King of Stage

Chapter 596: Creepy

"Where is Maxim?"

A simple question, but none of the three members of the band could answer. They looked at each other, their eyes flickered, but there was no answer.

Johnny looked at Cliff. "Does Maxim always be late?"

In just two months, Johnny has also figured out many things. You should ask Cliff about trivial matters in the team, and you should communicate with Ronan about music and performance. All four members of the band have different personalities and focus on them. They are all different. Only by mastering the methods can the whole band be managed.

For things like being late, asking Ronan must be asking three questions, and Oli is probably also at a loss.

Cliff shook his head, "In fact, it is Ollie who always sleeps in bed. Maxim takes a lot of time to wash, and he is always the first to get up. Unless Ronan stays up all night." At the end, Cliff gave Ronan a grumpy glance, and seemed to be disgusted with Ronan's work all night long.

Or maybe it was hungry to wake up in the middle of the night.

Ronan spread his hands to express his innocence.

Ollie remembered one thing, "The last time I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I found a small night light was on in the lobby. I wondered if the hotel didn’t have a night light. Then I walked over and found Ronan sitting cross-legged in the refrigerator. Eat pizza at the door, hahahaha, like a hungry zombie."

Although Ollie was scared to pee and almost fell on the ground as soon as his knees softened, but now thinking about it, he couldn't help laughing.

Ronan didn't have the slightest form of restraint, and he justified and defended, "Hungry in the middle of the night is really a big torture, okay? You can't understand the feeling of being sleepy and hungry, suffering, suffering!"

Cliff ignored the quarrel between Ronan and Ollie, and looked at Johnny again, "Maxim is really rarely late. I don't know what happened today. Do you need me to call him?"

"...No, I'll know by looking at it." Johnny took out his phone, tapped a few quickly, and then he could see a location map appeared on the screen.

Cliff was dumbfounded, his thoughts circled twice, and he hesitantly asked, "...Did you activate the surveillance and positioning system in our mobile phone?"

Johnny was not surprised or surprised at all, "Yes. Now the technology is really very advanced. Parents can install hidden positioning systems in their children's mobile phones to monitor their whereabouts at any time to ensure that they can grasp their situation." After that, Johnny There was also a satisfied expression on his face.

Cliff directly covered his chest, "God!" Looking at Johnny in disbelief, their privacy was exposed like this? What is this operation? Are they being monitored like this? Then he turned his head to look at Ollie and Ronan, "Do you know this? Why are you not surprised at all?"

"No, I don't know, because I didn't carry a mobile phone." Ronan shook his head, and his unexpected answer made Cliff almost choked on his saliva.

Since the last time Jonathan Hansen heard Ronan’s call, Ronan has remained vigilant-he still doesn’t know how Jonathan got his mobile phone number. Although Ronan hasn’t changed his mobile phone number yet, he has been with him recently. The number of carrying mobile phones is indeed decreasing.

Without waiting for Ollie’s answer, Johnny said directly, “Of course, I understand your privacy concerns. If you insist, you can turn off the tracking signal now, but if you can’t find you in the future, it’s yourselves. Pay the bill."

Cliff, "..."

Johnny tilted his head, "Or, you will never know when you were so drunk and then you don't know where you are and need my help."

Cliff, you can just lay an egg in your mouth.

Ronan thought about it seriously, "Johnny, has anyone said that your behavior is abnormal?"

It's not accusing or complaining, but a tone of discussing mathematical formulas——

Because Johnny’s discussion tone is like this, there is no offense or attack, just an objective and rational discourse to analyze and discuss, so calm and so rational, that it bursts out a creepy indifference, it is difficult to distinguish these words to the end. How should it be interpreted.

As a result, Ronan also launched an academic discussion "returning the other's way to the other's body".

Wait, or do you mean fighting with poison?

Johnny nodded softly, "Well. Many people have said it. But it turned out that I was right, because there are always countless messes waiting for me to clean up, and everyone is used to it. To be honest, I would rather not need Supervise all the time, just like a novice parent supervising a baby."

It seems...this is the truth.

Johnny raised his head and glanced, and then solemnly said, "If you feel uncomfortable, you can just turn off the function now. I don't mind. In this way, I don't need to be your nanny, whereabouts. You can leave it to the assistant to deal with the problem."

Look at Ronan, look at Ollie, look at Cliff, and after expressing his attitude with his eyes, he looked down at the phone screen again.

The calm and rational attitude made Cliff stunned, and a question mark slowly appeared above his forehead——

Is this still a good thing?

Cliff felt that his fixed ideas seemed to have been subverted, looked at Ronan and Ollie in a daze, and then fell into thinking.

"Ah, I found it."

Johnny is still very focused, and the unmanned state really has a sense of absurdity. Cliff, Ronan and Ollie looked at each other. The expressions of the three people are different, but they are all a little subtle and special, and it will be indescribable for a while. , Ronan didn't hold back in the end, and laughed out loud with a flutter.

Johnny raised his head and looked suspiciously at Ronantou.

Ronan waved his hand quickly to indicate that it was all right.

Johnny didn't ask further, and said directly, "Maxim is at his own house. I think he should be lying in bed. I will call Jack and let him go and have a look."

Jack Boyle, the assistant to the King of One Day, is now running in with Johnny after completing the handover from Alice, and the driver of the band, Tony Ravi, is still working for them. Johnny quickly edited the text message, and after sending it out, he looked up at the band members, “Then, let’s start today’s meeting first.”

"Don't wait for Maxim?" Ollie asked worriedly—

In fact, as the band members exchanged their sights, they can probably guess that the reason for Maxim's delay, the woman question is likely to be the answer.

However, Maxim has never lost work because of women's problems before, and today is the first time ever.

Therefore, they will inevitably be a little worried.

And, should they tell Johnny? If it was five minutes ago, they might tell the truth directly, but now they can't help thinking, maybe Johnny already knew it?

I don't seem to have any secrets.

This feeling is really weird and indescribable.

So, it was quiet for a while, and Ollie's words stopped in the middle, unable to continue speaking.

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