King of Stage

Chapter 630: Cooperation spark

After entering the working stage, it can be seen that the situation is slightly different from Wyatt’s expectations. The three of them are slightly restrained, but it is logical to think about it-

Usually getting along in private is one thing, but entering a professional workplace is quite different.

The three people have never cooperated with each other before, and they are familiar with each other but the establishment time is short. They have not faced real conflicts and contradictions. It is difficult to tell each other's reaction under pressure or emotional fluctuations; at the same time, they know each other. It’s inevitable to be a bit of a rat avoidance device for his professionalism.

So, at the beginning, all of them couldn't let go of their hands and feet, and they seemed very careful.

In the final analysis, this is Bruno's recording studio. After all, it is the owner. Justin and Ronan both expressed humility, and Bruno took the lead.

But with the gradual advancement of work, everyone's professional positions and attitudes have become sharp, and conflicts of different opinions are inevitable.

Justin is a creator with countless ideas and ambitions. He always hopes to seek innovation and change. He looks forward to breaking the existing music framework and exploring the future. From the new album "Perfect Vision" released in March You can feel that countless ideas and attempts are mixed in it.

From a positive perspective, Justin is very brave and courageous, daring to step out of the comfort zone, and continue to bring new audio-visual experiences.

Part of the reason is from Justin’s own understanding of music; part of the reason is from Justin’s fear of rolling in the industry for many years-he knows that if the layer remains the same, it is difficult to keep up with the pace of the times. They must Constantly change yourself and stay at the forefront of the trend, otherwise the light will dissipate and be eliminated is your destiny.

But from a negative point of view, the "Perfect Vision" album is a bit messy, lacks uniformity in style, is too ambitious, tries too much, but does not possess the Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" or the Beatles "White" The avant-garde experimental style that shocks the world like "Album" has limited breakthroughs on the artistic level.

For this cooperation, Justin is the same. There are countless ideas in his mind, trying to bring some new things. This also makes the process of arranging and recording full of wild ideas, but the problem is that these ideas How much is "reasonable efficiency"?

It is undeniable that Justin is always improving and always changing. However, as a music creator, his talent is more reflected in composition and lyrics, while arrangement and production have great limitations. It is precisely because of this that Justin is responsible for the creation of his own album, but the position of chief producer still needs to be checked by Tim Baran.

Justin and Tim Baran have cooperated many times, and both sides know the bottom line, but conflicts of opinions are inevitable. After all, art creation is like this.

But this is the first time Justin, Ronan and Bruno have cooperated, and there are still many parts that need to be run-in.

Bruno is a creator with rich expertise but accurate self-positioning. He did not intend to carry out bold avant-garde experiments like the Queen or The Beatles. He just wanted to become the king of pop like Michael Jackson and use stage charm. To impress the audience.

It is precisely because of this that Bruno's current two albums are a typical combination of pop and rhythm and blues, showing his keen sense of the pop market, and the singles of the two albums have topped the billboard singles chart without any suspense. , Proving that he has an accurate grasp of the popular context.

In short, Bruno hopes to cater to the market.

This also means that Bruno does not want to drastically change the chord structure, drastically increase the proportion of the synthesizer, and so on.

Of course, in essence, Justin and Bruno are both popular styles and are very friendly to the mainstream market. They are also assigned to the same department in Grammys, but their styles, directions and positioning are different. This It also means that the process of arrangement is bound to face the collision of many different opinions.

"Why don't we try the Adagio beats of 72 beats?"

"No, no, it seems too arrogant, and the style is too close to your Mirror."

"What? Is there anything wrong with ‘mirror’?"

"I just said, this is too Justin Timberlake, there is no Bruno Mars nor Ronan Cooper!"

On average, such conversations appear once every thirty seconds. If you are not allowed to come and I will continue to output agitation at a high frequency, the red-faced sharp edge makes the onlookers frightened, or the position is reversed.

"We should keep the acoustic guitar as the main theme."

"Then it's too boring. Even folk songs won't be arranged in such a simple and rude manner. You are not Bob Dylan."

"I didn't say that I only use the acoustic guitar, I just use the main instrument."

"Too conservative and too boring, Bruno, we are not making a love song serenade."

"And you keep saying you want to make different attempts, but you don't even give the acoustic guitar a chance? Is this called an attempt?"

"Because we all know what's going on with acoustic guitars? Hello? It's not the first time we have entered the studio, okay?"

As I said, I was about to fight. Even if it was not the original intention, there were bones and sharp edges hidden in the words. When I came and went, I accidentally bumped into each other. I raised my voice slightly, and sparks would rub and collide. Yate's existence unreservedly shows his true temperament.

Emotion is such a thing, even if it is not malicious, but after breaking through reason without thinking, I don’t know what I’m saying-even if I know exactly what I’m talking about, it is inevitable that there will be edges and corners in the words and sentences. Attacks have become a common phenomenon.

"Hey! Wyatt! The camera can be turned off!"

Not at all indifferent, Justin said gruffly to Wyatt before swearing.

Bruno also expressed a similar The interview is over, and the side shots should be enough! Don't let me break that camera! "

Wyatt closed his mouth silently, without any excuse or argument, and silently asked his colleague to turn off the camera, but he still did not leave—no camera and eyes!

A second, Justin and Bruno were still fighting Wyatt with the same enemy; the next second, they both turned to avoid at the same time, as if they didn't want to see each other at all.

The scene of the needle tip hitting the earth with wheat and sparks is really shocking.

But it is undeniable that this is actually the normal state of the recording studio, and it is also Wyatt's correct prediction of this cooperation.

The cooperation between superstars and superstars has never been so simple and easy, and it is precisely because of this that the superstar cooperation reached through untold hardships has become more and more valuable.

So what should I do?

During the busy schedule, almost everyone had forgotten Ronan's existence.

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