King of Stage

Chapter 584: Trapped by love

Vaguely, Ronan could guess Ophelia's mentality.

Reunion with Ollie again is not so much about relived friendship or budding love, but more about reminiscing about youth and reminiscing about the college life. This weekend of Coachella Music Festival, I briefly escaped from the current life and breathed freshness. The air, rediscover the wanton youth.

Therefore, Ophelia was very happy to see Ollie again-not because Ollie had pursued herself, but because Ollie was part of the university's memory.

However, the Coachella Music Festival is about to end, and the mirage-like dream is about to wake up. Ophelia will be uncontrollably sad, and Ronan’s words inadvertently become the fuse, which touches Ophelia’s Sadly, she left the party, feeling a little embarrassed.

Although Ollie and Ophelia talked about memories for a whole night, but when the day broke, the dream woke up, Ophelia was like Cinderella, she must leave quickly before the magic touch, otherwise...the cold reality will be Engulf her again.

They are still them, but they are no longer the same as they used to be in their childhood, and they will never return to the youthful vigor of the university; therefore, they are no longer the same.

Of course, these are all Ronan's guesses and cannot be confirmed.

Ronan has no way of knowing Ophelia’s current life-he does not want to explore, Ronan also has no way of knowing whether Ophelia’s attitude towards Orly is love, friendship, or something in between. Say...beyond the two—he didn't want to make judgments for Ollie on his behalf.

It's just... maybe Oli needs to be sober, Ophelia, she's no longer the goddess from college.

It was precisely because of this that Ronan kept reminding him.

Ollie just froze in place, thinking in his mind as if he understood something.

Ronan didn’t bother Ollie, he just settled all the potato chips in his hand, then raised his head and bathed in the sun, watching the crowds who landed one after another, and the Coachella Music Festival came to an end, waiting for a year later. Reunion.

"Ronan, what should I do?" Ollie's voice came from the side.

Ronan shrugged, "I don't have the right answer."

"Oli..." Ronan hesitated a little, but finally asked, "I just want to say, do you still like Ophelia? Or, you just like the Ophelia in my memory. Felia? Love the perfect image in the memory? In fact, Ophelia is also afraid of the same thing-at least it seems to me, but what she thinks, she can only ask herself."

Ronan turned his head to look at Ollie, "Ole, if this question was not asked by me, but by Ophelia, how would you answer it?"

Ollie was dumb, and the affirmative answer of "like" whirled on the tip of his tongue, but watching Ronan's eyes, the words stayed, too heavy, and after all, he could not easily say it, and then the thoughts in his mind waved away. Come, stretch out towards the surroundings, chaotic and turbulent.

Ronan did not continue to press the question, just patted Ollie on the shoulder lightly, "Don't worry, you and Ophelia have just reconnected, not only you, but Ophelia also needs time to sort out her thoughts. Wait. When you think about the answer, or when you are ready to face this question, you will have the answer—how on earth should you face Ophelia."

Perhaps Ophelia can also find her answer.

But more often, more people may never be found.

Ronan has no way of knowing what Ophelia has experienced after graduating from university, just like outsiders can’t know how the king got here one day, but Ronan knows that they are both growing up and old, the more Because of this, the more you should cherish those things that are still hot and shiny.

Such as dreams. Such as passion. For

However, in the face of love and life, is there really a correct answer?

In fact, everyone hopes to be able to have a formula leading to a correct answer like a math problem, and then as long as you follow the formula to succeed, you can find happiness, but unfortunately, there are often no formulas and no answers in reality. Love is the case, life The same is true.

Everyone has their own difficulties and their own struggles, but the life formula of others is not suitable for them. More importantly, only oneself can define the correct answer that one needs.

Looking at Ollie, who was trapped by love, Ronan didn’t say much, no matter what, he was a bystander after all. How to take that step and how to pursue happiness still needs Ollie’s own efforts; not to mention, he himself The matter has not been resolved yet.

After the Grammy’s midnight party, the band entered a busy state, and Alena Bayeva also returned to Europe to enter a busy tour state. They occasionally contacted via email and text messages, but they never found a chance to meet, so things seemed to be Press the pause button in general.

But the interesting part is here. Whether Ronan or Alena, both of them are devoted to their careers, they don’t seem to be in a hurry to break the current state.

Although Ronan didn't know what kind of state they were now.

Therefore, Ronan doesn't think he can give Ollie a correct answer. The only thing he can do is to accompany him to cheer for Ollie, support Ollie's choice, and be prepared to face all possible results.

"Ah... Ronan, why is life so complicated?" Ollie sighed long and sighed sadly.

This is really not suitable for Ollie.

Ronan couldn't help but laughed, "Perhaps because life is colorful enough and colorful enough, the more complicated it means that there are more possibilities waiting to be discovered."

Such an interpretation angle can be regarded as... unique and strange!

"Think about If life is all about eating and sleeping, just like primitive people, it is enough to fill the stomach and warm the body, then the color of life will no longer exist. Remember? Everyone Chasing the light." Ronan raised his eyebrows lightly, and hummed his song softly in the last sentence.

Ollie tilted his head and thought. Although he might not be able to figure it out for a while, he always felt that it was not so heavy now.



There was the sound of cellphone shaking from the tent. Ollie turned around and got in with agility. His agile skills were not like a black bear but rather like a fox. Ronan chuckled and looked down at the man in his hand. Potato chips bag, looking at some fragments left in it, thinking that it would be more appropriate to pour it directly into your mouth——

These fragments are the essence!

But before Ronan looked up, Ollie came out again and handed the phone to Ronan, "It's not mine."

He thought it was Ophelia's call, but... it was Ronan's cell phone at all, and his shoulders immediately dropped.

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