King of Stage

Chapter 639: Venus Mars

Fingertips, curled up unconsciously, the ups and downs of emotions caused the heart to shrink, and the breathing was also disordered. Taylor must do his best to control his surging and avoid leaking the inner tension and anxiety. , But no matter what, it was still not exposed after all.

Taylor secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "No, she doesn't care. So, she didn't show up today, which is one of the reasons why I was late..." As he said, Taylor stopped by herself, she didn't. I know what I'm talking about, and I don't know where the inexplicable words came from.

Despite all the effort required to control the expression and eyes, the chaotic thoughts still failed to complete the sorting of the words, and the secrets of the heart were still leaked out.


"No, I didn't mean that..." Taylor tried to explain, but the words got stuck again-the brain was really muddy, and it was too nervous.

Ronan chuckled, "There is no need to worry, I won't hit people."

A small ridicule made Taylor stunned, and then laughed happily, "No, I am not worried that you will hit people, but I am worried that today's story may become a song."

This is... self-joking? Ridicule?

Something unexpected.

Ronan paused for a while and looked at Taylor. There were two blushes on Taylor's cheeks, and some sweat loomed on his forehead. He still didn't seem to be able to fully recover from the excitement and excitement he made when he debuted, just like nothing. The grown-up children are average.

So Ronan didn't think much, and asked with a smile, "Why, are you going to write today's story into a song?"

Taylor shrugged and swayed his body lightly from side to side, as if sitting on a swing, "Then it depends on Mr. Ronan's next performance."

Ronan didn't respond - as expected, he was still a child, with a playful tone with a little coquettish nasal sound. It was not a threatening threat and easily made the atmosphere lighten up. Ronan showed a smile and shook his head gently.

In Taylor's eyes, she could feel Ronan's gentleness and kindness, and even a kind of inclusive pampering, her mood could not help but become more and more flying.

She knew that being late was a woman’s privilege, it was a matter of course, so there was no need to be nervous or worried. Look, Ronan didn’t care at all, did he? Moreover, the AA system did not hurt Ronan's man's self-esteem, and her consistent attitude proved her vision.

She knew her instincts were correct.

Thinking of this, the last bit of worry disappeared. The calf under the table swayed lightly from the ground, and the head swayed from side to side. The joy and happiness overflowed little by little, and I looked down at the menu in front of me. , Thinking about what I should order to fit the image of a lady.

Pancakes? Is the heat too high?

Hamburg? Easy to eat and not very elegant!

Bacon with eggs?

Or a sandwich?

Or else it's a salad?

As his gaze moved lightly, there was no sound on the other side, Taylor couldn't help but guess what Ronan's expression was on at this time and what menu would he choose?

But thinking of her panic and impoliteness just now, she also realized that she needed to stay calm and stop embarrassing. So I suppressed my curiosity and read the menu intently, but—

The font couldn't be read at all, and his eyes floated inadvertently, and Ronan could vaguely see Ronan's finger grasping the menu.

The slender fingers are as vigorous as green bamboo, and the strong knuckles and clean nails can be clearly seen in the broad palms.

Tyler’s heartbeat speeded up inexplicably, and he lowered his head in a flustered manner, but the corners of his mouth still rose uncontrollably, and his eyes brightened up, but he lowered his head obediently to hide his eyes and expressions, not knowing what was in his mind. Some bold thought came up, and he pursed his lips and laughed.

Just like a high school student.

But Ronan didn't notice Taylor's trivial noise at all.

Taking the menu from the waiter, Ronan raised his head, and he could see Alena sitting quietly in the corner——

Her friends were talking enthusiastically, but she didn’t speak, she just sat quietly, her silky hair pouring down like a waterfall, and the tip of her right finger slid gently on the back of the phone. Her eyes were slightly lost, seeming to sink into herself In her thoughts, not in the world in front of her, the surrounding atmosphere is noisy, she also wanders outside the universe.

However, with a relaxed smile at the corner of his mouth, the whole person revealed a little laziness.

What is she thinking?

Ronan speculated.

After all, Taylor was unable to hold back the excitement, and secretly raised his head again. Through the cover of the menu, he could vaguely see Ronan's brows and eyes, which were clear and bright, warm and moist, and then his heartbeat speeded up again. Shoot, but Taylor quickly noticed Ronan's slightly distracted focus, which seemed a bit ecstatic.

what happened?


Tyler called out softly, breaking the short silence in the air, Ronan's eyes quickly retracted, and he showed a smile, "Sorry, too much coffee, now the brain is a little chaotic."

An explanation made Taylor laugh, "I am seriously lacking caffeine now, but I desperately need a little help..."

Taylor basked in the sun, and said with a smile, like a pearl falling on a jade plate, the crisp sound can feel the unconcealed excitement.

But her voice fell in Ronan's ears, but it drifted away. Ronan keenly noticed that the mobile phone placed on the table vibrated slightly, which should be a message reminder.


The heart contracted slightly, and his intuition moved slightly deep in his mind. Ronan smiled politely at Taylor, turned the phone quietly, and glanced at the screen. It was Alena.

"I'm in Los Angeles."

A short sentence let Ronan's heart relax instantly spread his wings and fly to the sky, quickly unlocking the screen, his fingertips flying on the screen, and he replied in a blink of an eye.

"I know."

In just a second, Ronan raised his head again, passed Tyler’s shoulders, and his gaze fell on Alena. Then he could see Alena looking at the phone screen, her brows frowned, revealing a trace of perplexity. The drooping eyelids hide the fluctuations in the eyes--

The distance is too far and I can't see clearly, but I can still feel her bewilderment:

It seems that I don't understand how Ronan knew she had arrived in Los Angeles.

But Alena didn't immediately reply to the text message asking how Ronan knew, she just looked at the phone screen seriously, as if she could find the truth in that short sentence as long as she was attentive enough.

The lady sitting next to him patted Alena lightly and said something in a low voice, but Alena still did not raise her head, but shook her head to express her refusal, her eyes remained on the phone screen, as if she was working on her concentration Sophisticated string theory is mediocre.

The corners of Ronan's mouth could no longer hold back, and he lifted up gently.

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