King of Stage

Chapter 568: Magnificent

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Three-finger salute, lift up high, stand upright!

The mighty and vigorously sweeping towards the end of the desert horizon, the straight arms support the entire splendid sky like a big tree in the sky. It seems that they want to copy Pangu and create a new world by themselves. His feat separated the chaotic sky from the desert.

A person, certainly not, after all, they are just mortals.

But what about ten thousand people? How about 30,000 people? How about fifty thousand people?

One after another, one after another, one after another, standing high like a wind blowing wheat and waves, spreading across the audience in a blink of an eye, the vast and magnificent arm forest completely turned the desert into an oasis, compared to the previous ones. The knight's ceremony is more magnificent and more spectacular, and words can't describe one ten thousandth of the magnificent wave in front of you.


Hunting in the wind, but unable to shake the magnificence in front of you, not only unable to shake, but also making the bustling and turbulent sea of ​​people more and more straightened up and taller, facing the challenges of nature with a tougher, more active and more fanatical attitude, showing Show a hundred percent discount, not tolerate, rather to bend not to bend the the red envelope] Follow the public.. public number [Book Friends Base draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

Surging, surging.

Justin Timberlake stood at the back of the crowd, witnessing the magnificent excitement in front of him with his own eyes. All of the thoughts in his mind disappeared with emotion, excitement, madness, emotion, excitement, and madness in his chest. , Just immersed in this wave of moving and shock.

He has seen a grand audience of one hundred thousand viewers, has experienced the peaks of small mountains, has seen the ups and downs of the ups and downs, and has experienced the glory of witnessing miracles. He has been in the long entertainment career for two decades. Having experienced too much, the vicissitudes of life are no longer novel.

However, in front of the magnificent waves, Justin still couldn't control the surging of the earth's heart. Not only was it a sight I had never seen before, but it was also a sight I had never dared to imagine. The shock that came to my face was truly unparalleled.

Because of the heat wave of the Coachella Music Festival, because of the distance from the Indio Desert, because of the impassioned king of the day, because of the wonderfulness of the last song, because of the tears of the audience...and because of the eyes. The sight is unique.

Without his imagination, he couldn't invent such a grand occasion out of thin air. Only after seeing it with his own eyes, can he feel the thrill of happiness in his chest.

Justin’s eyes flushed uncontrollably, because he was moved, shocked, and empathetic. He could really feel the meaning behind the three-finger ceremony. The spirit and the will were firmly united, even for an old man like him. Youtiao can't help but reawaken the memories of his youth.

Remember the original self? Like music, like performance, like cheers, everything is so simple, as long as you get on the stage, you can feel happiness; but slowly, those original intentions have long been forgotten, even with applause and cheers, even standing in the world At the top, but I can't find the first happiness anymore.

He misses himself a little bit.

Turning his head, Bruno, who was standing by his side, stared at the stage brightly, raised his right hand high and made a three-finger salute, even if he did not cheer or jump, he could still feel the excitement and joy emanating from his body. The audience was perfectly integrated.

As if perceiving Justin’s gaze, Bruno turned his head and looked over, and then the smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed unreservedly under the brilliant sunlight. No words were needed. The excitement and excitement conveyed by the eyes were enough, as if he was speaking with his eyes :

This is incredible, isn't it?

Justin could feel the boiling in his veins, did not speak, just responded with a smile, and then raised his right hand.

Three finger gift!

Standing proudly, straight into the sky, it seems that he can clearly feel the heat of the sun dancing above his fingertips, and even his heart is hot.



The wind is still stirring.

The arm is still standing.

The audience could vaguely hear the rolling noises, but no one spoke, no cheers, no whistle, no screams, there was only silence; but the surging heat wave under the tranquil surface was rising steadily, sweeping the audience with great momentum. Burning eyes all converged towards the stage.

Silence is sometimes a more powerful force than explosion.

Because, three-finger ceremony and bright eyes are enough, expressing the inner thoughts with one's own actions, more determined, hotter, and more direct.

No one can be an exception.

If someone can look down from a high altitude at this time, they will be able to see a dense and spectacular arm forest appearing out of thin air in the middle of the Indio Desert. The magnificent scene makes the noise and noise of other stages seem thin. It is clear that there is no such scene in front of your eyes. Any sound seems to be able to hear the roar deep in the soul.



The radio waves could not transmit any sound. Duncan and Sam looked at each other and did not understand what was going on, but the abnormal silence made the two of them involuntarily hold their breaths, and even began to worry that the sound of their heartbeat might make them miss it. Clues on the other end of the wave.

There is no picture, only sound. At this moment, the disadvantages are highlighted. It is impossible to truly describe what is happening in the scene through sound alone. The footsteps of imagination are also restrained, and it is difficult to describe a scene that I have never experienced before. The lost sense of reality is heavy--

There is no shoulder-to-shouldering, no heat waves, no dry tongue... Pretending to be in the Indio Desert will not work after all.

Unprecedentedly, Duncan hoped that he could be on the scene, the kind of eagerness that made Duncan slowly close his eyes and feel the power of the electric wave, not imagining the Coachella Music Festival, but immersing himself in the music of the King for a Day. In the world, enter a world of your own, constructed in your own mind based on the king's music for a day.

Then he felt it.

Although there was no sound, Duncan was completely unable to predict the scene of the Indio Desert at this moment, but he could still feel the power surging in the air in this silent silence, firm and surging, turbulent and cohesive.

the reason?

Not because he possesses the superpowers of perception, but because he understands King One Day.

If the performance is normal, even if there is no encore or cheers, the audience will leave-just like a movie, the sound of rustling can also make enough noise, but on the contrary, there is no sound at this time. And the movement, the quietness is extraordinary, which makes Duncan involuntarily think of the end of the full moon party——

The aftermath is far-reaching, and the shock and moving that curls in my mind has not dissipated for a long time. The song "Chasing the Light" is deeply imprinted in the depths of the brain.

So, what is happening in the Indio Desert now?

Duncan didn't know, but the blood still boiled uncontrollably.

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