King of Stage

Chapter 647: warm regards

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really! As the saying goes, curiosity kills cats!

Fox knew that he didn't have nine lives. Now he was stiff, his knees trembling, and the danger alarm in his mind had been sounded. Turning to escape was the right choice, but! curiosity! That **** curiosity! That terrible curiosity! He was really really curious what was going on!

More curious, how exactly did Ronan control the situation?

How to do?

Although Fox is not a nine-life cat, the professional instincts of the paparazzi are still unable to be controlled after all. When the rigid body muscles relax a little, the first reaction is to slowly turn around, eyes again towards the camera lens, penetrating The figure who passed the cannon barrel and looked into the distance.

smile. Wave.

But it looked like the masked doll in "Chain Saw", Fox's entire spine had goose bumps like electricity.

What a **** in broad daylight!


Fox wanted to swear vulgar words, but continued to take a deep breath, clenching his fists without realizing it, and cheering for himself:

No need to be afraid! No need to be timid! No need to cringe!

When an artist and a paparazzi face each other, it should be the artist who should be nervous and afraid, because they are the one who hides the secret.

He is not Justin Dalton! He is Ben Fox!

Yes, it is like that!

"Hey, Ronan Cooper,"

Fox felt that his voice was squeezed from the gap in his throat, and a short sentence could reveal his nervousness. The simulation in his mind was obviously an exclamation mark, but the effect expressed was a comma, not even a full stop, but comma! comma! It's like a child with incomplete meaning.

It's really useless!

Taking a deep breath again, Fox finally found his composure, "Aren't you on a date? Why do you think of calling a stranger?"

"Mr. Fox, are you afraid of me?" Ronan didn't answer Fox's question, instead of answering Fox's question, but asked rhetorically.

"..." Fox only felt that his throat was severely blocked. He knew that he should react immediately, and he should even talk and laugh with Ronan. It was a joke, but the words were missed. opportunity.

"Haha." Ronan's low laughter came from the other end of the phone, not mocking or taunting, but a hearty and brisk laugh, like a ray of light at six in the morning.

Despite this, Fox still felt a humiliating crit, and if he could, he wanted to disappear in place——

If it is normal, Fox is absolutely impossible to be such a rookie, the main thing is that Ronan was killed by surprise, and the reaction speed could not keep up.

Wrong step by step.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have laughed, Mom said, it's very impolite to do this." Ronan quickly cleared up his emotions and politely apologized, but a slight smile could still be felt in his voice, which made Fox full The head is full of black lines, thinking about how to fight back.

But here is the problem. If Ronan attacked the Thunderbolt, Fox would also be able to attack back without hesitation, with a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye; however, Ronan's words and attitudes are always like spring breeze, as if...between friends Like a joke, Fox couldn't get angry even if he wanted to get angry.


Fox rolled his eyes, "Are you calling me specifically to scare me?"

"Mr. Fox, you have been here for so long under the big sun. Are you just giving me a surprise?" Ronan still didn't answer directly, and threw the question back again.

Fox's temper suddenly came up, "Of course not. Where am I so free..."

He was obviously trying to track Taylor's new relationship, and he unexpectedly saw Ronan.

But Ronan didn’t give Fox a chance and interrupted Fox’s words abruptly, “Then it’s right, the earth does not revolve around me, nor does it revolve around you. So, let’s not be affectionate. Now, what do you think?"

To put it simply, Ronan didn't call Fox to "scare" Fox, so Fox didn't have to think Ronan was so leisurely.

Fox, "..."

Can he scold foul language? Was it just to complain about him after going around such a big circle?

"Big Ben, can I call you Big Ben?" Ronan held the initiative of the dialogue and continued.

"No." Fox has been circumvented, only to parry, and now I can't remember exactly what happened, just passively follow Ronan's thoughts.

"Okay, so it's decided, Big Ben." Ronan was not listening at all. Fox rolled his eyes and he could even hear Ronan's voice on the other end of the microphone with a slight smile. He was in a good mood, but his mood was not happy at all.

Ronan's words continued, "I just want to call and say, it's hard work."

"..." Fox didn't want to talk, and tossed so much, just to call and say "work hard"? What's the difference between this and calling him in the middle of the night to let him go to the bathroom?

What's the difference!

"Are you crazy?" Fox finally did not hold back, blurting out a word.

"Haha." Ronan was not only not angry, but he also chuckled, looking very happy, "Ben Ben, you should be more patient, collect some evidence, wait some time, and then you will find the truth. . However, I can understand that for a long time under the hot sun, the brain is indeed prone to lose its judgment."

"So, it's hard work."

Ronan's voice jingled like a clear stream, and his unhurried, calm-hearted speaking rhythm contained a sense of something between ridicule and complaint, and it all depended on how the audience interpreted it.

If your heart is impetuous, you must be irritated and lose your mind.

If you think calmly, then you can see the wisdom behind the words.

Fox was stunned for a while, chewed it carefully, as if he had tasted something, but was not sure, so he was stuck between anger and comprehension, and he stayed in the air without getting up and down. It was terribly uncomfortable. ; Coupled with the scorching sun, when the brain heats up, the words blurt out, "What do you mean?"

As soon as the words came out, Fox realized his stupidity.


" Ronan chuckled happily again, but there was no answer," Big Ben, it's hard work. Also, come on. "

Then hung up...just hung up...hung up...

Fox was holding the phone, there was a busy tone in his ear, and he focused again conditionedly. Looking through the camera lens, he could see Ronan looking directly at him brightly, with a slight smile on his cheeks. It's like a cool breeze blowing in the midsummer afternoon.

Ronan made a fist to the camera, and seemed to be cheering for Fox.

After that, Ronan did not continue to stay, put away the phone, turned and walked towards Taylor again, there was nothing unusual in his leisurely appearance.

Fox froze and froze in place, his right hand still holding the posture of the phone in his ear, after thinking about it, then thinking about it, and then he realized:

"He's calling me stupid for not knowing how to use my brain and only work physically?"

Damn it!

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