King of Stage

Chapter 599: Respective bottom line

   The atmosphere is a bit subtle and a bit tight.

   Johnny is not going to give in.

   Ronan is not ready to compromise.

   In silence, it is suffocating.

   Ollie looked to Cliff for help. Cliff usually handles all these things in the band, and Cliff is very good at this situation.

   But Cliff didn't speak, he was a little confused.

   In the past year, Ronan has indeed changed a lot, especially at the Coachella Music Festival, you can clearly feel Ronan’s self-confidence and pride, and his temperament has become dazzling.

   But, in Cliff's eyes, Ronan is still soft outside and strong inside. In the face of disputes, conflicts, and violent changes, Ronan’s approach is often light and gentle, and sharp and hot contradictions can always be resolved invisible.

   This does not mean that Ronan is a peaceful peacemaker.

In fact, on the contrary, Ronan always has his own paranoia and bottom line, as well as his own persistence and beliefs. That tenacity is definitely not something that others can easily shake. The so-called soft or circuitous policies are all means to avoid the edge. Unknowingly, he brought the situation under his control and solved the problem in Ronan's way.

Look at this year, when conflicts within the band were about to give up, when the band faced the invitation of Jimmy Cammore talk show, when the band faced challenges in entering Atlantic Records, when the preparations for the band’s first album were questioned. , When the band boarded the Grammys...

  Divergence is everywhere.

   However, what happened to the ending of all the problems? The answer is, all are developed in accordance with Ronan’s wishes, full moon parties, "Jimmy Feather Show", signing with Atlantic Records, "Seven" album, "Falling Up" on the Grammys, etc., all questions are no exceptions. .

   However, all the conflicts of issues were resolved intangible, and it seemed that Ronan could not be felt at all.

   This is Ronan's real brilliance.

Cliff didn’t think Ronan would be stupid enough to confront Johnny head-on. If he really didn’t like it, he believed Ronan would terminate the cooperation without hesitation. There was no need for them to persevere in embarrassment. Then, this What's the matter of Shi's silence?

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   As his thoughts surged, Cliff didn't have the first time to speak, waiting for him to resolve the deadlock, Ronan had already broken the silence.

   As expected!

   As Cliff had expected, Ronan always had a way to deal with conflicts skillfully, unknowingly letting things fall into his control.

   Now Cliff is a little curious, how will things develop when Ronan meets Johnny?

   In the deadlock, Ronan took the lead to break the silence, "So, this is your bottom line?"

   Johnny was still not familiar with Ronan, so naturally he didn't think too much. Seeing Ronan speak first, his tense mind relaxed a little, he didn't want the conflict to intensify, otherwise it would be the result of burning jade.

   Actually, Johnny is also a little curious about the way the members of the Kings Band deal with it.

   It’s not that Johnny deliberately created a conflict, but he just ran into a situation and he went along with the flow to see how the band members would deal with it. Because in the process of cooperation between the two parties, different disputes and even conflicts will inevitably arise in the future. They need to find an appropriate way to deal with the problem. Both parties need to know each other's bottom line, each other's style, and so on.

  Today, it happened to be a situation of testing the bottom line of both sides——

Johnny did not hide it, but showed it naturally. It might not mean it. Otherwise, if Johnny didn’t take the initiative to expose it, pretending to go to the bathroom, and then inquired about Maxim’s location, the band members would not know this at all. Going on.

   So, Johnny didn't speak, but calmly faced Ronan's gaze, lightly chin his head, and expressed his firm stand with a slightly softened attitude, and then waited for Ronan's further "attack".

   Johnny is testing the members of the band, but on the other hand, Ronan also took the opportunity to test Johnny.

   From a certain perspective, Johnny and Ronan are so similar. In the game of temptation and counter temptation, you can faintly see the collision of wisdom.

   For Ronan, Johnny's reaction was completely in accordance with his plan. This is good news.

After experiencing the ups and downs of his previous life, Ronan became more indifferent, calmer, and calmer. Even though the Coachella Music Festival allowed him to regain some of his arrogance, he still couldn't be as rampant and enthusiastic as he was when he was eighteen. Up.

Ronan believes that life has countless problems, even if it is not this problem, it is also that problem. Even if it is not today or tomorrow, they may encounter problems. In other words, they always need to face problems, just like a long river, large and small rocks. All over the corners of the river bed.

  Life is also a long river.

   Facing the reef, there is no need to touch it hard. Be patient enough to stay calm enough. Even if you cannot avoid the reef, the edges and corners of the reef will eventually be smoothed, and then no harm can be done.

  This mentality has also changed Ronan’s approach to things. From the day the king faced a desperate dissolution to the stage of the Coachella Music Festival, he faced problems in this way.

  Today is no exception.

To a certain extent, he can understand Johnny's paranoia, just like when he can't hear or see clearly, deep in his heart he also expects someone to be concerned about his existence and pay attention to his movements all the ~ That kind of concern is like a life-saving straw, dropping a glimmer of hope on the edge of despair.

Even if the reason knows that it is precisely because he has lost his hearing and eyesight, he should not rely on others, and can only rely on his own strength to have the possibility of restarting; but the emotion of falling into the horns is an attachment and madness that cannot be controlled by the reason. Full of the bitterness of despair, I became more concerned about the reactions and concerns of everyone around me, but in the end, I ruined everything because I cared too much.

   Johnny’s paranoia about “mastering whereabouts” is the same. This is his bottom line and his taboo.

Especially Johnny and King One Day have just started to work together. Johnny doesn’t know King One Day. He cannot be sure whether the tragedy will happen again. After all, rock bands are indeed "famous", not to mention the five poisons. But it is also full of many variables. His caution is excusable.

   Although Ronan does not agree with Johnny's approach, Ronan also believes that all this is only due to the current lack of trust and lack of understanding. It is also because of Johnny's excessive care in order to do a good job.

   They need time.

  Waiting to get to know each other and gradually change after embarking on the journey together, maybe one day in the future, Johnny will be able to understand that they are not the trumpet players and will not repeat the same mistakes.


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