King of Stage

Chapter 623: Tidbits constantly

First, Justin, then Bruno.

Although the scenes and situations of the story are different, Wyatt was able to keenly capture the key to it——

It was Ronan's calm attitude towards top superstars, Ronan's wise and calmness in the face of difficult situations, and Ronan's personality charm displayed in social situations.

This is obviously a kind of maturity beyond age.

In other words, it is difficult for Wyatt to imagine how he would react to the situation just described by Bruno and Justin.

Although Wyatt has experienced many battles, the problem is that Justin has been in the industry for more than two decades, Bruno has been in the industry for many years, and the two have different personalities. Each has their own characteristics and styles, even in social situations. The response is not necessarily easy.

What's more, the unexpected situation?

However, Ronan is still under thirty years old?

This is really incredible!

Is this kid an old vampire? means that in the seven years of the king's wandering, Ronan has left too many marks on him. Only those who have truly seen the vicissitudes of life and found inner peace can possess this wisdom.

Indeed, the latter should be a more reasonable explanation, at least more convincing than the vampires who would sparkle when encountering the sun.

When he looked at Ronan again, Wyatt's eyes quietly became deeper.

Ronan was able to notice Wyatt’s gaze, but he had no mind-reading skills, unable to read the depth of Wyatt’s eyes, but he did not panic either. He just spread his hands openly and dignifiedly faced Wyatt’s sight. Then responded in a playful way, "There is no way, my charm is so irresistible."

Justin rolled his eyes, "Are you saying that being late is also your charm?"

Speaking of this, Bruno immediately stood by Justin, "Did you mean that time?"

"Of course!" Justin complained like Xianglin's wife, "Don't look at me being late today, it seems that I made a big mistake, but the real villain is someone else, okay?"

"Wait, are you saying that you didn't do anything wrong today?" Ronan said at first glance.

Justin confessed his mistake immediately, "Sorry, I was wrong." After apologizing, he continued, "I just said that I am not the only one, someone is more exaggerated than me, and even disappeared altogether."

Ronan covered his face.

Bruno adjusted his position, leaned a little to the other side, and fought side by side with Justin, looking at Ronan--you don't need to say it, you know who "someone" is.

Ronan couldn't help but laughed and met Wyatt's eyes, "Are you sure that today's interview doesn't matter? We seem to be completely off track now."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Wyatt waved his hand repeatedly, "This is what our readers want to know, the story behind the collaboration between Ronan, Bruno and Justin, and what the friendship between you is about. You must admit, all of this. It all happened so quickly, and so suddenly, it was curious."

"Oh, typical Hollywood." Justin had a silly look, then turned to Ronan and Bruno and said, "We are the Kardashian sisters now, you know."

After speaking, Justin blinked, and Ronan and Bruno both clapped their hands and laughed when they heard such a vivid metaphor.

Wyatt looked at Justin who had spared no effort to complain, but he was used to it, and his voice was lighter, "The correct answer, who is not curious about the hidden tidbits behind the new Kardashian brothers in Hollywood?" To be honest, there is no way I can refuse."

Obviously, Wyatt’s language style is slightly different in peacetime, with some ridicule and playfulness, which is even more abrupt for reporters. After all, reporter interviews are not a talk show——

Justin, Ronan and Bruno were all very familiar with Wyatt, so the three of them cast confused eyes at Wyatt at the same time.

Wyatt was a little embarrassed. He coughed awkwardly and cleared his throat. "I think the atmosphere is so relaxed, I should also keep up with the rhythm. But! The focus should not be me, but you, so what is going on? What's the matter?" He forcibly changed the subject in a hurry.

It's rare to see the reporter embarrassed, and the three people smiled, but they did not embarrass Wyatt, but exchanged a glance and returned to the topic. Finally, Justin spoke as a representative.

"Of course, it is true from the results, but this is also the most beautiful place in life, and the corners and corners are full of surprises."

After speaking, Justin turned to look at Ronan and Bruno, raised his chin with ostentatious eyes, and seemed to say: How? Isn't I right?

Ronan chuckled. "In my opinion, friendship is the same as love. It requires a little chemical reaction, but when the sparks burst out, a tacit understanding will be formed and everything will be a matter of course. It's like St. Patrick's Day, if I Or Justin’s treatment is slightly different, and the result may be different."

Justin added, "Similarly, if you and Bruno handled the party a little bit differently last week, maybe we are all friends now." After that, he coughed in a super exaggerated way, lest he didn't convey enough meaning— —

This is to remind Ronan: Don't change the subject.

Ronan raised his hands and surrendered, "I will expose myself this time."

Bruno nodded repeatedly. Although he was also the protagonist of the story, he seemed to have a big tongue in front of Justin and Ronan from the perspective of eloquence. For him, the witty story may become dry and feeble, so Ronan is willing to speak, it is naturally better.

Ronan also noticed Bruno's expression There was a smile in his eyes. Before he even started to speak, there was a low laughter in the deep throat.

"After the Coachella Music Festival, we have all returned to Los Angeles one after another. Originally, this collaborative recording should have happened earlier, but the trips of the three of us always did not fit together, especially when someone flew frequently. The superstar on the east coast, this also gives us a gap."

Justin opened his hands and frankly admitted Ronan's "calling" and "convicted."

"Although the recording has not been able to proceed as quickly as possible, we still keep in touch with each other."

Ronan said it well, Justin couldn’t help but interject, “I’m not between Bruno and I. No!” The expression of wishing to separate the relationship made Bruno complain, “Hey! Justin! Are you disgusting me? ?" He raised his hand and hit Justin with his elbow in protest.

Justin covered it with his hands for the first time. It seemed that Bruno had expected Bruno's move a long time ago. From here, it can be seen that they should usually play like this often. Now they have formed a conditioned reflex; but it has clearly been blocked. , Justin still made an extremely painful expression, and joke was not good.

Ronan didn't stop him, happily eating melons.

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