions, from small to large, becoming more and more turbulent and more lively, surrounding the stage.

Sophie stared at Ronan in the center, focusing on placing the microphone and adjusting the guitar, a simple white T-shirt with jeans, without any fancy dress, but it was added by a large string of woven bracelets on her right wrist. A touch of Gypsy's casual and free and easy, with a pair of white skateboard shoes on his feet, the youthful vitality is outlined in a few strokes, making people unable to look away.

There is no need for words, actions, or even singing. As long as he stands on the stage, Ronan will be able to shine.

This is the temperament and aura that can only be felt when you are on the spot, as if the air is slowly settling down and quiet, the eyes of the world are all focused on Ronan, and an invisible spotlight is scattered on Ronan's body, sparsely outlined. The face and body contours, every move, frown, and smile blended into the atmosphere of the scene. It seemed that he could smell the dopamine in the air, which made people thrilled.

It has fallen before it starts.

Sophie couldn't help but grabbed her own heart, missed the opportunity to appreciate the Grammys at the beginning of the year, and now finally saw the scene again at Coachella.

On this day, Sophie really waited for too long, and then she fell into a trembling of ecstasy because of the long wait for her wish to finally come true.

"Hey, good afternoon, Coachella."

Holding the microphone with both hands, Ronan yelled to the audience, his slightly lazy voice with a trace of hoarseness. It seems that even in the Indio Desert, he can feel the influence of air humidity on the voice of the throat. The hot temperature makes his body The muscles also became lazy, but they added a touch of sexiness.

In a word, just a word, Sophie trembles uncontrollably, from the calf to the fingertips, from the heart to the soul, the kind of excitement and joy that exploded and swept across the mountains with tsunami, eroding all reason in an instant. , Just lost in the heat and restlessness of the desert afternoon.

"We are kings for a day, welcome to our country, today, in the world of music, you are all your own kings!"

After speaking, the smile on the corner of his mouth rose, it seemed that he was more comfortable and relaxed than it was when he was at Grammys. The relaxed state made Ronan's handsome face shine with incomparable light, and even the sun seemed to be eclipsed. , Gently touch the heartstrings of the audience.

Today's Ronan seems to be fully prepared, with a confident and easy-going posture, and his firepower has been fully fired as soon as he debuted on the stage.


Melissa couldn't bear it, she screamed forgot, immersed in Ronan's charm, unable to extricate herself, jumping and cocking, at the same time turning to look at Sophie, shaking Sophie's body constantly, Signal with eyes:

Was it the same at Ronan's previous scene?

The answer is undoubtedly no.

Ronan in Sophie's memory has never been so calm and unrestrained. A unique charm blooms in his gestures, a little lazy, a little sexy, a little dangerous, and his bright and sunny smile seems to be stained a little by the Indio Desert. Evil atmosphere, showing a completely different appearance, can firmly grasp the audience's sight with every smile.

God, who can reject Ronan like this?

It seems that at this Coachella Music Festival, Ronan is in good shape, and the live performance is more and more worth looking forward to. The crazy joy makes his heart bloom like fireworks.

Sophie didn’t answer Melissa’s question, she just responded with screaming and cheering—this was enough, the uncontrollable trembling finally found the catharsis, the trembling of the calf and knee seemed to disappear, and the whole person jumped forgotten, all Enthusiasm was poured into the shout.


Melissa and Sophie screamed and cheered face-to-face like this, and then laid out amidst the crowds, the raging frenzy slowly climbed upwards.

The surging cheers are surging in the hunting wind. At this moment, you can feel the obvious difference between the outdoor venues-because if it is an indoor venue, the resonance of the echo effect can make the scene fall into earth-shattering shock, even if it is only two thousand. People can also feel the effect of ten thousand people.

However, the openness and vastness of the outdoor venue allowed the cheers to spread endlessly. The raging wind in all directions made the shouts seem thin and light. It was clear that there were nearly 10,000 people at the scene, but the effect of only 2,000 people could still be felt. .

It’s just that the majestic and majestic, the heart broadened along with it, and involuntarily burst out a kind of "laughing from the sea" of pride, smiling at the clouds, majestic, magnificent, and surging, as if you could just open your arms. Embrace the world.

"Jiangshan laughs, misty rain is far away, and the waves wash away the mundane things, how much do you know; the fresh breeze laughs, and provokes loneliness, and there is still a night photo of pride."

A bowl of wine, a sword, a look back and a laugh.

From indoors to outdoors, from taverns to music festivals, from cities to deserts, what changes is not only the size of the stage, not just the number of audiences, but more importantly, an atmosphere and a feeling that cannot be described or described by words. The feeling of expression can only be captured by music.

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Ronan, excited, clasped the microphone in both hands, and sang directly without accompaniment or accompaniment—

"I am on top of the world!"


"I am on top of the world!"

The vigorous and powerful singing burst out with a free and unrestrained force, which diffused to the audience through the sound. There was no special prompt or special introduction. It was released directly like a thunder on the ground, surging in the audience. The cheers burst out, firmly attracting all the attention of the audience.

One line of lyrics In just one line, Ronan made a strong announcement of his debut——

This! It's my stage! This is my kingdom! This is my world! Here, I am in charge!

The self-confidence and domineering that bloomed from the inside out covered the audience, easily grabbing the attention of the audience and showing an unparalleled sense of presence.

"I have been waiting for this moment for a while, and I will go all out to fight hard; I have been waiting for the opportunity to smile, and I have been waiting for this moment for a while.

It is still a cappella, performance without accompaniment, vividly showing the unique charm of Ronan’s singing, clear and penetrating, and I can feel the abundant emotional surging every word and word, and it hits my atrium hard like this, and I realize Before, it has fallen.

Sophie stared at Ronan who was singing in the middle of the stage. He really shines. Even if there is no modification, no accompaniment, or no lights, he only needs a voice, and he can firmly attract all the attention. Yuan The light from the depths of the soul can no longer be hidden--

That stage is his kingdom!

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