King of Stage

Chapter 640: Without saying

Ms. Alena is dedicated and dedicated.

The gentleman Ronan, who is silently watching, is a highly skilled man.

With the mobile phone as the carrier and the signal as the medium, an advanced chess game is going on. It seems that as long as the chess game in front of you can be solved, the mystery of the universe can be solved.

The wild associations in his mind were absurd and funny. Ronan didn’t even realize it. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, just like a daffodil blooming in a calm pond. The blooming petals opened proudly, and the surface of the pond was light without any waves. Ripples appeared, as if the whole world was turbulent.

In an instant, the fragrance blooms wantonly and splendidly in the golden sunlight.

With Tyler, who stared at Ronan all the way, the smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed with him, and he seemed to be able to feel the joy sincerely.

Alena did not reply to the text message, Ronan did not rush to send the text message again and put the phone down, but his mood was obviously relaxed, his expression did not change much, but his stretched eyebrows and relaxed corners of his mouth seemed to be under the sun. It is also shining, clear and bright.

Tyler, watching Ronan quietly, waited until Ronan raised her gaze, she accidentally slammed into those azure eyes that looked like a vast ocean, and held her breath reflexively, and her heartbeat just missed a beat. , And then she noticed a suspicious question in Ronan's sight.

Only then did Taylor realize that he was staring at Ronan, motionless, did his eyes look too bold and direct?

Tyler quickly lowered his gaze to avoid his eyes, stubbornly pinned the scattered hair back behind his ears, adjusted his breathing slightly, raised his eyes again to look at Ronan, and his generous gaze concealed his panic, revealing a Smile, actively explained.

"No, I just saw your smile and couldn't help but wonder if there is any secret hidden on the menu, I haven't been able to discover it yet."

The words were about the menu, but his eyes fell on the phone cautiously, and Ronan immediately understood.

"My friend arrived in Los Angeles, thinking about how to entertain. I'm sorry, these things can be waited a moment, we need to finish ordering first."

After passing it lightly, Ronan looked at the menu again.

Taylor is a little bit lost: friend? and then? What friend?

If Ronan entertains friends, she can also give a lot of constructive comments. She is familiar with California as a whole. Even just in Los Angeles, she knows many hidden places, but obviously Ronan is not prepared. If you talk more about it, Taylor's words have no place to play.

When I fell on the menu again, I looked a little absent-minded. I couldn't help but use my ears to catch the movement from across the table. Even if I knew that I couldn't find anything like this, I couldn't help but investigate carefully. I still couldn't concentrate until the order was finished.

So, should she take the initiative to ask? Should she take the initiative to help? Would it be too presumptuous to speak directly? Should we keep a little distance and space? But what kind of friend is he, but he is unwilling to speak? If you don’t talk about your friends, what should they talk about?



The mixed thoughts surged in his mind, and Taylor's sight followed a little bit of ecstasy, and the focus and focal length gradually collapsed.

"...Are you sure it doesn't matter?"

Ronan’s voice came from the front, but Tyler’s attention was not here, so that he missed the front and back lines, raised his gaze and looked at Ronan. At a glance, he saw the light smile in Ronan’s eyes and her cheeks could not help. After a slight heat, Ronan spoke again as he was thinking about how to explain it.

"I mean, Salad. It was agreed that I would apologize for today's brunch, but you chose a salad. This seems to make me rude. I always feel that the apology is not enough and not sincere enough."

Taylor understood in an instant, and waved his hands again and again, "No, no, no, it's okay, I choose a salad is enough."

"What happened yesterday, you don't need to take it to heart, it really doesn't matter, Carly... she's just more straightforward."

"You know, the modeling industry is inherently more complicated, and it is full of invisible traps for women. It is precisely because of this that she is used to protecting herself in this way."

"I had an accident yesterday. She just hoped that I could stand up bravely and speak my mind. I didn't mean to blame you."

Tyler had no idea what he was talking about. The words popped out without being processed by his brain. When he noticed the abnormality, it was too late, so he stayed in the original in a daze. Ground, annoyed and embarrassed.


Tyler covered his cheeks with his hands, and sighed slightly depressed, and the intricacies of a thousand words were hidden in this sigh.

Ronan laughed.

It was not ridicule or ridicule, but a pure smile, like the first ray of sunlight in the morning, shattering through the night, and the world gradually brightened.

Tyler didn't notice any aggressiveness, but relaxed his tense mood, and chuckled absurdly and speechlessly.

Ronan didn't say anything to Taylor's words, just shrugged his shoulders slightly, "That's good too. I can see what a salad of thirty-five dollars looks like."

"...?" A question mark slowly appeared above Taylor's head, but he immediately reacted: The salad on the menu was priced at thirty-five dollars, and it did not include consumption tax.

"Haha." Tyler finally couldn't hold it back anymore, and laughed directly, unable to help but want to give Ronan a thumbs up.

It wasn't a complaint or a ridicule, but a ridiculous complaint, and the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

Taylor also regained his I understand, I mean, when I was standing at Whole Foods and looking at a box of ten-dollar salads, I was also puzzled. What is going on? What's going on? "

Whole Foods is an emerging supermarket chain. All of its main works are organic crops, which is healthier-of course, the price is more expensive. At the moment, the health and nutrition of organic crops are still in the stage of full popularity, and they are willing to spend expensive purchases. Organic food is mainly the middle class.

"Organic." Ronan responded briefly. The original intention was not funny, but the short words followed a pile of complaints, creating a kind of bluntness of emergency braking, and then there was a sense of absurd joy, and then Taylor He laughed shitly.

Ronan's mood relaxed, and he also showed a smile.


The phone vibrated again, Ronan cast a look at Taylor to apologize, and then picked up the phone again.

"On a date?"

The sender, Alena Bayeva--

Unexpectedly, it was also exposed.

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