King of Stage

Chapter 569: Knights into the army

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In front of stage 3, there is nothing but silence, only the sound of wind and heat, but without the need for sound, one can feel the power rushing toward the face.

Don't talk about Duncan, even if it is a member of King One Day's band who has witnessed such a scene with his own eyes, he still can't believe his eyes, staring blankly at the vast sea of ​​three-finger gifts without any sound. The shock can still clearly feel the trembling of the soul.

No wonder Ollie stopped and stared at the scene dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Waiting for Ronan to turn his head to see such a scene, there are no exceptions, staring blankly at the magnificent landscape in front of him, as if seeing the most splendid and wonderful scenery in the world with his own eyes. No words are needed, just... immersion. Among them, feel carefully with the soul and remember it firmly.

Maxim and Cliff also turned around and slowed a half step.

After a brief shock, Maxim took the lead in raising his right hand and making a three-finger salute in response. The smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed freely, but the tears in his eyes also bloomed, reflecting the fullness of the halo. The grandeur and majesty of the field, this is a reward comparable to the Grammy phonograph trophy.

Then, Ronan, Ollie, and Cliff also raised their right hands one after another, and responded with the same etiquette, quietly feeling the intensity and turbulence of the heart hitting the chest, and deeply imprinting this situation in the depths of their minds. .

Maybe the band will experience a more glorious peak in the future, maybe not, maybe they disappear into the vast sky like a shooting star, but it is certain that such a scene of the Coachella Music Festival has been deeply imprinted in their blood Here, unforgettable for a lifetime, this is destined to be a magnificent one day on the king’s music road——

At least, once they used their own music to bring touch and shock, let people gather together to warm up through the bridge built by music, and let people reawaken the deep love and expectation of life in their hearts. The charm of music will never disappoint any soul.

But I don't know, will there be more people in the future who are willing to raise the three-finger salute for the king for one day?



The rolling heat waves and the roaring wind are intertwined, and the afternoon in the Indio Desert witnessed the most incredible scene in the history of the Coachella Music Festival, not only on stage three, but also for the festival, it is also recorded in the annals of history. In an instant, once again witnessed the legendary moment of the music festival.

"The Woodstock Moment of the 21st Century#Day King#Guardian Knight"

This is the official Twitter text of the Coachella Music Festival. The picture is a majestic three-finger gift spreading and spreading out in front of stage 3 like a dense forest. The brilliant and dazzling dark orange sunlight falls on the back of the stage. Outline the outline of this magnificent forest, and you can vaguely see the four figures standing on the stage, but because of the panoramic view, the faces of the four figures cannot be seen clearly and the identity can not be judged.

But there is more than one picture.

The second picture is from the perspective of the side stage. The light and shadow outline a tall and straight figure. The sharp outline of the side face can clearly see the eyes that are as deep as the blue ocean and bright as golden sunlight, the straight bridge of the nose, With soft lips and short, slightly curly brown hair that droops down after being wet with sweat, it is impressively Ronan Cooper, the lead singer of King One Day.

Following Ronan’s vision, one can see faces full of expectation and excitement. He raised his jaw slightly, staring at the stage, his eyes condensed, and his right hand was firmly raised high, making three-finger salutes. Posture, and then spread out across the light and shadow mightily.

The sea of ​​people is vast and vast.

Majestic, without the embellishment of words, it is already coming!

In 1969, Woodstock, the most important and special music festival in the history of rock and roll, was held amidst difficulties. The hippies yearned for a world full of peace, equality, and love, to eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor, and to achieve equality for all. Embracing this music festival in the rainstorm and mud.

It was the era of full-scale rock and roll rise. At that time, most of the rock stars were all involved in Woodstock, attracting more than 450,000 audiences in just four days, not only did not appear the chaos that the authorities feared. , And also showed their posture and belief——

Yearning for peace and embracing freedom! Truly return to the most essential and beautiful kindness of human nature, bravely open your arms and rush to the light!

Woodstock, not only did he think so, but he did it, and he succeeded in doing so, showing his aspirations in the most peaceful and true way. Whether it is the participation of 450,000 spectators or four days of wanton carnival, all have made a perfect music festival.

recorded in history!

Until now, Woodstock is still the most important music festival in the entire North American music history, and even a unique music festival that cannot be surpassed!

Although Woodstock later held the second and third editions, their influence was not comparable to the glory of 1969. In the final analysis, it is closely related to the historical background and social pattern of the time. Just like creating heroes at the same time, the right time, the right place and the right people can achieve the classics.

Woodstock in 1969 was a rebellion, a demand, and a belief.

Today, Coachella Music Festival hailed the moment when the three-finger ceremony on stage 3 swept the audience as the Woodstock moment of the 21st century. There is no element of self-hype in it, but the most important thing is to deeply feel the science. Chela's surging and turbulent They truly understood the meaning of the three-finger ceremony. The power from the King's music swept the audience and deeply moved every audience on stage 3.

It is precisely because of this that the Coachella Music Festival officially makes such an analogy.

From a certain point of view, their statement is not exaggerated-

The scene of the three-finger ceremony in the audience really showed a kind of spirit, a will and a kind of expectation. It is more powerful than the language of the sky. It has successfully attracted more people's attention to King One Day and Coachella. At the music festival, I couldn't help but be curious about the meaning of such a scene.

When Duncan saw the tweet, he finally understood what he had missed. It was not only an opportunity to watch the King’s performance on the spot, but also an opportunity for the audience to witness history with three fingers, but even so, looking at the phone. The photos on the screen still couldn’t help but the heat wave filled my eyes——

If it were on site, it would be a magnificent and magnificent picture.

It is impossible to feel the grand occasion of the scene and the turbulent emotions only through the transmission of electric waves. After all, it is necessary to take courageous steps to have more possibilities in life.

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