King of Stage

: Five hundred and eighty-three midnight dreams

"What happened later?" Ronan reminded.

Ollie seemed to be immersed in the memory again, and fell silent as he said it. After a long time without speaking, Ronan had to remind him, and then Ollie reacted.

"That’s how it happened. We chatted until dawn. Just after the blue hour was over, when the sky gradually became clear, Ophelia suddenly became nervous and anxious, saying that she remembered that she still had work to do, and she needed to rush back as soon as possible. Los Angeles."

"I wanted to **** her back, but she refused. She is very grateful for this invitation, but she hopes that I will stay and continue to enjoy the time in the band, even if I tell her that our performance is over, but...but... …"

Ollie's voice slowly dropped again, without explanation, Ronan was able to guess the follow-up.

"But not only did you have no way to persuade her, but you also escorted her to the parking lot to pick up the car, escorting her on the road all the way, disappearing from sight."

Ollie suddenly raised his head to look at Ronan, with a shocked expression on his face, "How did you know?" It was exactly the same, and there was no deviation in the whole process.

Ronan also choked speechlessly, and laughed helplessly because of Ollie's serious expression, "Actually, I am a wizard and I have peeped at your every move through crystal ball fortune-telling."

Ollie knew that Ollie was joking, but he didn't mind, he just laughed hehe, touched his head, and didn't refute anything.

After a pause of silence, Ollie's thoughts were back on track again, "Ronan, you know... I mean, do you know what's going on?"

"Last night, what did you say to Ophelia? Why did she get up and leave? Then I asked her, but she just said, "Remembered the university". I tried to figure out what this sentence meant, but it came It's still a mess now. Ronan, what should I do?"

After speaking, Ollie slumped his shoulders in frustration, kicked the sand in front of him, but didn't know what he was doing, just venting his irritability meaninglessly.

"Do you know what Maxim will say when he sees this scene?" Ronan said casually.

Olina’s head, which was already full of question marks, once again had a big question mark, and it was about to be squeezed: Where is this and where?

Ronan Shiran said, "A guy who has never been in a relationship asks another guy who has never been in a relationship about the troubles of love, so what is this? Are you sure it is more reliable to ask about tarot divination? "

"Punch", Ollie smiled directly, even though he really didn't want to be funny now, watching Ronan say those funny words seriously, Ollie still couldn't control it after all, so he laughed reflexively. , Looked at Ronan helplessly, a smile appeared in his eyes.

The atmosphere is a little more relaxed.

Ronan said again, "Oli, I don’t know the correct answer. I even wonder if Ophelia herself knows the so-called correct answer. After all, we are always like this, trapped in our own thoughts, many I don’t even know what I think at all times, like a trapped beast."

Ollie was very surprised, he hadn't expected Ronan to interpret it from such a perspective.

"Emotions are always full of uncertainty, and I cannot be 100% sure of uncertainty. This is also the key to the most complex and happiest love."

Ronan turned his head and showed a faint smile at Ollie. Ollie was ignorant and unclear, so he couldn’t be sure whether he understood it, but it was certain that the chaotic entangled thoughts seemed to have received some comfort and irritated mood. Followed to calm down.

This should be a good thing, right?

"You mean...Ophelia can't tell her feelings, maybe...maybe..." As he said, Ollie thought of a possibility, and his eyes gradually brightened, unable to control his excitement and excitement. Excited.

Maybe, she might like me?

This was Ollie's idea, but he didn't dare to say it. He just stared at Ronan with joy and excitement, his eyes full of eager anticipation.

Ronan couldn't help but chuckled. There was no affirmation but no denial, "Oli, I am not Ophelia, I was not even next to you last night, I can't answer, any form of answer is blind. "

Ollie calmed down a bit. Although Ronan didn't give an answer, Ollie's thoughts were: Ronan also has no possibility of denying it, right?

Thus, Ollie's eyes flashed with excitement and excitement, and his body was filled with positive messages.

Ronan hesitated for a moment, after all, he didn’t pour cold water on Ollie. As he said, he didn’t know the details of how Ophelia and Ollie got along, so he was not qualified to make a judgment. After thinking about it, Ronan’s words changed. , Directly changed the subject, and brought Ollie's attention back.

"Yesterday, by the campfire, Ophelia and I mentioned you and us. She said, I have changed a lot. I think she has also changed, but I think you still have nothing to change. It is still the same as before. That rampage guy in college."

Ronan's words made Ollie stunned and looked at Ronan incredulously, "You mentioned me?" But then, surprise was overwhelmed by joy, "What else? What else did you say?" The flashing light in his eyes could not conceal the surging heart.

Ronan thought about it seriously, "We also said that you are as handsome, as fond of music, and as helpful as before, and even the horrible laughter is exactly the same; and as innocent and romantic, it seems that you have been rubbed by society on the ground these years. It hasn’t changed, just like what I say you believe..."

The first half was fine, but in the second half, Ollie gradually noticed the strangeness and stared at Ronan dumbfounded.

In the end, Ronan couldn't help laughing under Ollie's Ollie let out a disappointed sigh, "So, didn't she say?"

"The first half was not fabricated by me." Ronan still said with a smile, "but the point is not what we said, but the views we expressed."

Having said that, Ronan's smile was slightly calm, adding a little weight.

"We are all changing, from university to society, from ideal to reality, just like the band is facing a crossroads. We are always hovering between continuing to persist or turning around and giving up. We have all changed involuntarily. Some changes are good things. , And some changes are not."

"Oli, Ophelia is missing her once youth, she misses the ivory tower of the university, the carefree years and believes that dreams can still shine, but unfortunately, we can't Being immersed in youth forever, waking up from a dream, after all, still need to face real life."

To some extent, Ronan could guess that Ophelia's mentality had changed, even though he didn't know what her life was like now.

They are still them, but they are no longer what they used to be.

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