King of Stage

Chapter 597: Acting style

"Don't wait for Maxim?"

Just after Ollie’s words were said, the subsequent endings settled down, automatically muted, and looked uncertainly towards Ronan and Cliff for help:

What should they do?

If it were Alice, things would be much simpler; but facing Johnny now, it feels really weird. They still have a lot of things that need to be adjusted slowly, and their familiar attitudes and ways of dealing with things seem to need to be adjusted, especially just now. What should I do about the episode that happened?

But Johnny still maintained a professional and calm posture, "No, just wait until he arrives to keep up with the progress."

Ollie and Cliff both looked at Ronan, their faintly twinkling eyes revealed uncertainty, and Ronan still needed to make up his mind.

Johnny seemed to have expected it too, and looked at Ronan as well, waiting for Ronan's answer.

"..." Ronan thought about it seriously, and his mind was full of thoughts, "Johnny, you have your own style of doing things. I believe in your professional judgment, but it involves our personal situation. I hope you can talk to us. To complete the communication, if time is too late, then let us know in advance; if time is too late, we need to communicate afterwards."

"It's like installing surveillance applications on mobile phones. We need to have the right to know. At least you should let us know."

Ronan's words made Ollie and Cliff both nod their heads in agreement.

Johnny was not surprised either. There was no particular ups and downs in his emotions. "If you refuse, will you bear the consequences?"

"Everyone needs to be responsible for their own choices, even if we don't want to, the thing is the same, what do you say?" Ronan did not answer simply, but asked rhetorically.

Johnny lightly chins his head, "It's fair."

Ronan let out a sigh of relief, new partners, they all need to run in.

Although King One Day is the employer and they can fire Johnny at any time, Ronan also believes that a good professional agent can help the band to a higher level and plan their career clearly, so they also need John. Ni’s help.

Help each other to achieve a win-win situation.

In just two months of cooperation, both parties are still in the running-in phase. Daily habits and styles of dealing with people are adapting to each other. Obviously, there are still many things that need to be communicated.

Like today, when I suddenly learned that Johnny was "surveilling" them, it was really terrifying and shuddering.

Now Johnny nodded in agreement, and both Ollie and Cliff let out a sigh of relief, and their tight heartstrings relaxed.

Ronan is no exception.

Smooth communication is the most basic element of cooperation.

However, before the breath that was spit out had time to fully squeeze out his chest, Ronan paused slightly, and looked at Johnny's expression carefully—

Is the communication going too smoothly?

Johnny didn't even elaborate on his worries and the reasons for doing so, and it was just Ronan who expressed some discomfort, and then Johnny flinched and gave up?

Something seems to be wrong.

From the perspective of "personal design", it should not be so simple.

Since Johnny dared to deceive the band members from implanting surveillance applications and showed them generously, there was no intention of avoiding band members. This means that Johnny expected the current result. Then...the situation at this time is also John. Neil calculated it?

Ronan, his eyebrows frowned, staring at Johnny carefully, and then hesitatingly said, "Even if we object, you will still install the surveillance application, right? Even if you close it in person and cancel it, you will secretly reinstall it again. Right?"

At first there was some hesitation, but as he spoke, Ronan was sure--

Yang Feng Yin violates.

He believed that Johnny would dare to do this, treating them as fools.

Ollie slowly opened his mouth wide and looked at Johnny in disbelief. The surprise in his eyes flowed out, desperately hoping that Johnny could deny it out loud.

Cliff gradually came back to his senses, staring at Johnny meaningfully, carefully reorganizing the whole thing because of Ronan’s words, and then Cliff found that Ronan’s guess was very, very reasonable, although They are not familiar with Johnny, but they always feel that it is like Johnny's style.

Johnny raised his eyes and met Ronan's sight. He did not speak immediately, but looked at Ronan carefully, paused for a moment, and then the smile at the corner of his mouth rose slightly. Although not obvious, it conveyed a smile. But it couldn't be more obvious, he said affirmation lightly.

"Johnny! How can you!" Ollie's eyes were about to fall out, but after the voice shouted out, he immediately realized the club environment, turned his head to look around in a panic, and sat down again with his voice pressed. , Looked at Ronan and Cliff anxiously, trying to ask for help.

Johnny ignored Ollie, just met Ronan's gaze, "You don't seem to be surprised." This is an affirmative sentence.

Ronan shook his head and replied half-jokingly, "It's just that I cover up better."

Ronan and Cliff did not explode directly as before, and Ollie forced himself to calm down a bit when he saw this, but his stomach burning still made him restless, trying to check his mobile phone on the spot. I don’t know if uninstalling the application now works.

Johnny knew that now is his time to explain.

In fact, a similar situation has happened before-and more than once, but most people are furious, and are unwilling to give time and space for Johnny to explain. Over time, Johnny gave up, and there seems to be no explanation. .

But Ronan's calmness and patience surprised Johnny. He thought about it, maybe... he can explain it?

"...I once brought a jazz The trumpet in it is a guy with five poisons, but he is really a genius, maybe the best trumpet in 30 years, every time I watch it When I reach him, I can think of countless great figures at his peak. I believe he can create a whole new history, and maybe even write a whole new chapter for Jazz."

Johnny, with his tone still calm, told the story of the past in a slow and unhurried manner.

"But his private life is a mess. He often drank to pieces, or indulged in those powdery psychedelic worlds. It is commonplace to be late, and it is not unusual for him to be absent from performances."

"The smartphone just came out at that time, it was not as versatile as it is now, so every time he disappears, the only thing I can do is keep calling until the phone is powered off."

At this point, Johnny raised his head and showed a shallow smile, which was obviously a laugh, but with a deep irony.

"You won’t believe where I found him. Once I found him by a pier on the Hudson River. Half of my body was crooked out, crumbling, sleeping in a pile of rubbish, and I didn’t know how close I was to death. near."

The memory drifted away slowly, and Johnny fell silent.

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