King of Stage

Chapter 561: End of the World

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If this is a daydream, is it okay not to wake up, can I just immerse myself in it, and let myself continue the carnival?

Melissa didn't have the answer, but she didn't plan to find the answer, but just did it.

Melissa screamed forgetfully, venting all the complicated emotions like catharsis and bursting, but Kane, Josh and others seemed to have no way to feel the sighs and regrets behind Ronan’s words, but they just felt the sorrow and regret behind Ronan’s words. Ronan joked, and then laughed.

Melissa was in the sea of ​​laughter, and she became more sad, so she shouted more turbulently, releasing all the little energy left in her body, a madman, she kept shouting and screaming. Now, feeling the fresh energy of the beating heart.

Amidst the chuckles of the audience, Ronan continued, "Thank you for coming to the ends of the world, thank you for following a group of extrajudicial fanatics to take an adventure, thank you for taking a day to find the true The king’s self is precious even for just one day."

Boom boom boom!

One by one, the audience started crying and howling, like a group of pirates, responding to Ronan in this way, and the atmosphere continued to tumbling.

Become your own king for one day, even if it's just one day!

Ronan lowered his head and raised a shallow smile on the corners of his mouth. It seemed that the whole mind was relaxed. In an instant, Fanghua eclipsed the gradual westward sunlight. Melissa must use all her strength to control her crying. A runny urge, and Ruth has fallen into a sluggishness--

Ronan on the stage is indeed different. That unique temperament and aura is even more dazzling in the barrenness and vastness of the solitary smoke of the desert. The drooping eyelids reveal a thrilling deep blue, time and The space loses its meaning for a short time, and everything is no longer important.

But Ronan didn't realize this. Standing on the stage, he was just, like a fish in water, as if he could find the most real and special himself, and show it as he pleases, subconsciously bowing his head, and then just Quickly lifted his gaze and scanned the audience.

"For us, the same is true."

"From New Orleans to the Indio Desert, from Grammys to Coachella, we have experienced too much and witnessed a lot on this journey. At this moment, standing here with our feet and feeling the sweat. The wet T-shirt is sticking to the back wet, as if ants are exploring the map..."

The whole audience laughed, and the easy humor can always adjust the atmosphere, no matter what time it is, Ronan seemed so relaxed and so confident——

Justin and Bruno could not help but exchange a glance. Obviously, Ronan in daily life is not like this, but as long as he steps on the stage or enters the state of performance, Ronan will be transformed into a super Saiyan, showing completely different characteristics. It is undoubtedly a very magical thing.

Especially Justin, he didn't know much about Ronan in private. He always thought that Ronan in "Jimmy Feather Show" was the most authentic appearance.

At this moment, Justin felt a little surprised, and the slight differences between on and off stage made him a little confused.

But Ronan’s words were not interrupted by laughter, "...I still can’t believe this is happening, but if I don’t want my dream to wake up, I will admit that everything is real now and move on. This is the best choice, let this dream continue to go crazy."


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From Ronan's circumflexed tone, he could feel the humorous self-deprecation, and the laughter couldn't stop. "So, it's time to tear open the calendar and start a new day."

As soon as the conversation turned, Ronan’s voice became agitated again, “What I want to say is to be your own king, even after today’s end and the magic disappears, I hope you can draw a bit of energy from our band and do it bravely. For myself, bravely make some changes and challenges, and bravely believe that life can have more possibilities, not just for one day, but to open a new chapter from today."

"Let'one day' be the starting point for the future."



Duncan only felt a surge of air in his ears and a surging heart. The fiercely agitated temple seemed to burst in the next second, and something faintly seemed to break out of the ground deep in his heart. The dry heart felt the vitality again, because It's been exhausted for too long and it stings a little -

Everything is so real, as if my sleeping passion is really awakening.

Music is not a kind of escape, but a kind of charging. Amidst the hard hits of real life, rediscover the courage to continue fighting and adventurous, and rediscover more possibilities of life in the midst of self-repetition. Then...become your own king.

More than one day.

It's the starting point.

Duncan couldn't help his blood boil, because he was so excited and turbulent that his whole body trembled. His eyes that had been colorless for a long time seemed to have finally faded from the gray deadness, and a little bit of light penetrated the layers of haze. Coming out, I felt the heat after a long absence.

It seems to be in the Indio Desert.

It turns out that life can have more possibilities; it turns out that life can also bloom with colors; it turns out that life is not an end at a glance.

Duncan's eye sockets and the surface of his skin were scorching hot, as if he truly felt the temperature of the scorching sun over the desert.


A heat wave surging in front of stage 3, Qi Qi focused on Ronan’s eyes hotter and more focused, but the bustling noise was disappearing, and the audience could only hear Ronan’s voice echoing, faintly in the wind. Yoyo was able to capture the turbulence coming from the main venue, but these noises only highlighted the concentration and immersion in the scene.

It's more than quiet.

The madness contained in the calm makes people burst into blood, and a wave of enthusiasm is raging in the scorching sun, and no one can get rid of this influence.

Much attention!

All in all only because of Ronan, at this moment, he is the sun!

Justin and Bruno exchanged glances, and even they couldn’t help but get excited together, slightly raised their jaws, staring at Ronan, who was the size of a matchstick, even if Ronan’s expression and face were not visible at all. Can feel the vastness of the sea of ​​stars.


"So, from today, from now on!"

Ronan's voice spread to the audience through the microphone, and his sonorous words exploded in the depths of his soul like thunder, and then released a steady stream of energy.


"Including us!"

"Similarly, we are about to start a new journey with Coachella as the starting point, and our adventure is coming again!"

"King, go on the road again!"

Wait, what do you mean?

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