King of Stage

Chapter 610: Way of balance

In fact, Ronan really wanted to reprimand Maxime severely and sound the alarm for Ollie and Cliff. They have now officially entered Vanity Fair. The colorful and prosperous life is indeed dazzling, alcohol, drugs, and desire/ Watching and waiting rushes towards your face, which makes you sinking. A little carelessness may cause you to be completely indulged in it, unable to extricate yourself from it.

Not only Maxim, but Ronan himself, they are all facing new challenges.

Even if you are fully vigilant, you still may not be able to avoid the ubiquitous traps, and even a little carelessness may be lost.

But... after all, they are not a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but a relationship of equal cooperation, just like Ronan does not like Cliff's attitude towards him, I am afraid Maxim will not like being talked and talked about, and they will compare their hearts to their hearts. They are all grown-ups and have independent ideas. There is no need to impose their own ideas on others.

What's more, Maxim has already apologized. It can also be seen that he still wants to achieve more development in creation after all.

Father, like son. In a similar situation, Ronan was so impulsive just now that it was difficult to control his emotions, but now he can calmly clear his thoughts.

When his eyes fell on Maxim, Ronan was also full of thoughts, and after repeated consideration, he was relieved after all. They need to maintain a balance. The four characters of the band need to find a balance in friction after all. , Otherwise the edges and corners of each other will only make the cracks bigger and bigger, and eventually lead to falling apart.

What's more, there are enough conflicts today, and there is no need to grasp issues that are not principled. The best way to deal with it is to click until it reaches the point.

As soon as his thoughts turned, the words that rushed to his mouth also changed, and at the same time the curvature of the corners of the mouth was gently raised to break the deadlock, and then he said:

"Even in such a bad state, he is still handsome and handsome. It is worthy of the representative image of our band."

A joke, the tight atmosphere melted and collapsed in an instant.

Ollie looked sideways at Maxim's beard and scum, his sloppy appearance added a little decadent temperament, thinking about Ronan's words, didn't hold back, and laughed.

Maxim looked at Ronan, then at Ollie, and then at Cliff, his mouth was itchy, but thinking that he was apologizing, it seemed that he shouldn’t be poor, so he forced himself to endure it again, but it was very hard. .

Cliff still has a straight face, with his hands on his chest, expressing his dissatisfaction in this way-no matter what, he is still the captain of the band, and he is responsible for all the chores, discipline, and work arrangements of the band. Responsible, he doesn't want being late to become a habit.

But looking at the atmosphere at the scene, Cliff's tight jaw line slackened after all, and he glanced at Maxim, "Just say what you want."

Maxim immediately raised his head and chested himself, leaning against the back of the chair in a suave and lazy posture, and said casually, "I know that no matter what, I still have to rely on the face. What is the era now, the era of relying on the face to eat, you Don't be envious, unless you reincarnate again, there will be no other way."

"Hahaha." Ollie's earth-shaking laughter broke out again, leaning forward and backward, unable to control it at all.

There were also slight cracks in Johnny's calm and calm expression, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Cliff was not surprised, and explained to Johnny, "We are all used to it. His narcissism can always constantly refresh the lower limit. Recently, it seems that the prince’s disease has become more serious. Those fans really shouldn’t. Continue to praise him."

Maxim will not be hit at all, "Cliff, as we all know, this is speaking with envy."

Cliff rolled his eyes and said, "Ha. Ha. Very funny." After a dry laugh, he complained again, "We are discussing serious topics now because Ronan is always on your side. Then you escaped another catastrophe, and it turned out that I was a bad guy."

Maxim's mouth was itchy, but thinking that he was "admitting", his attitude softened a little, and he just muttered in a low voice, "Isn't it because you are suitable?"

Cliff was choked directly and gave Ronan a fierce look, as if condemning Ronan for indulging Maxim.

Johnny also turned his head to look at Ronan, with a touch of confusion in his eyes-is your band usually like this?

But Ronan shook his head slightly, "I don't know him, sorry, I don't know all of you. I'll leave now, sorry to bother you."

After speaking, Ronan really stood up, made a "goodbye" gesture, pulled the chair away and left.

Really left.

Even Johnny didn't expect it, and for the first time he showed a jaw-dropping expression.

The other members of the band have long been accustomed to Ronan's pranks, but... I just experienced that kind of dispute today, is this kind of prank suitable?

Cliff seemed to show his friendship and took the initiative to extend an olive branch, "Are you really going to leave? Go to the studio now?"

In fact, Ronan was just making a joke, going to the bathroom, and then walked back, but Cliff said this, in fact, to give Ronan a hint——

Even if Ronan goes to Bruno's recording studio now, it doesn't matter.

Ronan was slightly stunned, and confirmed to Cliff with his eyes.

Cliff shrugged, "Before you go to the recording studio, you need to change at least one outfit, right? Otherwise, are you going to be on the scene like this for the Rolling Stone interview? If necessary, you should also go to the beauty salon and take care of it. Myself, the time for departure may not be enough now."

In fact, like Ronan, Cliff is also maintaining a balance. In a way, Cliff is better at this job than Ronan, which is why he can be the captain.

Cliff also realized that there was too much tension in today's meeting and needed to adjust the rhythm of the so he took the initiative to express a little friendship.

Ronan can feel Cliff’s sincerity. If you think about it, it’s true. Even if you don’t go to the beauty salon, you should at least take care of it at home. Moreover, it’s close to noon, and it’s lunch time. Waiting for lunch After that, you should go to the recording studio.

Therefore, leaving now is also a good choice.

So Ronan looked at Johnny along the way, "Any other things?"

Johnny also understood what Ronan and Cliff meant, "If it were today's meeting, all important things would have ended."

"Next there are some trivia, we need to discuss the rehearsal schedule, and the list of invited guests, and then the band needs to discuss a time, gather together to discuss the creation of things, that's probably all, around the concert schedule. The Atlantic Ocean. The record has basically determined the itinerary, and we need to cooperate with the schedule."

The daily rehearsal of the concert is not a rehearsal, but similar to the arrangement and practice of the performance before the Grammy stage performance.

Especially for bands, they need a lot of daily practice.

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