King of Stage

Chapter 638: Suffering from gains and losses

"Mr. Ronan Cooper is still here."

When he heard from the waiter that Ronan hadn’t left, Taylor’s mood soared uncontrollably. He didn’t realize it, and his footsteps were as brisk as a butterfly, running and sprinting like a butterfly. He just passed through the crowds and swooped all the way. Enter the sunlight and approach step by step.

Even the breeze is sweet.

But after a brief period of joy and happiness, feelings of regret and regret began to surge.

Tyler bit her lower lip lightly, and carefully looked at Ronan's sight. Anxious and uneasy mood was surging in her chest, and she only felt that she was about to suffocate.

"Indeed, it's a lot longer than expected." Ronan's tone was a little heavy, and after a long breath, the smile on the corner of his mouth was outlined, "However, I found a solution, so the waiting time was not imagined. It’s so hard in China."

With that said, Ronan gestured to the tissues and coasters on the desktop.

Tyler looked down and smiled like this, "I have long heard that the lead singer of King One Day is a genius, and now I finally know the reason." The anxiety calmed a little, but Taylor raised his head and looked at it quietly. With Ronan--

Does Ronan really mind being late for more than two hours? How would Ronan deal with it?

"I was so late today, and breakfast turned into lunch. It was completely my fault. Then I should apologize for lunch."

Taylor's apology is sincere, and this is not the situation he imagined.

Originally, she just wanted to be late on purpose, to see how Ronan’s reaction was, and to test the quality of a man, maybe 30 minutes late is good; but the plan can’t keep up with the changes, who knows that 30 minutes will evolve into more than two hours. Testing has become a problem.

Unexpectedly, Ronan was still there, and he didn't jump into a rage. Thinking of this, Taylor felt that he should give some compensation.

Or, to apologize?

Ronan waved his hand indifferently, "Let us not forget the reason for breakfast, or because of my recklessness yesterday, of course I should apologize."

Ronan's thoughts are very simple: since it is an apology, it is obvious that he made a mistake first. Without yesterday's accident, there would be no meeting today. Now, there is no need to blur the focus, and there is no need to hold accountable, the matter should stop here, there is no need to continue entanglement.

Otherwise, it may be endless.

Therefore, being late is indeed not so good, but Ronan did not waste his time.

The polite and gentle response made Taylor's tense mood a little relaxed. After the anxiety disappeared, an unknown joy began to sprout, and then his thoughts began to become active again.

A thought flashed in Taylor's mind and said with a smile, "Everyone is making mistakes, and everyone needs to apologize. According to the procedure, it should be lunch by you, and then we will make an appointment again. Come to apologize, but we are not sure whether there will be another accident, and it may never end between coming and going."

Ronan’s eyebrows raised slightly, a little surprised, he and Taylor’s ideas coincided; but the unexpected joy only lasted for a moment, a turning point made Ronan realize, "Men are from Mars, women are from "Venus", this sentence is definitely not a casual chicken soup for the soul.

"So..." Taylor stretched the ending slightly, revealing a little delicate appearance, "Why not, let's do AA for lunch today."

Taylor knows that many men do not actually like the AA system, because it is a deprivation of initiative and superiority; at the same time, men and women are placed on an equal position for discussion. A little carelessness may cause pain. The pride of some people.

So, how will Ronan respond?

Taylor was a little curious. After being late, Ronan could continue to show an unusual gentleman attitude, his eyes flashing with eager anticipation.

This is also... an unexpected turnaround.

Ronan's eyes flashed slightly, the brain's operation was blank for a moment, and the smile at the corners of his mouth also rose. Sure enough, the brain structures of men and women are still different; however, Ronan is a bit less attentive now, and has no attention. Putting it on Tyler, a little distracted.

Eyes, staring at Taylor, but the peripheral light of the line of sight crossed Taylor's shoulders and glanced towards the far end, carefully looking at Alena's figure bathed in the sun.

The breeze was slow, and the curled hair fluttered gently. She raised her right hand and pinned all the hair behind her ears, but the playful breeze was still playing and playing with the hair, flying lightly, making her Her facial features are hazy behind a piece of tulle, her facial features and eyes are blurred, but she exudes a lazy sex/sensation.

A smile stayed at the corner of Ronan's mouth, his brain stopped working, his thoughts were surging slightly, but he couldn't distinguish his thoughts at this moment.

It's just... the corners of the mouth lifted up relaxedly.

So Ronan heard Tyler, but didn’t think deeply about the meaning behind Tyler’s words. He simply nodded in agreement and showed a smile to show that he didn’t mind, "If you insist."

This is tantamount to agreeing.

There was a smile in Taylor's eyes, and his nervousness finally relaxed a little, and finally got rid of the quagmire of being late and found his composure again.

Obviously, Ronan is different from most of the men in the impression. Taylor couldn't help but think of the night of the Grammy midnight party again. Her judgment was correct. This allowed her to regain the long-lost ease and joy, and she lazily spilled The sunlight on the surface of the skin warmed the heart, and it gurgled hotly.

"Please sit down!" Ronan made an inviting gesture, and the two talents finally took their seats.

Adjusting your breath Suppressing the chaotic mood, temporarily focusing his attention in front of him, Ronan raised his hand to the waiter and gestured, "Please give us brunch and lunch menu." Ask Taylor politely, "Do you need a wine list?"

"No. Coffee is fine." Taylor took off his sunglasses and smiled brightly at the waiter. "The hangover desperately needs some refreshing stimulation." Then he glanced at Ronan and stuck out his tongue playfully. Seems to be annoyed that he accidentally leaked the secret.

Ronan didn't see it, but kept asking politely, "Didn't your friends come together?"

Taylor paused slightly, "What, do you want her to come?" The heart seemed to miss a beat, and he even held his breath unexpectedly.

Ronan laughed blankly, "No, it's just because of yesterday's rudeness. Your friend seems to care very much. Today, I also hope to apologize to her."


This explanation made Taylor’s tight mind unconsciously relaxed. The ups and downs were like a roller coaster, which was really disturbing. Taylor didn’t notice his severe ups and downs at all. He just curled up with his fingertips reflexively, trying Control the slightly trembling heart.

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