King of Stage

Chapter 557: Guardian faith

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The shouts came from all directions, and gradually, all the audience united, and everyone was unanimously looking forward to the self-introduction of the last member of the band.

Maxim and Cliff exchanged their sights, gloating in their eyes, and then clenched their fists and yelled together.


Even Maxim began to play the bass, hitting the rhythm with a deep string, creating a sense of Hollywood horror movies.

Ronan laughed blankly, turned his head and looked at Maxim and Cliff, who were yelling, and Ollie, who was laughing endlessly. There was a sly light in his eyes-just like this, do you want to embarrass him? ?

This is obviously impossible.


Ronan raised the microphone and said in a loud voice, and then the call from the audience spread out, turning into screams and cheers, like fireworks in full bloom, all the hot sights gathered towards Ronan, excited, excited, suspicious and looking forward , All kinds of emotions are contained in the eyes.

"We have another member, the little prince."



The different reactions of discussion and laughter were intertwined in the scene, and the reactions of each audience were different-the king, the king, who is obviously a king for a day, how did he degenerate into a prince? And still the little prince? So, is the band downgraded? Will the prince be ready for one day from now?

"He is always wandering, always looking, always exploring. He met a desert fox, he met the only rose in the world, and he also met a pilot. He has gone through the vicissitudes of life through the mountains and rivers, but he always embraced him. With a heart of innocence, I believe in miracles and dreams."

"Although the little prince has gone through countless adventures during the journey, he has never forgotten the rose."

The sound gradually calmed down, and his eyes focused on Ronan again——

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The sweaty face was filled with a brilliant smile, and the bright eyes were as bright as a star, so pure and so hot.

"We have gone through a very, very long journey. At the end of the long journey, we came to the stage of the Coachella Music Festival. Even if we stand on the stage with our feet, there is still no sense of reality."

"We don't know how long the name King will continue to circulate in one day. We don't know if the band's music can really impress the audience. Honestly, we don't even know what will happen tomorrow."


There is no sadness or melancholy in Ronan's voice, and what is revealed behind the words that are spoken is always the dawn of hope.

"We still have not forgotten that rose. We still remember the beginning of the journey and the goal of the journey. We sincerely hope that the little prince can always maintain that enthusiasm, believe that miracles will happen, believe that dreams will come true, and believe in the world. There are still people singing and dancing at the end."


At this point, he paused for a while, because Ronan's nose was slightly sour, and then he could notice the silence of the audience.

It was not because of silence and silence, but because of listening. A pair of eyes were projected toward the stage, condensed on Ronan's body. Those slightly raised jaws were so focused and engaged, and the temperature of the eyes revealed surging emotions. The emotion, light and turbulent, fell on the surface of the skin, so hot and hot that it penetrated into the muscles and blood vessels, so that the heart trembled uncontrollably.

The smile at the corner of his mouth bloomed recklessly and filled his eyes. Ronan's clear and bright blue eyes reflected the splendor and magnificence in front of him like the sky above his head.

"I believe I will not be alone at the end of time."

From the full moon party in New Orleans, to the Grammys in Los Angeles, to the Coachella Music Festival in the Indio Desert, the king came to this lonely land one step at a time, but they found it here. Real confidants, a group of friends who stand on the ruins of the apocalypse and want to enjoy the last splendor of life, are like fools, believing in dreams, miracles, and passion, believing that life still has countless possibilities.

Duncan, standing stupidly in the tool room, holding his laptop, fell into a magnificent sadness, but not the kind of tears bursting the bank, but a sadness mixed with joy and happiness——

He thought that he was a stranger, and his life had been fulfilled, and there was no storm in his life, but he was still trapped in it and could not breathe.

He has no terminal illness, he has no disease, he has no disability, he has neither experienced difficulties nor faced war, and he seems to have no reason to suffer; however, the day-to-day unchanged life makes him suffocated and trapped in his thoughts. , Not even the strength to fight back.

But now, he finally understands that he is not a freak. The mist surrounding this lonely land gradually dissipated, and then he found his companion.

more than one.

They just need a little breathing space; they just need to believe that there is more to look forward to in life; they just need to know that sorrow and pain are also allowed; they just need to know that they are not the only drowning person; they just need to know... their expectations Not nothingness.

"Guard this faith!"

Ronan’s voice came again from the radio. The slightly trembling voice seemed to have a hint of nasal sound, revealing a touch of fragility, but because of this little fluctuation, it gave the language more powerful and magnificent power, and it fell on Duncan’s. Above the heart, stars burst open wantonly.


Duncan yelled from the bottom of his heart that even if he had only one person curled up in the tool room, he knew that the distant Indio Desert had his own partner; even if he sneaked into the tool room during work hours to listen to anytime May be found, he doesn't care about the danger of exposing his whereabouts.

But, shouting, put his right hand on his chest, feeling the sound of the heart beating.

The sound that erupted from the depths of the soul was trembling slightly, with a little fear and a little panic, but more of it was enthusiasm and excitement, and it was shining.

Closing his eyes, Duncan appeared immersively in the Indio Desert, becoming a member of the vast crowd, feeling the surging heat wave.


The audience is boiling!

The arms raised high were once again joined together formidable, like a verdant oasis in the desert, magnificent and magnificent.

Then, Ronan also raised his arms high again, his emotions pushed to the top in an instant, and he roared loudly and loudly, "Guardian!"


The audience, burst!

All the audience clenched their fists, burst out all energy hoarsely, and roared deafeningly, "Guardian!"

Boom boom boom!

After a short break and energy accumulation, the audience completed another endurance, and they were ready to break out again and revel in the carnival. The overwhelming shouts sounded the horn of the second half, and the blood erupted and blended into passionately. In the heat wave of the audience, the scorching sun at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in the Indio Desert also became a foil, igniting this surging excitement vigorously and detonating the entire desert!

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