King of Stage

: 582 Stunned young loss

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The night is getting darker, but no one wants to rest and no one wants to leave. I always feel...If you just return to the tent and close your eyes, it seems that such a beautiful time will be wasted; always feel that...should be in the sky full of stars The right way to open up is to revel in wanton revelry and dance until the day is old.

So, it did.

It was not until the sky embraced the first ray of dawn of a new day that the Indio Desert gradually calmed down, but the restlessness and enthusiasm floating in the air still did not completely dissipate. You can feel the madness of last night when you close your eyes, hearing, The sensitivity of touch and smell is far more real than sight.

Waiting for Ronan to open his eyes and wake up, the sun has already climbed above his head and hung high in the middle of the sky. The hot sun near noon once again made people feel the power of this desert, and then the time position was chaotic again. I can't remember how I got here.

The memories of night and sleep have all disappeared. I was dancing by the bonfire one second before, and the next second was noon the next day. There was a gap in time.

At a glance, Ronan saw Ollie sitting at the door of the tent. The sturdy figure from the back was really hard to admit.

In fact, Atlantic Records hopes that the band will go to a small town to live in a hotel, but this is the first time the band has come to participate in the Coachella Music Festival. They all hope that they can feel the atmosphere of the festival up close and truly blend in with it. , So they expressed their wish to live in tents.

Cliff is an exception. He sincerely hopes to be able to live in a hotel and enjoy the comfort of showers and quilts, but after seeing the eagerly anticipated gazes of the band members, he finally gave up, so all four of the band came to the campsite and set up tents. , Feel the style of Coachella authentically.

To be honest, the campsite is indeed very inconvenient, but apart from the Coachella Music Festival, when can you experience this kind of life?

"When did you come back?" Ronan came to Ollie, rummaged around for snacks, and found a packet of potato chips. He tore it open without hesitation. His hungry stomach was vehemently protesting, if he didn't add it. With a little energy, he thought he might see Ollie as a turkey.

Last night, Ronan and the others partyed till dawn, but they had not seen Oli and Ophelia, nor did they know what they were doing.

Ha ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha.

Ollie did not answer, only the sound of Ronan fighting with the potato chips was reverberating. After feeling the taste on the tip of his tongue, he felt a little alive. Ronan turned his head and looked at Ollie, "Where is Ophelia?"

"Leave." Ollie finally said.

Ronan's movements paused for a while, his bewildered brain was still not fully awake, but he could also detect the abnormal situation at this time.

Ha ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha.

The sound of chewing potato chips came again, very untimely, so that Ollie turned his head in astonishment, "Ronan! I'm sad and lost, can you be more serious?"

Ha ha ha ha.

The answer to Ollie was a sound of chewing. Ollie couldn't help but was stunned. He was angry and funny, but after all, the funny idea prevailed. After all, he didn't hold it back, and he laughed.

Ronan threw a few potato chips into his mouth again, chewed on it, and expressed satisfaction with his jaw lightly, "That's right. Such bitter and enmity is really not suitable for you. Just now, his pretentious appearance has changed. Ugly, people who don’t understand the situation thought how Nicholas Cage (-Cage) came here."

The smile in the depths of Ollie's eyes rolled up like this, and then gently chin, "I also feel that sitting here pretending to be deep is really suffocating me."

Ronan handed the bag of potato chips to him, throwing a glance at him, "Go ahead, what's the matter?"

Why did Ophelia turn around and leave last night? Why did Ophelia leave early this morning?

"It's nothing, Ophelia just... some feelings." Ollie didn't know where to start. He didn't have an appetite, but when he saw Ronan's movements, he didn't know what was going on, so he stretched out his hand. I took two tablets, threw them into my mouth, and chewed them unconsciously.

In fact, even Ophelia didn’t figure it out and couldn’t answer Ollie’s questions. Now Ollie naturally doesn’t understand what happened. “In these years, she seems to have experienced a no, she does everything. I didn't say it, it was just my own guess."

As if worried about Ronan's misunderstanding, Ollie couldn't wait to defend himself before the topic started.

Ronan chuckled and nodded again and again, "Hmm, I know."

"I think she seems...has changed. She has become less talkative. Of course, she didn't talk like much before, but now she seems to be even less talkative..." Ao scratched his head with strength, and he couldn't tell. What was he talking about? The chaotic thoughts were like knotted woolen yarn.

Sitting quietly here is actually Ollie trying to sort out his thoughts, but now it seems that the effect is very small.

Ronan didn't interrupt Ollie's thoughts, but was a quiet listener, and even the sound of chewing potato chips gradually disappeared unknowingly.

"Leaving suddenly last night, I chased it up. In fact, we didn't say anything and did nothing. We just watched a performance in another corner, a performance by a group of college student bands."

"Then she said something about missing college life, and I don’t know what it means. It’s just because of her words that I also began to miss college life. Do you remember that time? We are totally relying on a wave of chicken blood. life."

"Every day, as long as I can see her in school, that day is happy."

"I still remember the figure of us running across the campus like crazy people. I like your baseball jacket. Then you lent it to me and hid behind the bushes to help me tidy up my hair. I went out again, pretending to be inadvertent. I met Ophelia, but Ophelia has already seen it through where someone meets unexpectedly every day."


While talking Ollie couldn't help but talk, but as he said, his emotions fell involuntarily, and then he fell into thought.

The corners of the mouth that lifted gently seemed to carry the weight of happy memories, no matter how hard you tried, there was no way to fully rise and bloom; the cheerful laughter overflowed the corners of the mouth, reverberating gently in the mouth, but there was no time to stay, the scorching sun had already made those sounds Disappeared, and then Ollie was lost again.

"Later we took a walk along the road from the desert to the small town. When we arrived in the small town, we had a meal of fried chicken and chatted for most of the night..."

Here, Ronan interrupted Ollie's words and asked, "Is college life?"

Ollie didn’t know why, but he nodded, “Well, there are memories of previous high school and childhood. I just know that Ophelia wanted to be a rocket scientist before. She also took a lot of related courses. , How is it, awesome, right?"

With that said, Ollie and You Rongyan showed a smile, because of the opportunity of this music festival, he was able to learn more about Ophelia's previous affairs.

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