King of Stage

Chapter 598: Sharp turn

The words paused, and the lingering rhyme surging in the air, Johnny's memory traced back to the past along the clues of time, his thoughts wandering on the surface of the sparkling lake, seemingly quiet, but slowly drifting, unknowingly Re-enter the yellowed world deep in memory.

   But it is precisely this kind of silence that makes the aftertaste of the blank more turbulent, and can't help but let my thoughts flow, exploring the life of the trumpet player—

For a jazz band, the situation may be worse than that of a king for a day, just as they have experienced seven long years of darkness, and that musician may have experienced more terrible and worse conditions; moreover, he is a genius, as Johnny said. A genius, a genius who was born in the wrong time, the sharp gap between the brilliance of talent and the reality of reality, tortured him all the time.

  Some people struggle because of their ordinaryness, trying to get rid of mediocrity but there is no way out, so they struggle in the boring reality of inaction.

Some people are tortured because of their talents, those inspirations and wisdom that make them divorced from reality, the loneliness of incomprehension and the embarrassment of being unidentified, wandering on the edge of madness and derailment, every day is on the tip of a knife Dancing wildly, but there is no one to talk to.

  Mediocre and genius, they all live on their own planet, the former is bustling and the latter is alone, but the essence of both is loneliness.

   For geniuses, even if they want to give up, there is no way to give up, because they are so smart that they see everything through, and there is no turning back at the beginning, and then... there is no place for him in the world of Nuo Da.

The focus of Johnny's eyes shattered, awakening the memories that had been buried deep in his heart again, and then he blinked his eyes again and refocused, restoring his usual calm and composure, "One day, he disappeared again. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find him."


   I missed a beat, and an unknown premonition surged.

   "Until forty-eight hours later, I found him in the morgue of the 99th Police District in Brooklyn. The cause of death was OD."

Johnny put an emergency brake to the end of the story, and stopped abruptly before the long story was sensational. The end was lightly and neatly drawn. The feeling of falling from the cliff made everyone lost in confusion, and there was a buzzing sound in their minds. I was turbulent, but there was no way to think and no idea, but suddenly I pressed the pause button.

  OD (overdose), to put it simply, is the white powder, overdose, and then causes sudden death.

   Countless geniuses all have their wings folded like this.

Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp pays attention to cash and coins!

   Silence is spreading. The sunshine in Los Angeles is shining brightly and brilliantly, but it makes the silence between them more sad and calm.

   Johnny picked up the glass of martini on the table, drank it, and said again, "If I knew his position and arrived the first time, the tragedy wouldn't happen. Maybe."

   It turns out that this is why Johnny installed a surveillance location application.

   If you can accurately grasp the whereabouts, if you can rush to the scene as soon as possible, if...

Ronan could not imagine Johnny’s despair and sadness, nor could he imagine the importance of that trumpet player to Johnny, nor could he imagine the pain of the fall of a genius for **** jazz supporters, but even as a bystander, Just imagine it makes me feel suffocated, breathless dull and tormented.

"Johnny, even parents, there is no way to be responsible for the children all the time. What's more, you are not a superman, you can't always be there the first time..." Ronan tried to comfort Johnny, even if he saved this time, It can't save every time, it's not Johnny's life after all.

But Johnny looked up, looked directly into Ronan’s eyes, and interrupted his words, "You don’t know." It’s not angry or irritable, but the easy and gentle words have a firm determination, as if they can deeply feel it. The despair behind the words, and then he repeated it again, "You will never know."

No one can judge whether it is the last time, whether it will be able to usher in a new situation after the catastrophe, whether it will be able to break through the cocoon and become a butterfly by escaping from the dead; and no one can judge whether Johnny can turn the tide and have a completely awakened epiphany. Whether it will be tomorrow soon.

   No one can assert, because there is no "if" in real life, and the "if" we imagine is just a short fantasy to escape reality.

   Johnny needs such an "if" to maintain a faint hope.

   A smile still hung on the corner of Johnny's mouth, but the light surging in the depths of his eyes slowly allowed the air to settle down.

   Ronan opened his mouth, but after all, he didn’t go on.

   Everyone has their own obsessions, which cannot be broken by a simple "reason".

   Ronan’s silence caused the tight Johnny to complete an emergency brake on the edge of the outbreak. After all, he did not lose control, and then the conversation was quiet again.

Johnny slowly leaned back to the back of the chair. Only then did he realize that he was still unable to control his emotions after all. The slight forward body language movements exposed his inner emotions, which made him exhale a little. , Calmed down a bit, and then went on.

   "If you don't like it, I can turn off the monitoring function."

   Johnny gave the conclusion, but he went round and round, and this combination of starting, inheriting and turning is not quite right. Ollie and others cast doubtful glances—

you sure?

   The story just now is obviously not like this, why suddenly there is a drifting turn? The speed of a sharp turn is too fast and the tires are almost on fire!

   Bathed in the eyes, UU reading www. Johnny said unhurriedly, "But I will turn on your "Find My Phone" function."

   To put it simply, changing the soup does not change the medicine.

   However, after changing the term, it doesn't seem to be's all right.

"Find my mobile phone" is a function to prevent the loss or theft of the mobile phone, to ensure the security of the mobile phone, and to avoid the leakage of photos or contact information inside; but the "surveillance level" is like making mistakes or even committing crimes. Supervision, every move is exposed, and there is no privacy.

   is obviously the same thing, why does it feel different?

When    looked at each other, it seemed that maybe maybe maybe it seemed... acceptable.

   Ollie and Cliff seemed a little more comfortable, not as repulsive as they were just now, but Ronan did not speak and still looked at Johnny.

Johnny did not continue to argue. This is his style and bottom line. If the band members are not satisfied, the cooperation can be directly defeated, but he is not ready to compromise, so he calmly bathes in Ronan’s sight. Waiting calmly for Ronan's judgment.

   Silence spread between the two people again. Both Ollie and Cliff could perceive the tightness of the air, and they couldn't help but go back and forth between them.


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