King of Stage

Chapter 567: Alone 1 no 2

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Zi Zi Zi.

Zi Zi Zi.

The noise of the radio wave was still surging, and Duncan held his breath and listened intently, lest he miss the excitement a little bit dumbfounded.

The embarrassed teary face and tears of tears did not have time to take care of it, and he completely forgot to take care of it, just staring at the computer screen wholeheartedly.

The surging mood cannot be calmed down at all. The excitement and excitement that fills the chest rushes like a tornado, and the intense melody echoes in my mind for a long time. I am stuck in it, unable to extricate myself. Climb along the Internet to the end of the world at the other end, and personally join the carnival feast, becoming a grain of sand in the vast desert.


Without warning, there was a voice in his ear. Duncan was taken aback. The computer almost flew out, suddenly turned around and made an attack gesture, seeing the opponent dodge awkwardly. Be careful and hit the barbed wire next to it. The clanging sound made the brain a little awake.

At this time, Duncan noticed the visitor, Sam-Larson, the workshop manager, who was equal to him, but with a slightly higher title.

"Sam! When did you show up?"

Duncan immediately realized that he had been caught for slacking off the class. Although Sam was not his boss, such behavior was definitely not worthy of recognition, and his expression became flustered.

Sam didn't look angry at all, and smiled like Santa Claus, "You just screamed so loudly and thought something was wrong, but came in and took a look... hehe..."

Duncan was dumb.

He was really too devoted, completely forgetting that he needed to be vigilant all the time, and sure enough, he was caught.

So, what should we do now?

At this point, Duncan should quickly turn his mind, think of a coping method, and explain his behavior, but the disturbing thoughts have not had time to settle down, hesitated for a long time and have not been able to say one. It is like a fool, stupid. Stand in place.

But before Duncan could answer, Sam had walked back again and patted Duncan on the shoulder, "Hey! The show is over."

Without saying much, his smiling face was almost invisible, but he could clearly feel the overflowing excitement, just like Duncan.

Duncan came back to his senses and turned his head to look at the computer screen in a reflexive manner. He faintly felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell why for a while.

Then, his thoughts were attracted by the surging from the electric wave again, without noticing it at all, Sam also moved his head, and both of them could not help holding their breath, and focused on capturing the sound of the electric wave, both immersed in their own world. Inside, it seems... can hear the sound of wind.



The sound of the wind blew lightly across the Indio Desert, bringing up a thin layer of sand, red-orange light spilled down, and the whole world was covered with a layer of gauze, but it seemed that even the desert wind had become gentle, Blowing lightly on the surface of the skin, a dreamlike halo spread out.

The breeze was blowing, but the turbulent crowd in front of Stage 3 was quiet, only breathing came back slowly, seeming to be immersed in the emotional turbulence, unable to extricate itself, for a long time not knowing what reaction should be made, so I could only be dumbfounded. Looking at the stage, there is no sound.



The hot breath filled the audience, and the heat wave that gradually settled down with the sunset west seemed to roll again. The hot and bright sights were all gathered on the members of the Kings Band for One Day, keeping their eyes intent, even if the performance was over, they still couldn't bear to blink. For fear of missing it.

Then, you can see Ronan moving.

Ronan tightened his palm again, his fingertips gathered again, firmly squeezed the microphone, and said, "Embrace the new life! These are the kings of the day."


With a snap of his fingers, Ronan continued, "The show is over!"

After that, without pause or hesitation, Ronan simply turned around and took a step forward, beckoning the band members to leave the stage——

They need to hand over stage 3 to the staff. After finishing the stage instruments, the next group of performers need to prepare.

Maxim and Cliff both joined Ronan's ranks, but Ollie stood up, but stood still, reluctantly and did not leave.

Ronan noticed Ollie's hesitation and turned around and smiled at Ollie, "I can't see it here."

Can't see Ophelia.

They did not anticipate that there would be a huge crowd of people performing today. Originally thought it would be 10,000 spectators at most, the crowd at the scene should have been three or four times as many. Ophelia was in the crowd, as if the same drop of water merged into the sea. How could it be possible? Can you find it?

Ollie shook his head, with a hint of consternation in the depths of his eyes, but raised his jaw slightly to signal his teammates to look forward.

Ronan was stunned for a while, reflexively turned his head and looked at the front of the stage again, and then saw the mighty scene——

Sophie, the first to raise her right hand, folded her thumb and little finger, leaving only the middle three fingers standing upright.

This is a symbolic expression in the "Hunger Games" and is called the "Three Fingers".

It is an ancient gesture in the original novel. It is not very common. It occasionally appears at funerals to express gratitude, respect, and to say goodbye to a loved one.

In the novel, after Katniss-Everdeen's little girl Ruw was killed, Katniss covered Lulu's body with flowers and raised three fingers to express his condolences. Later, in the movie released in 2012, the scene was reinterpreted. After mourning Lulu, Katniss also faced the real-time camera and paid tribute to the exposed eleven districts.

In the original novel, when entering the second story, the three-finger ceremony was given a new meaning.

Sophie didn't know what was wrong, just a hint of inspiration flashed in her mind, and then she did so, raising her right hand high, and paying tribute to King One Day with a three-finger salute, not a chivalry, but a three-finger salute. Express a kind of respect, a kind of resistance, a kind of spirit.

They won't let it go.

They will not do nothing.

They will not surrender.

They will not succumb to reality.

Starting today, starting from the Coachella Music Festival, they will embark on a new journey with the King for a day. It is a musical adventure and a journey of their own life, starting from the mighty desert under their feet. , Starting with the three-finger ceremony of raising the right hand high.

at this time. now.

Sophie feels that she must be crazy. Sophie believes that she is crazy, but she does not reject it. On the contrary, she is willing to embrace this madness with open arms, muster the courage, strutting towards life, breaking the peace and the shackles, Give more color to your life.

Live yourself.

Sophie was the first, but not the last.

Kane, Josh, Danny, Mark, Melissa, Lewis, Ruth... one, two, three, one hundred, two, three hundred, and then it was like a spark of fire that could no longer be stopped.

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