King of Stage

Chapter 600: Retreat

Everyone has their own boundaries and bottom lines. Every relationship needs to explore each other's boundaries and bottom lines, including family, love and friendship.

What's more, what about business partnerships?

It is precisely because of this that how to grasp the scale and how to grasp the scale has also become the key to every relationship. The same is true for agents and artists.

Today, Johnny and King One Day are testing each other’s bottom line, but it’s impossible to change the concepts and styles of both parties through a short dialogue today. Therefore, the most important thing is to show your attitude and be based on such an attitude. , And we will cooperate step by step in the future.

Just as Johnny indicated his bottom line, Ronan also needs to indicate their bottom line, "I don't like it. This is my bottom line."

Ronan said so.

Johnny raised his jaw slightly, his eyes flickered slightly, he seemed to be thinking about the meaning of Ronan's words, and he was ready to respond.

But Johnny did not rashly urge to speak. He didn't want his impulse to make a mistake and carefully thought about the correct response for the next step. However, he did not expect that Ronan's pause was very short, and he said something before Johnny responded. The second half of the sentence.

"But I can accept it." Ronan continued. Johnny was slightly surprised. "This is just to cooperate with work. I believe you will not spy on our privacy and break that boundary at will. I accept it, but at the same time I don't like it. This is my attitude."

Moreover, this is not all.

Ronan added another important point, "In addition, I need you to know that we can communicate face-to-face when we encounter such things in the future. I don't like the actions behind it. I can accept contradictions and even conflicts, but I cannot accept them. Willingly go without communication."

The clouds are light and the wind is light, but clear and clear.

Cliff was slightly surprised that such a straightforward way of speaking was not Ronan's style.

Johnny was also slightly surprised, because Ronan expressed his attitude bluntly.

But obviously, Ronan's method worked.

Johnny raised his eyebrows lightly, "Is this all?" There was no affirmation or denial, but the tone was audible. He seemed to say: This is not a problem, it is just a small matter.

Ronan chuckled lightly, "Of course not. This is only a part. I believe that your bottom line should be more than five centimeters long."

The bottom line of a person, of course, cannot be measured by "centimeters".

But Ronan’s little humor succeeded in making the atmosphere lighter, and the subtext could not be more clear: they still need time to slowly run in, it is impossible to get it right in one step; therefore, today’s things end here, waiting for the next time something happens. Communicate again.

Johnny likes Ronan’s attitude. He hides needles in the cotton, is soft on the outside and **** the inside. Behind the ease of the spring breeze, he clearly and accurately conveys his attitude, and he does not roll up his sleeves and directly punch into battle. As for how much the conversation partner can understand and understand , This is the test of IQ.

"I think it shouldn't be as long as five miles." Johnny also teased, which was a response.

When the two people’s eyes crossed and collided, the exchange was completed and a consensus was reached temporarily.

This is the best result so far, so Ronan did not continue to struggle on this topic.

"So, what is the purpose of today's meeting?"

Ronan took the initiative to avoid the topic. Johnny was slightly surprised, but he was willing to open his chest and warmly welcome such an accident, otherwise he would fall into a dispute about principles and the bottom line after a short period of time. I am afraid that he will be entangled in the next period of time. Turn around here.

Now, the smooth completion of the communication and the smooth cessation of the problem are naturally better for Johnny.

Deep in his heart, Johnny didn't even notice the ground himself, and he was slightly relieved.

What has actually happened?

On the surface, Ronan seems to have backed down and did not break Johnny's paranoid principle; but in fact, the initiative is always in Ronan's hands.

First of all, it is obvious that Johnny was the first to cut and then play secretly, but from the results, it seems that Johnny solicited Ronan’s opinion and executed it after Ronan’s affirmation. The subtle changes between active and passive have also produced different chemistry in my heart. reaction.

Secondly, Ronan's combination of tough and soft response gave Johnny a kind of "rejoice"-or "relaxed", because his bottom line was not broken, and because the communication of the first conflict ended successfully. Compared with previous cooperation, Johnny can get more breathing space.

To put it simply, Ronan established his dominance by retreating into progress.

More importantly, Ronan's handling is very gentle and very subtle, even the old fritters like Johnny did not notice the abnormality. Of course, a large part of the reason is that Johnny's mind is on the "surveillance application", waiting to calm down, and after he recovered, he reacted.

But the opportunity has already been missed.

Apart from a bitter smile, Johnny also increased his interest in Ronan.

At this time, even as a bystander, he could not accurately grasp Ronan’s intentions. Ollie knew nothing, while Cliff was vaguely vague but failed to accurately grasp the context. It was just a period of your coming and going. At the end of the conversation, the topic didn't know how to come back.

Vaguely, Cliff could perceive Johnny’s relaxation, and then look at Ronan, who is sitting still on Tarzan. Question marks slowly appear above his head, seemingly understandable, but there is no time to think carefully. The turning point of the topic is Pulling his thoughts, he shifted, and soon he lost the mind to think slowly.

"Do you want to start now?" Johnny asked confirmingly.

In other words, in the absence of Maxim, they are ready to meet. As for Maxim, it is enough to wait for the progress to follow afterwards.

Cliff was also able to detect the subtle changes in the atmosphere and nodded in affirmation, "We won't wait for He just wants to change the subject now, otherwise things don't know how it should end.

Johnny didn't continue to procrastinate and hum, and he went straight to the subject.

"We need to start a formal tour, I mean, a separate stage belonging to the band, not a warm-up performance, not a joint performance, only one day king."

"The band's solo tour is already on the agenda, and Atlantic Records has begun to finalize the schedule and venue. Everything is on the right track."


The solo tour belonging to the King of One Day is finally here!

Atlantic Records has been planning since before the Grammys, and now it is finally on the agenda.

Such unexpected and so gratifying news, an 180 degree turn came in an instant, so that everyone in the band could not react, including Ronan, his eyes widened, and the excitement and excitement in the depths of his pupils It surging up, and can't wait to wait for the following.

"There are two main issues that need to be explored. The first is the theme; the second is the content."

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