King of Stage

Chapter 595: to establish a goal

Johnny Quaid, Atlantic Records, after careful consideration and careful selection, is finally the new agent appointed by the King of One Day.

Johnny is not a top-notch agent who has achieved fame. He is the performance manager of a jazz band—not even a rock band, but a jazz band.

As everyone knows, the jazz has basically been forced to the corner, and even Los Angeles has no soil for the survival of the jazz. Only New York, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Memphis, cities with a long history and flowing black blood can find them. The figure to the jazz bar.

However, Johnny is very, very good at his work, and loves his work, has an old school and retro belief persistence.

Obviously, I chose this job not because I can make money, but because I like it because I love it. From this perspective, in fact, Johnny and King One Day are actually the same kind of people.

After rolling in the jazz circle for nearly two decades, Johnny's footsteps set off from London to Paris, Berlin, Madrid, then to the North American continent, and covered Tokyo, Bangkok and other Asian cities, and finally settled in New York. The professional field has also established its own authority and status.

Moreover, rolling in the fringe underground circles all the year round, Johnny has seen countless unsuccessful assassins and down-and-out artists. He knows how to talk to them, how to deal with crises, and more importantly, his presence. The resilience is excellent.

The only shortcoming is not being unfamiliar with rock bands, but being away from the academy style for too long-that is, too far away from the brilliance of the spotlight lantern cover. In fact, Johnny is not familiar with the set of social occasions that intertwine and hide needles in the cotton. On the contrary, street language It is more in line with his appetite.

But at the same time, Johnny, who is more than 40 years old, is still keen on the retro style of the 1960s and 1970s, and his style is very gentleman——

It's like that glass of martini, with its own persistence.

In a way, Johnny is suitable for a day king, but not suitable, but Atlantic Records seriously asked Johnny for his opinion.

The market for jazz bands is indeed gradually shrinking, his daily workload is no longer much, and Johnny has been considering future development.

Atlantic Records promised to release at least five jazz albums within the next year and promote the market. Such conditions impressed Johnny; in addition, the king’s persistence and faith are the key, and their attitude towards music becomes the ultimate The key to promoting cooperation.

After thinking about it for a long time, Johnny nodded and agreed to this cooperation. For the first time in his career, he left the jazz band and started to lead a rock band; moreover, temporarily left the fringe area that no one cares about, and followed the footsteps of the king of the day into the spotlight. Inside, this is indeed a major change.

Including Atlantic Records and Johnny himself are unable to determine what the outcome of such a cooperation will go, only after trying it can I know.

Although Johnny’s professional resume does not have the name of a big-name superstar, the gentleman's breath from the inside out can feel the pride and nobility in his bones, which can indeed remind people of the temperament of a king for a day. To some extent, there should be no conflict in personality.

The fact is also true.

So far, the two sides have cooperated for two months. Johnny is still adapting to the new rhythm of work. However, Johnny is very satisfied with the King’s attitude towards music. This also allows the two sides to find a tacit understanding in the stumbling block. Following the same rhythm and track.

Especially at this Coachella Music Festival, Johnny was full of praise. Compared with the social network frenzy, what he liked more was the quality of the band's performance——

Music, everything should be about music.

Of course, the stormy waves created by the social networking platform are also a good thing, which also means that the band’s reputation is once again consolidated, just like a brand effect.

"I look forward to you being able to become such a band. When people talk about it, the first impression that comes to mind is the wonderful live strength. People can't help but want to go to the scene to watch your performance. Enjoy your performance with your loved ones and friends."

"One day is the guarantee of the quality of live performances."

These are the original words of Johnny after the Coachella Music Festival ended. After two months of cooperation, he has finally figured out a relatively clear context and ideas, and has a clearer idea for the next step of the band.

In the past, the king was always unknown for a day, had no time or energy to think about his own positioning and goals. The only idea was to break through the siege and have at least one chance to realize his dream. One day the king reached the top, and he couldn't think deeply in his rush.

Of course, it can be seen from here that Alice's "amateur" is not a professional agent after all, and lacks a big picture of the artist's career planning.

After a brief run-in, Johnny quickly established his initial goals. He looked forward to the day when the king could fully grow up-

In the future, when people think of "One Day King", the first impression that comes to mind is "Live Performance Guarantee". As long as the name of One Day King appears on any tour, the quality of the performance can be guaranteed. , Attracting countless audiences to come to enjoy the scene.

"One day king equals performance quality".

It is not easy, but Johnny believes that the king can achieve his goal in one day! After changing his career track, Johnny also succeeded in finding enthusiasm. They needed a clearer time plan and a clearer promotion strategy to move toward their goals one step at a time.

From Grammys to Coachella The road to the rise of the king in one day is booming and booming, soaring all the way, but the foundation is unstable, which also means that the next development needs to be steady, step by step. Only in this way can we challenge and climb a new peak.

So, when the band members are on vacation, Johnny gets busy.

Today is the first meeting to discuss the next step.


"Where is Maxim?"

Johnny frowned slightly. He himself was very familiar with the incident of "being late", because the poor jazz band members are often drunks, and after drinking, they just cut off the scenes, not to mention the performance, even where he is. There is no concept, so he needs to deal with these things every day.

It is precisely because of this that it is extremely sensitive, Maxim is a little late, and Johnny becomes vigilant-because he may need to deal with things immediately at any time, naturally he needs to grasp the situation the first time.

However, no one could answer Johnny's question, all of them looked at each other.

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