King of Stage

Chapter 646: 4 mesh transfer

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The mobile phone in the pocket of his pants vibrated, interrupting the divergent thinking in his mind. Fox was able to detect it for the first time. He didn't think much, and he connected the phone directly with a dual purpose——

For the job of paparazzi, they need to keep information unblocked for 24 hours, because there may be breaking news anytime and anywhere.

If they want to grab exclusives, if they want to race against time, if they want to spread their network throughout the circle, they must be in a state of preparation all the time, even if they are working at this time.

Can multitasking be regarded as a general advanced skill for paparazzi?

Moreover, at this time, the open mind couldn't stop the car at all, and Fox also needed a little external influence to forcibly interrupt it, which is also a good thing.

He glanced at the caller ID, the unfamiliar number, but Fox was not surprised at all. Many informants’ phone numbers are like this. If you want to collect information, you must spread your phone number widely, and then Continue to filter the information that you have harvested.

"Hey. Talk."

Fox looked at the camera lens again, sandwiched the phone between his cheeks and shoulders, and said succinctly. Then in the lens, Ronan could be seen turning his head and looking over, still with a familiar smile on the corners of his mouth. , His bright eyes met his four eyes accurately.

The intimacy of being close at hand made Fox's heart miss a beat—not throbbing, but frightened.

"Good morning, may I ask if Mr. Ben Fox is there?"

A clear and translucent voice came from the other end of the phone, and it was comfortable just by transmitting it through radio waves, but before Fox had time to respond, the heart missed another shot because Ronan seemed to be watching in the camera lens. Looking at himself, he smiled at the camera and waved.

"Damn it!"

"Damn hell, hell."

Fox murmured, cursed secretly, and hurriedly retracted back, hiding his body behind the vehicle, but because of panic, the phone fell directly to the ground-fortunately, Fox was originally in a half-squatting state with his shoulders. The vertical distance from the ground is not high, the phone should be fine.


Fox felt that it was not just the sound of the phone falling, but also the sound of his heart breaking, shaking his hands uncontrollably.

Picking up the phone in a panic, there was a storm in his mind. Fox still didn't understand what was going on: What was going on?

Kind of evil.

But at this time Fox didn't have time to think carefully, reflexively put the phone on the edge of his ear, breathing slightly thickly and said, "Yes, this is Ben Fox talking."

"Mr. Fox, this is Ronan Cooper..."

Before the words on the other end of the phone were finished, Fox uttered a weird call, "Ah", and then the phone was thrown out like a hot potato.



what happened?


Fox is like answering the call of "Midnight Ring", except this time, "Sadako" did not crawl out of the TV, but from the other end of the phone. His eyes were full of fear and panic. Looking at his mobile phone, his pupils trembled violently, not understanding what was going on.

Ronan? Which Ronan? Why Ronan? How could it be Ronan? What exactly is going on? How did it happen? Is it a prank? Who is pranking? But is the timing of the prank too weird? But if it is not a prank, is it really a ghost?

Such a prank is not funny at all! Do not! it is good! laugh!



The phone began to vibrate again, like a dead fish leaping on the lawn, but I don't know whether it was dying or resurrected. It looked like the phone just hung up, and now another brand new phone came in.

How to do?

Fox hesitated for a moment, his thoughts fleeing into nothingness, and he was stunned for a moment, but he took a deep breath, gathered courage, crawled over with his hands and feet, picked up the phone, and connected again.

It's still a strange number, and it's a bit familiar-it should be the same number just now.

"Who is it?" Fox yelled into the phone preemptively.

"Hello, this is Ronan Cooper."

The voice came from the earpiece again, and there was a faint smile, but such a bright and warm voice made Fox's spine goose bumps. I am afraid that it is not so exaggerated after receiving a call from hell. Fox's eyebrows Fucked up completely, "It's not funny at all."

"It's just right, I don't mean to be funny. I am indeed Ronan Cooper. If you don't believe it, you can look at your camera lens."

The other party’s words were not hurried, slow, or hurried, but Fox gradually stiffened in place, unable to move—

What if... if it is true? But, what else can be done? What should he do now? My scalp is numb, what should I do?

Turn your head. Turned around.

The remaining reason in his mind gave instructions, but his body was so stiff that he could not move, lest he would see the death **** holding a sickle as soon as he turned around.

Damn it! Damn it!

Fox just felt that he was about to be unable to breathe. Inexplicably, Fox thought of Justin Dalton.

He didn't know Justin Dalton, and he had never dealt with him. He was completely a stranger. But on the night of the midnight party, the young paparazzi faced a million-dollar scoop but regretted to miss it. Fox is definitely an impression. Deeply, he and all his colleagues generally complained about that guy's stupidity.

But now, Fox couldn't help thinking: Maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe... Is there a little chance that Justin Dalton missed the best news not because of his stupidity or youth, but because of... Ronan?

Thinking of this, the goosebumps jumped from the soles of the feet to the head. It was obvious that the whole person had been stiff to the But the brain was wide open, and it continued to diverge thinking. The more you think, the more terrifying and the more you think. Horror, I have scared myself to quadriplegia.

Today, the same is true?

All his every move is in Ronan's calculations? Is your own cleverness stepped into Ronan's trap like this? Then he was sold and still smugly helping Ronan count the money? At the beginning, I laughed at Justin Dalton for being too naive, confidently thinking that he could easily gain the upper hand over Ronan, but now he thinks he is in control of the whole situation and is easily overthrown.

The hunter thought that the prey was already in the bag, but he did not expect that the prey would have already laid the net without knowing it, and the positions of the hunter and the prey had already been changed. Who is the fool after all?

Fox wanted to cry, but he wanted to cry without tears, his whole body stiffened in place.

How to do?

Fleeing? But what is going on?

The curiosity in his mind came up again, and Fox couldn't help but shudder-his own thoughts are really too dangerous!

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