King of Stage

Chapter 562: start sailing

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the king of stage!

"King, go on the road again!"

Ronan's voice unswervingly burst out of incredible power amidst the hunting wind and the billowing air waves, bursting like thunder.


The audience looked at each other.

what happened? What do you mean? Is this a puzzle or something?

Ruth and Lewis didn’t know what Ronan was talking about, but it didn’t prevent them from feeling the impulse and excitement. There seemed to be a hot stream in their hearts. Then quickly rushed to the limbs along the blood vessels.

Controlled by an unknown excitement! The whole audience is like this.

However, Sophie should be one of the few exceptions. "The King on the Road", this is the video title of King One Day’s YouTube channel. It truly records every bit of the King’s journey on a tour in the first day, and also records the King’s journey in a day. The ups and downs of fame is the starting point of everything.

Today, Ronan said again, "The king is on the road again". It is definitely not a coincidence. So, what does it mean?

Could it be... Sophie had a bold idea in her mind.

From Bruno Mars’ warm-up performance at the concert, to the joint shining band’s tour, to the Grammy stage, and then to the Coachella Music Festival, in just eight months, the king has experienced a long day. And a hard journey, finally achieved the birth of a miracle.

Until Coachella, the halo that enveloped the King of One Day has not been able to get rid of the influence of Grammys, or even overwhelming.

No one can deny that the Grammys have become a king for a day, but at the same time, the feat of sweeping the four major comprehensive awards to create history has also become a shackle.

For a long, long time, people have used Grammys to measure a king for a day. No matter good or bad, no matter praise or criticism, the critical sight can never be separated from Grammys. Such a halo is so dazzling that it swallows it. The Japanese king's own existence even completely lost himself.

Grammys are the culmination of the first part of the King’s journey in a day. If they continue to stay in the shadow of the dazzling aura of Grammys, then there is no other possibility except downhill, unless they bravely remove the burden and open the second part. Journey, a new adventure towards a new goal.

Perhaps, now is the time to embark on a new journey. Starting from the Coachella Music Festival, the band will start anew and embark on a new adventure.

So brave! So courageous! So sober!

One day, the king once again showed his unique characteristics. Instead of immersing himself in the victory of the Grammys, he quickly broke away and returned to music.

Sophie felt that her guess was probably correct.

It is precisely because of this that a new song was performed at the beginning of today. Maybe... Maybe one day the king is about to embark on his solo tour? Or is it starting to retreat and record the second album?

The thoughts in Sophie's mind were surging, she couldn't restrain her excitement at all, her eyes burst out with bright light, and the joy all over her body began to surge.

Turning her head, Sophie could see Kane's uncontrollable emotions rolling in her eyes. When she noticed Sophie's eyes projected over, Kane shouted directly, "I think the band might start a solo tour. Journey."

Sophie's smile also opened up, "I think so too."

Bruno turned his head to look at Justin, hesitatingly put forward an idea, "Could it be that Ronan is talking about this one today? A fresh start?"

Justin didn't know, so he and Ronan were not so familiar with each other, so the news lags behind a bit, but Bruno found clues from the clues.

However, Bruno has no time to communicate with Justin, because the melody on the stage has sounded again and set sail towards a new peak.

"The last song! Dedicated to Coachella! Dedicated to every wandering adventurer present, and dedicated to every dreamer who still guards his heart!"

Ronan’s sonorous and powerful voice hovered under the sky, and then Lewis could not help shouting hoarsely:


Similarly, Duncan could no longer control his surging, completely forgetting the fact that he was avoiding colleagues among the tools, and shouting the same words impassionedly, there was a wave of pride in his chest, and it seemed that he had felt the blood again after a long absence. The temperature and the beating of the heart.

They are a group of knights, a group of knights who are invincible and invincible. They unswervingly guard a dream and a miracle. They resolutely follow their king to explore the unknowns of life. They believe like fools. There are more possibilities in life.

Maybe they are Don Quixote, fighting with a windmill with a spear; maybe they are Sisyphus, pushing a boulder that can never reach the top of the mountain day after day; maybe they are Icarus, wearing wax Wings made to rush towards the sun...Perhaps, their ending is destined to be a tragedy, but at least, before the ending comes, they unreservedly release all their enthusiasm and make life change like a summer flower.

To live is not just to survive.


The shouts just joined up bit by bit and filled the audience. All 30,000 and 40,000 spectators yelled without exception, exhausting the last bit of strength in their bodies.


The shouts swept across the Indio Desert along the gusty wind, like a storm, so that the sound of music on the main stage, stage 2 and stage 4 could not suppress the craze. The corners of the Coachella Music Festival fell. Can feel the tremendous energy of this rock-shattering shock.


People who didn’t go to stage 3 couldn’t help but cast their sights in the same’t help but secretly paint the picture in their minds, how magnificent and majestic is that? , What kind of madness and scorching heat, just imagine, the heart almost overflows to the explosion, and then, before I realize it, the words have poured from the **** to the tip of the tongue.


A word is heavy.

What are they guarding?

Although I don’t know why, my mind still surging and surging along with the shouting uncontrollably, just like a magic spell, regaining power through the magic of a word, lighting it in the depths of the soul, and then immersed in the Indio desert. Gradually lost in the billowing heat.

Permeate the audience!

The entire Coachella Music Festival was shrouded in this wave of cheers through the clouds and cracked rocks, but the audience gathered in front of Stage 3 did not realize the stormy waves they set off at all. To be more precise, they had no time or no time. Energetic feeling, just immersed in the melody.

One day the king is the center of the storm!

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