King of Stage

Chapter 585: Repeat call


There was the sound of cell phone vibration. Ollie thought it was his cell phone, and rushed into the tent with a highly difficult motion to leap up, only to find that it was Ronan’s cell phone. He drooped his shoulders dejectedly and threw the phone to Ronan. Frustration was written all over his body in his arms.

In fact, Ronan didn't want to answer the phone at all. Last night, he had a carnival until dawn. At this time, he should relax his brain, even if it is work, he can wait a while.

As a result, the phone has been thrown into his arms.

Ronan looked at Ollie speechlessly, looking at the frustrated back, he couldn’t say anything. He could only shake his head, and was about to put the phone aside and ignore it. As a result, he saw the caller ID on the phone’s screen when he was out of sight. , Reflexively paused for a while, couldn't help being a little stunned.

A set of unfamiliar mobile phone numbers.

There is no name and no information, which means that Ronan’s phone does not store the contact information of the incoming call. It is either a stranger or an advertising call. However, whether it is the former or the latter, Ronan is really surprised that he faintly feels this. A set of mobile phone numbers...somewhat familiar.

But why?

It is obvious that there is no information stored in the number, but it breeds a sense of familiarity. What is the reason?

The most likely explanation is an illusion.

Maybe, just not fully awake, the brain is still chaotic, and then when you see a set of numbers, you feel deja vu.

But the problem is that now people are accustomed to digitization and use mobile phones or computers to record phone numbers. Very few people recite other people's phone numbers, and even their own phone numbers may not be memorized smoothly.

Therefore, Ronan's judgment is wrong, which is closer to the correct answer.



The phone was still vibrating tirelessly. It seemed that Ronan would never give up if he didn't pick it up-this feeling should also be an illusion.

"Ronan?" Ollie noticed Ronan's dazedness and looked over in surprise.

Ronan came back to his senses and smiled at Ollie, "It's okay, it should be a sales call." He showed the caller ID on the phone screen for a while, and then dropped the phone on the ground without answering it, a thin yellow. The sand fell on the phone screen, and the buzzing sound was still vibrating.


The vibration of the phone finally stopped, and it seemed that the other end of the phone also realized the fact that no one paid any attention.

"Oli, in fact, you can call Ophelia." Ronan said. From the agile and vigorous posture of Oli just now, it can be seen that all his thoughts are still in Ophelia. Body.

Ollie sighed long and couldn't help kicking the sand again, "I know, but... I don't want to put pressure on her. After all, she left in such a rush, obviously wanting to be quiet for a while."

"She is willing to come to the Indio Desert and spend this short weekend with me. This is something that I couldn't imagine in college. I think I should not be too greedy. What do you think?"

After speaking, Ollie turned his head and looked at Ronan, with a little confusion in his eyes-his brain was still confused and he still couldn't sort it out.

Ronan shrugged slightly, "Maybe, you can send a text message to ask if she has arrived in Los Angeles, and whether she has successfully met the work time limit. A greeting text message, as long as..."

Before Ronan finished speaking, Ollie's eyes brightened, "Yes, yes, yes, text messages! Why did I forget! I can send text messages!"

"...As long as the tone is not too hungry/thirsty..." Ronan never had a chance to say the second half of his sentence. Ollie had reentered the tent and searched for his mobile phone, leaving Ronan alone outside the tent with his mouth corners. His smile paused for a moment, and then you could hear the rustling mumbles in the tent, and the arc of that arc rose helplessly.



The phone at his feet vibrated again, and the fine yellow sand shook tremblingly on the surface of the screen, as if they could be seen dancing.

He glanced down, and it was still a group of unfamiliar phone numbers without names—the same number as before.

Obviously, this is not a sales call. If it is a sales call, the other party will not repeat the call so intensively, but wait for a period of time, or even several days, and then look for a gap to call.

So, who is it?

The wrong call? Or is it specifically looking for Ronan?

Wait, is it a call from a fanatical fan?

An inspiration flashed in Ronan's mind, bold guessing and careful verification:

I’ve heard before that enthusiastic fans are omnipotent and able to inquire about the personal contact information of artists-this is why many artists have to change their mobile phone numbers every other time. These enthusiastic fans keep calling the artists, and some It may be just greetings, while others may cause harassment across the border.

Could it be that...for one day the king has now reached such a level? Even fanatical fans searched for their phone number to harass?

But why does he think the phone number is familiar?

Thoughts, turbulent.

At the same time, curiosity rolled along with it. After thinking about it, Ronan picked up the phone from the pile of sand, and connected the phone in a ghostly manner.

In fact, the moment Ronan got on the phone, he regretted it-curiosity killed the cat. He really didn’t need to answer unnamed calls from strangers, and he planned to relax, so why did he answer the call? What?

Sure enough, there was still too much stamina for the party last night, and I still haven't recovered.

However, regretting regrets, Ronan didn't worry about being afraid. Instead, the curvature of the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he relaxed even more.

"Hello, this is Ronan Cooper."


A man’s voice came from the other end of the phone, slightly old. Although it is impossible to determine the specific age, he must be a middle-aged person, at least forty and fifty years old. The traces of growth rings can be captured only from the vocal cords. The passage of time can always leave traces on the body's functions.

But what is really special is the tone of voice——

Ordinary people's words", the slightly rising tone may be to confirm that Ronan is really on the other end of the call, just like Ophelia and Ollie, a long-lost old friend who reconnected. After that, the identity of the other party needs to be further confirmed, and the rising ending still carries a little surprise.

But at this time, the tone on the other end of the phone was... questioning?

Ronan was a little unsure.

To be precise, the tone of the other party hides a sharp, questioning, ridicule, ridicule, ridicule, ridicule and other negative emotions are difficult to distinguish clearly. The only thing Ronan can feel is the sharpness in the uplifting tone, which is faintly transmitted through the earpiece Coming over makes people feel uncomfortable.

This is somewhat different from what we imagined.

So, not a fan, but a black fan?

But this explanation is not smooth.

Ronan picked up his scattered thoughts a little, and added a little sharpness to his words, "Yes, who is talking?"

"Haha." A chuckle came from the other end of the phone, "Ronan, you broke up with Max."

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