King of Stage

Chapter 629: Manual brake

During the interview, the topic suddenly shifted to the cover. The sudden turn made people caught off guard, but calm down and think about it. Today, the entire interview process is full of surprises and turns from beginning to end, which is made by a stream of consciousness. With a strong spark, the situation at this time will not be so abrupt.

Objectively speaking, Justin plus Bruno plus Ronan are just the cover of a "Rolling Stone" magazine. In Justin's view, this is simply a piece of cake. From influence to professionalism to discussion enthusiasm, etc., all All aspects fully meet the requirements of the cover, and it is difficult for Rob Sheffield to refuse such temptation/confusion.

The problem is still the way Justin and Wyatt talk.

Ronan approached Bruno slightly, whispering in a whisper, but the voice was not lowered at all, "This cover, why is it like picking potatoes?"


Bruno laughed directly.

In the eyes of Justin, the cover that can be bargained is still unattainable for the King for a day.

Of course, One Day King has already appeared on the cover. The Grammys' feat of sweeping the four major comprehensive awards made them hot, and they were on two covers in one fell swoop; but that's all, waiting for the Grammy to end, One Day King His life returns to peace again, without essential changes.

Magazine covers often represent the presence of influence, not only for models, but also for singers, actors, directors and other different professions. The simplest example is that I have never seen photographers, editors, or recording engineers behind the scenes appear on the covers of magazines. Is it because their expertise is not important enough?

Obviously not.

It is because they are hidden behind the scenes. For the general public, the sense of presence is not enough, which does not have enough driving force for magazine sales and magazine advertisements.

What the magazine cover emphasizes is such a "weight", and precisely because of this, the quantity and quality of magazine covers are also one of the factors in the evaluation of the influence of top superstars in the entertainment industry.

Like "People" and "Time", the top ten and 100 most influential people are selected at the end of each year. They are willing to include ordinary people in the candidate range. They are more capable of social issues and can feel the courage and courage of the media.

One day the King’s presence so far comes from Grammys. After the Grammy’s influence settles, he lacks sufficient works, programs, topics, and exposure, and naturally lacks sufficient practical influence and penetration on the cover of the magazine.

Therefore, Ronan did not know that the cover of the magazine could still be discussed in this way.

Justin spread his hands, "Ronan, you are correct. In this Vanity Fair, what is not a potato? The essence is so simple."

Everything is a transaction, including reputation, prestige, and image. The essence is a commodity, and it is no different from potatoes.

Justin saw this very thoroughly.

As he said, Justin winked at Ronan and Bruno and joked, "Now, we need to see, what price does this basket of potatoes cost?" Then, Justin cast a wink at Wyatt, deliberately He began to raise his hand and slid down his chest, "So, Wyatt, what do you think?"

The greasy eyes made Wyatt shudder. When it comes to mischief, he is not Justin's opponent, let alone Ronan who is staring at him.

That is, Bruno looked like an innocent lamb.

Wyatt shook his head helplessly, "Why, let's go into the recording studio now?" A sharp 90-degree turn, the way to change the subject was very blunt, almost comparable to an emergency brake at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour. , But by the way, the topic of transfer itself is irresistible.

This can also be regarded as a...skill?

Wyatt himself was a little bit dumbfounded. He was obviously a reporter, but he ended the interview on his own initiative. Then he reminded the three people to enter the recording studio. No matter how the story opened, he felt that the way the story was opened was not quite right.

For the interview, whether it’s the cover or not, you need to take photos, but today’s situation is relatively special. Wyatt brought a professional photography team. This situation is different from last year’s appointment to interview the king, but professional The team is also not ready to pose for photos.

It's a side note.

Let the three singers enter the working state, maintain a relaxed and natural state, professional photographers take side shots, record the trivia of the three people's recordings, which are more realistic and more appropriate, and then look for the most suitable photo to see if it can become Cover——

"Rolling Stone", after all, is not a fashion magazine, nor an entertainment magazine. It does not need fashion and trendy outfits. Photos that fit the theme can also be used as the cover.

So, entering the recording studio now is the most important thing. The singers need to start working.

Seeing Wyatt’s unwillingness to mention the dark side of the industry too much, Justin didn’t continue to embarrass Wyatt. He stood up with a smile and jumped slightly in place, “How about, let’s make something. Music? Are you ready?"

Ronan and Bruno also stood up, looking like gearing up.

Justin and Ronan’s eyes fell on Bruno at the same time, "So, where should we start? After all, this is your studio."

Bruno, "..." Why did you throw such a difficult question to me?

Watching the play by Wyatt, he was slightly curious and faintly expecting:

In the recording studio, who has the initiative?

After all, these three singers are all producers of their own albums, and they have won industry recognition. Each of them is a unique character. Now they are gathered together to cooperate. Who should take the initiative and control the direction? Who will set the tone and make the final decision?

Genius is always full of edges and corners; and the collision between genius and genius is always bloody.

In the field of art, so many close friends have torn their skins and stay away from each other because of cooperation.

So, what about now?

If you think about it carefully, Ronan has the most junior qualifications, Justin has the deepest qualifications, and Bruno is in the middle; but art cooperation is not about ranking seniority, nor is it a competition for the number of Grammy trophies, but a confrontation, a confrontation, and a friction. , The Golden Mean and Harmony to make money are not working here. That is to say, everyone must stick to their own position and use their talents to collide with them before they can see the sparks.

The only thing that is certain is that, including the "fledgling" Ronan, the three people in front of them will definitely not shy away from expressing their thoughts.

Could it be that when the tit-for-tat confronts a fierce place, it might start a fight directly?

Wyatt can't predict the direction of this cooperation. Even if the work has not yet started, how things should start has become a problem.

Bruno met the gaze of Justin and Ronan, with innocent faces and a pitiful look like a big dog.

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