King of Stage

Chapter 566: Rolling Thunder

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At this moment, Ronan is the sun!

The energy, fully exploded, fully released, the treble has no reservations anymore. It seems that Ronan can personally witness Ronan challenge the highest limit of his vocal range. The roar that erupts from the depths of his soul once again shows the style of hard rock, surpassing each wave. Hit the pinnacle and swept the audience with a sweeping force.

"Won't give up!" (Note 1)

"No! I won't succumb!"


The thunderous treble once again climbed two octaves in a row, and the passion exploded. Even the band members followed their hearts and became oblivious. Ollie’s drums vented like the Milky Way down nine days, Cliff and Mark. Sim's performance is even more comparable to torrential rains, and the roars still failed to suppress Ronan's full release. Instead, he became a foil and began to bomb the Indio Desert in an all-round way.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

From the eardrum to the brain, from the heart to the soul, from the inside and out, all levels were devastated, even unable to respond at all. The front of stage 3 fell into a silent silence, and I tried my best to straighten my knees and keep it. Standing, standing proudly in this mad storm, the whole brain is completely blank, the only thing that can be done is to open his arms and calmly embrace the vast impact in front of him.

"burn one's boats!"

"Embrace the newborn!"

At the extreme of the treble, Ronan continued to slam with heavy hammers, raising his jaw high, and the veins and violent blood vessels seemed to burst in the next second. Even the microphone in his hand could not withstand this endless bursting storm. Then, one wave, another wave, rushed towards the sky with all his strength.

Treble, burst!

Starting today, starting with the Coachella Music Festival, starting from the Indio Desert, one day the king is about to embark on a new journey and embark on a different journey.

Starting today, every audience who is listening to this song and watching this performance should also break the boat and explore the possibilities of life bravely.

Be your own king, even if only for one day!

To be your own king, from the beginning of the day to the full control of your life, more than one day, open a new page!

Be your own king and refill your life with colorful colors.

Mood, stirring!

Soul, surrender!

Tears, full of face!


Watching the stage, facing waves of shocks and baptisms, the stopped brain doesn't know what it is thinking, but the surging emotions continue to impact, and then...the tears are just like this Bursting the embankment, can't control and can't stop.

Don't even know why.

Touched, sad, excited, struggling, happiness, bitterness... The intricate taste is hidden in the tears, sliding across the cheeks to wet the lips, and finally spreading on the tip of the tongue, it is difficult to distinguish accurately, just standing silently and carefully Taste it carefully, and the turbulent mood swallows yourself.

At this time, after touching the highest peak, Ronan finally began to recover the surging energy, and the high pitch slowly fell back, sliding down slowly and slowly like a low tide.

"Oh... embracing the new life, breaking to pieces, at any cost."

The tearing tension is slowly disappearing, but it is not the feeling of wound healing, but the illusion of rewinding—the feeling of tapes or movies being played backwards, everything starts to replay like a revolving lantern, and all the emotions released are renewed. Recovered, the downpour also recovered from the ground towards the sky.

Magnificent and magnificent.

Twice the speed...Ten times the speed...The rewind was completed in just two or eight beats, and finally returned to the original point, as if everything that happened just now was just a grand mirage, but it was just a mirage, and the dream woke up. Everything disappeared, nothing happened.

Life is still life.

Nothing has changed.

However, I don't seem to be the one myself anymore.

In the center of the stage, Ronan, who was sweating and flushed, seemed to explode all his energy, and could faintly feel a sense of exhaustion. However, Ronan’s eyes were so bright that even if they were tired, they couldn’t hide their brilliance. It seems to reflect the stars and the sea.

Then, Ronan stood upright in front of the stage, whispering into the microphone:

"Never give up."

"Won't succumb."


The accompaniment gradually disappeared, and in the end only Ronan's melody lingered in his ears, and all the noisy, all grand, all grand, all returned to calm.

Just like a dream.

However, his gaze stared at Ronan intently, trying to find the sea of ​​stars, trying to find himself lost in the melody and stormy waves.

The melody disappeared completely.

The audience was quiet.

Lifting his eyes, the red sun is falling further to the west, and the bright orange sunlight is becoming brighter and more intense; to the east, the full moon is slowly climbing upwards, and no light is noticed. The heat can still feel the power of calm.

The desert and the sky reflect each other, and the horizon at the end of the field of vision seems to be gradually blurred. The gorgeous gold and deep blue are completely integrated, leaving only large swaths of rich color distorted and melted in the billowing heat. The boundlessness, in an instant At the same time, he felt the collision of magnificence and smallness, stirring in his chest.


In the center, the stage seemed so grand but so small, and the line of sight involuntarily passed over the band members one by one—

Cliff. Ollie. Maxim.

Also, Ronan.

They did not speak, but stood quietly, seeming to feel the residual turbulence in the air, and also seemed to be recovering from exhausted catharsis, panting and sweating; however, the naked eye seemed to be able to see the notes. The traces entwined with the fingertips, flying up and down like elf, those golden notes are magic, summoning Aladdin's magic lamp in this endless desert, looking at desire.

A small but big wish: to escape from reality briefly, to embrace youth for a short time, to bloom wantonly for a short time, to forget worries for a short time, to go back to the past for a short time, to enjoy life for a short time...Then, to get to know yourself briefly and find the bottom of my heart again Ignored voices in the depths.

Happiness, but sadness.

Sophie, UU Read stood there blankly, the tears on her cheeks had dried up and looked embarrassed, but the smile on the corners of her mouth bloomed wantonly—not sadness but joy.

From "Strangers" to the new song just now, from "Chasing the Light" to the new song just now, she saw herself in the King One Day, the truest, most embarrassed and ugliest herself, she thought she would hate herself The original appearance, but the fact is, after facing it calmly, he opened his arms to myself—

No one is perfect, just like no life is perfect, no one can always be right, maybe life never has the right choice.

So, don't give up, don't give in, always be optimistic, always positive, brave to dream, brave to take risks... embrace the new life.

Sophie felt the beating of her heart like never before, hitting her chest fiercely, reminding her:

He is still alive.

Not only to survive, but to be truly alive.

Note 1: Let-the-new-begin—Chptrs

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