King of Stage

Chapter 558: Non-stop performance

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The whole audience gathered together vigorously, bursting out with surging momentum comparable to the desert heat, once again igniting the enthusiasm and madness of stage three.

And Ronan?

Turning around, looking at Cedric Diggory, Mad Hatter, and Peter Pan behind him, Yingying's eyes reflect the appearance of the little prince, and the smile at the corner of his mouth rises lightly, revealing a mouthful of neat white teeth, light brown. The slightly curly short hair drooped messily because of the sweat, and the bright aura bursting out from all over his body was enough to make the scorching sun become eclipsed, so pure, so hot, and so turbulent.

At the end of the eyebrows, he raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes seemed to say: How, are you ready to start the second wave of frenzy?

Cedric Diggory, Mad Hatter, and Peter Pan exchanged their sights, and then looked at the little prince together, the excitement in their eyes collided together, bursting with incredible light, and it seemed that the heart could be heard clearly. The sound of thumping thumping thumping pounding, can't wait for a long time.

They are just a group of exiled extrajudicial madmen, a group of daydreaming fools, a group of lawless lunatics. They still believe in miracles, they still believe in dreams, and they still believe that there is an never-ending island at the end of the world, and unicorns play and live under the rainbow. Have more possibilities.

They believe that life is more than just living, not just breathing and heartbeat, not only eating and wearing warmth, but also a splendid and colorful world beyond survival. Even if there is only one day of life, they are willing to release Give out all your energy and become your own king.

They are fools and lunatics, but they embrace freedom recklessly and freely, blooming for an instant, in the ruins surrounded by the desert——

Eyes, bright!

Heartbeat, like a drum!

Then, the drums fell and the melody sounded, officially kicking off the second half.

The audience, crazy.

Lewis stared at the stage with surprise and joy. He couldn't believe his eyes, and was grateful for his decision to come to stage 3.

He did not expect that King One Day’s live performance was so emotional, nor did he expect Ronan’s eloquence to be so good, nor did he think of the purity and sincerity behind King One Day’s music-those words are definitely not just slogans, he can be clear. Feel the weight and temperature of words.

That kind of madness, that kind of heat, that kind of turbulence, continued to roar above the eardrum.

After waiting for the words to settle and ferment, and then listen to the king's performance for a day, you will be able to further feel the power of the core of the melody.


Bang bang!

With the heart hitting his chest and the blood hitting his brain, Lewis jumped forgivingly, completely throwing off all the restraints, just letting himself get lost in the melody, wandering freely and freely, as if... soaring in the wind, truly Get rid of all constraints.

Turning his head, Lewis saw Ruth bursting into tears. He couldn't help laughing. He raised his hand to wipe the tears from Ruth's cheek, "What's the matter?"

Ruth shook her head repeatedly.

Lewis smiled more brilliantly, hugged Ruth tightly, and amidst the roar of the audience, approaching Ruth's ear, he said loudly, "Don't you like it?"

Ruth shook her head again, "No, I like it, I just..."

She simply likes it.

She just...likes to curl up in her heart, because she is so happy and so beautiful that tears filled her eyes.

She could feel the pure sincerity and hot enthusiasm in the melody. At this time, after carefully reviewing Ronan’s self-introduction to the band, after laughing, she could feel the bitterness and pain hidden behind her again. Only through countless vicissitudes of life can we have this open-mindedness.

Moved because of love, intoxicated because of touch, and cry because of intoxication.

She couldn't imagine how the king got on the stage of the Coachella Music Festival in one day. The journey was too long and too difficult, not only because of lack of understanding, but also because of the hard to understand the ups and downs of having not really experienced it. .

But she could feel the vitality in the king's music for a day, even if she was covered with cuts and bruises, she still did not lose the purity, it was so hot that it was hot.

Like a little prince.

The transformation from prince to king is not only the improvement of image and identity, but also the essential growth, and the maturity of "who want to wear a crown must bear its weight".

However, I still don't forget my original intention.

How rare, how rare.

Ruth just shed tears, she couldn't express her words accurately, she couldn't even control her tears, she just let it go like a fool.

"...I just, like it." Ruth said finally, her chest filled with emotion and surging.

Ruth felt as if she had unearthed a treasure.

Lewis didn't know, so he just hugged Ruth tightly, and said again to his ears, "Enjoy together! Carnival together!"

Ruth didn’t have time to wipe her tears, she just presented her embarrassment frankly, and then reveled, waiting for the heat wave of the Indio Desert to dry the tears, and the smile on the corner of her mouth replaced her, just letting herself get lost in this boiling madness. .

Lewis let go of his arms and stood beside Ruth. The two jumped, cheered, screamed, danced, and partyed together. They completely forgot all the troubles and pressures. They simply immersed themselves in this moment, enjoying happiness and happiness, filling the whole chest. Until the world is destroyed.

In the afternoon in the Indio Desert, the scorching sun hangs above the head, the temperature is getting higher and the air is getting more and more turbulent, but the enthusiasm that permeates the audience has not diminished at all, but continues to rise, just one morning’s forecast The heat has quickly ushered in the first climax of the Coachella Music Festival.

The crowd is surging, but it flows crazily in the same direction, and the turbulent wave seems to have no end in sight.

Not to mention the live audience, even the staff and performers have already heard of the grand occasion on stage 3.

The first afternoon of the second wave of the Coachella Music Festival belongs to the No. 3 stage. The attention of the entire music festival gathers. The gurgling heat wave makes everyone eager to join in, as if at a party. Hidden another mysterious private party.

Everyone wants to be one of Everyone is eager to discuss, everyone is eager to join the ranks of extrajudicial fanatics.

No one can be an exception.

"God, have you heard?"

"Stage three? Of course. Wait, what are you talking about on stage three? Is the venue already crowded?"

"That was fifteen minutes ago. The latest news is that because the venue was too hot, someone fainted due to dehydration and the ambulance had passed."

"Jesus Christ!"

"I mean, everyone is discussing stage three. One day King’s performance completely detonated the audience. In comparison, Grammys’ performances are simply pediatrics and fail to release one-tenth of the band’s energy. God. , They are so jealous!"

"You mean, jealous of the king for a day or jealous of the audience?"


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