King of Stage

Chapter 611: Sail along the water

Live performance requires rehearsal; but before going to live rehearsal, rehearsal is required, especially for concerts.

For a concert, you first need to confirm the repertoire of the performance, and discuss whether it needs to be adapted into a concert version, and then rehearse, and even need to make some different adjustments according to the style of the concert, not only to add new ideas, but also to bring a different audio-visual experience.

Secondly, the performers need to be confirmed; again, the performance style and stage costumes need to be confirmed; then, the visual effects and lighting effects need to be confirmed.

And so on and so on.

If it is Justin or Bruno, who needs to be integrated into the stage concert, then you also need to confirm the backing dance team and the distribution of live performances. The entire rehearsal takes three to six months, which is also a common occurrence.

Although the king does not need to rehearse the dance a day, the concert rehearsal also takes about two weeks to four weeks. After entering the tour, each show needs to be rehearsed according to different performance venues. The whole project is very vast. Moreover, the larger the venue, the more work.

Now, the king has a lot of work at hand in a day. They need to determine the theme and content of the concert first, and then complete the creation of a new song, so that they can enter the formal rehearsal.

Naturally, the schedule is even more important. They need to communicate with Atlantic Records' concert schedule and arrange the time reasonably to ensure that the concert can proceed as planned.

"That's the schedule?" Cliff said positively. After getting the affirmative answer, he waved his hand. "I am responsible for the schedule. Ronan and Olly have never had any opinions. We discuss If you come up with a result, just notify them directly."

This is a fact.

Cliff turned his head and looked at Ollie, "Are you still doing anything? If you want to leave, go with Ronan. I will send it to you after I discuss the schedule with Johnny."

"Hey! Hey hey!" Before Ollie could answer, Maxim had already protested, "What's the matter with you? I was still condemning me for being late, saying that all the band's things need to be done together, why do you do it now? Have you changed your mind? Aren’t Ronan and Ollie a member of our band?"


Looking at each other.

Everyone exchanged glances, and then chuckled lightly at the same time-the matter is over, now you can face it with a smile.

Only Maxim was alone, "What's the matter with you?"

Ronan walked around Maxim's back and patted his shoulder lightly, "What you missed is not just a meeting." Then he raised his head to look at Cliff, and gently chinked his head in a friendly gesture. "I think about it, you are right, I should take care of myself, and then go to the recording studio."

"Justin will not say anything. He has always paid attention to fashion; Bruno has also kept hanging gold chains on himself recently. If I simply show up and the photos are published in the'Rolling Stone' magazine, the picture should look very strange. . I'll go back and take care of it."

Ronan explained and saw that Cliff was smiling again, and then turned to look at Ollie, "What about you? Are you leaving together? Or stay here?"

Ollie was also dizzy and looked at Cliff and Johnny anxiously, "Is it really possible? I have nothing else to do..."

Cliff directly laughed, "Does your tone reveal too many secrets?" Duplicate, with a hint that "I can actually keep it", but the expression is indeed "If you don't mind, I want to go first." ", that tone did not try to hide his true thoughts at all.

Ollie scratched his head shyly.

Cliff patted Ollie on the shoulder without saying much, which was tantamount to giving an affirmative answer again.

Then Ollie stood up beamingly, "I... uh, I want to go back and sort out the creation... just..."

Talking about it, Ollie joined Ronan's ranks, and after greeted them, the two turned and left.

In a blink of an eye, only Maxim, Cliff and Johnny were left.

Maxim still did not react, "Wait, something is wrong, why I was scolded for being late, but it doesn't matter if they leave early?"

"Because the meeting is over." Cliff said of course. "Or, you are going to leave now? Actually I don't mind."

Maxim's brain couldn't turn around, and he stopped speaking without speaking, "..." After a long time, "Ah, a headache! Where is my double espresso?" After only one sentence, Maxim was completely buried. In the back of the chair, it was like a puddle of ooze, after all, it was still not able to wake up from the hangover.

Everything is to be said after sobering up, after soaking up.

Cliff looked at Johnny, "Don't you mind?"

Johnny had regained his composure and waved his hand, "Of course." How could he not see Cliff's intention to behave well? Naturally, it will not be broken.

What's more, Cliff is also correct. Regarding the trivial matters of the rehearsal schedule, even if Ronan and Ollie stay here, they will not help at all.

As for Maxim, if it is in normal state, then it can still help, but now, it has to put a big question mark.

In this case, Ronan and Ollie have already started, but Ollie is still a little hesitant. He couldn't help but look back behind him, always a little uncontrollably worried, " it really okay?"

Ronan saw through Ollie's duplicity at a glance, "Otherwise, shall we go back?"

Ollie opened his mouth slightly, unable to control his astonishment.

Ronan chuckled and patted Ollie on the shoulder, "Don’t worry, it’s okay. You know Cliff and Maxim’s, if they really don’t want to, they won’t swallow and don’t need you. Talking, they may call us to stay."

Ollie thought about it seriously, it was true, his smile returned to the corner of his mouth, and his tight nerves relaxed.

The two walked side by side, left the open-air garden, and walked back into the club room.

Ronan looked at Oli's Have an appointment with Ophelia? "

"No, I'm just...ah!" After Ollie said it, he realized that he was telling the truth accidentally. He clearly said that he needed to go back to sort out the creation, but it turned out that he had another purpose, and his expression suddenly became embarrassed and confused. Shaking his hands, trying to explain his words to Ronan, "I am... uh, not... things are not what you think..."

The more anxious the more incoherent.

Ollie looked at Ronan who was not smiling, and he drooped his shoulders helplessly.

Ronan chuckled, "I just said a word, you can't hide your thoughts like this, but in front of Ophelia, you are everywhere in the wind."

Ollie had already given up, muttering, "Even if it wasn't, I never had the upper hand from the beginning."

Unrequited love is always the case.

Ronan slammed Ollie on the shoulder, "Don't be so upset, you don't look like you at all. Besides, isn't it reconnected now?"

Ollie's face showed a smile again.

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