King of Stage

Chapter 624: Geek in Disguise

In the first second, the verbal argument between you and me was still boisterously noisy; the next second, when you lifted your elbow, it was directly into a ball.

Wyatt was not surprised. It was like this among men. He was accustomed to it. But what was unexpected was that Ronan sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and watched the show. Justin and Bruno were indeed entangled together, and they felt that the focus seemed a little different. It's so right, people can't help but scratch their heads.

Soon, Justin also realized this.

Hugging Bruno's waist in a grappling posture, just like a boxing match, Justin repeatedly reminded, "We can't fight inwardly, now we should join hands against Ronan."

Before Bruno could speak, Ronan poked his head out slightly, "Justin, aren't you unfamiliar with Bruno? Bruno is in my camp."

Justin's words froze, "Familiar, can't be more familiar, who said I am unfamiliar with Bruno, stand up, I will fight him!"

Ronan and Wyatt both looked at Justin, their eyes seemed meaningful.

But Justin didn't realize it. He straightened his waist upright and kept the posture of embracing Bruno. "You see, our relationship is so close."

Even Bruno couldn't help resenting it, pulled a little distance away, and looked at Justin with suspicious eyes.

Justin spread his hands, with an innocent expression on his face, his eyes shifted between the three people, as if saying: What's wrong, what's wrong with the three of you? Problems?

Ronan's eyes widened with a smile, but he didn't say much, ignoring Justin, turned his head to look at Wyatt, and continued:

"The three of us took advantage of the free time and held a party separately and invited friends to come and enjoy the holiday."

"First of all, it's my house, Justin and Bruno are here, and it was a terrible party..." During the conversation, the three exchanged glances, seeming to think of the night of Ronan's party, and then they laughed at the same time, but apparently Ronan was not prepared to discuss this party in depth.

Wyatt was confused. "Wait, wait, what happened to this party?"

Ronan waved his hand, with smiles in his eyes, "That's another story. The only thing I can say is that someone will end up wearing only a'Captain America' mask and head to the street. The other side knocked on the door and almost led to the alarm. The scene was very chaotic."

With that, Justin and Bruno both burst into laughter.

Wyatt was full of question marks.

The mask of "Captain America"?

That is to show the mouth and jaw?

No, that is to say, only half of the face is covered up and down? What if it is recognized? And, is this still in the star-studded Los Angeles? Maybe a passerby can recognize that face, maybe there is a TMZ paparazzi hidden in the corners!

So, what is going on?

More importantly, who is it?

Justin? Bruno? Or a member of King One Day? Wait, it's not right, Ronan hasn't said who the party attendees are!

Wyatt's curiosity was overflowing, but Ronan was not ready to continue speaking at all, nor did he give any effective hints, and immediately changed the subject.

"Then it was Justin’s house. I showed up, but Bruno went to Hawaii and didn’t attend. Because of that party, I should have been on Jessica Bell’s blacklist. I’m not sure if she will welcome me to them in the future. Home as a guest."

Before the topic fell, Justin even nodded, "Facts, facts, absolute facts. I also knelt on the marble floor of the bathroom for two hours the next night."

Wait, is this another story?

Wyatt only feels dazzled and overwhelmed. There are countless topics worth paying attention to, but even if he is as sophisticated as him, he can't keep up with the speed.

It's not that Wyatt's professional skills are not enough, but that the three guys in front of him are not easy to deal with, one is harder to deal with than one.


The divergent thinking in Wyatt's mind came up with another thought: So, who is the most difficult to deal with?

But the thought just came out and was immediately cut off, because the conversation before him was like a series of machine gun shots, leaving no breathing room at all, and Wyatt was immediately attracted to the past again.

Justin just turned his attention, Ronan seamlessly changed the subject again, "It's only two hours? Oh, I thought it would take at least all night."

After speaking, Ronan raised his right hand. Bruno also gave Ronan a high five to celebrate. Justin, who was sitting next to him, rolled his eyes with black lines.

Immediately afterwards, Ronan gestured to Bruno's jaw without breathing time, "In the end, it was Bruno. He was the last of us to hold a party."

Justin raised his finger at Bruno next to him, facing Ronan and Wyatt, and exaggeratedly said, "We are not familiar." The distorted expression is like the "disguised monster" Jin-Kerry, exhausted. Fully show his facial muscle development, exaggerated appearance makes people can't help but laugh.

"Why do you emphasize the ins and outs of things? Because that is the premise..."

Ronan tried to explain, but Justin and Bruno shook their heads again and again. You said, "Because you tried to defend yourself", "I just admitted that I was late, but you were not sincere enough for a bunch of reasons." , "It just seems that you are not going to admit your mistakes."

Not only Wyatt, but even Ronan himself was run out of nowhere, and it was very lively.

Wyatt looked at Ronan with relish, and he was also curious about how Ronan would respond.

But Ronan was not in a hurry. Instead, he waited patiently for them to finish complaining, and then said frankly, "Why not, Wyatt deleted the reason for your late recording from the magazine, so I also deleted the reason I explained. .how is it?"


Justin immediately sounded the alarm: Ronan was late, it was a party, which was a friend’s personal business; Justin was late, it was recording work.

The nature of the matter is different, and the "importance" of being late is also The results that readers see are naturally different.

Justin immediately made judgments and choices, and smiled flatteringly, "You said, Mr. Cooper, please tell me, we are all listening carefully."

Seeing Bruno turned his head to prepare to protest, Justin raised his hand and covered Bruno's mouth, like a kidnapping. Bruno struggled staggeringly, but Justin's smile remained the same, "You said, please."

Even the well-informed Wyatt, looking at the scene in front of him, still couldn't hold back after all, and he burst into laughter.

Ronan seemed to be accustomed to it, not surprised at all, ignoring the shock and astonishment in Bruno's eyes, and ignoring the greasy smile of Justin's flattering, turned his head to look at Wyatt, and continued to tell the story slowly.

So Wyatt is also full of belly.

"Where did I go?"

Wyatt chuckled and laughed, patted his thigh heavily, "Synopsis."

Today’s interview is really interesting.

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