King of Stage

Chapter 64: Before Dawn

   to the darkest moment?

Obviously, this is not a correct description of New Orleans at this moment. The brightly lit Bourbon Avenue is like daylight, and the dazzling street lights envelop a layer of bright yellow, which penetrates into the vast night and turns pitch black. Rumo's late night rendered a touch of blue and purple, thrilling, and even the stars in the sky were completely embellished, and the beautiful scene made the carnival night in the early hours of the morning become thrilling.


The hour hand points to 5:26 in the morning, and there are still seven minutes before today’s sunrise. The whole land seems to be in a moment of tranquility. In order to welcome the arrival of the sun, the night is covered tightly, far more than a new one. Within the range of Orleans, the entire North American continent was plunged into the boundless darkness, and the faint light was completely covered and drowned in the mighty dark black like a starlight.

The moment before dawn is about to break is the darkest moment. It is also the moment when the boundary between dream and reality is the most blurred. The trance between half dream and half awakening is like standing in heaven and stepping into **** with one foot and experiencing it staggeringly. The bizarre scene is like a dream and illusion.

Unknowingly, the deep cold invaded the summer night like this. The breeze blowing over the Mississippi River was mixed with cool water vapor, instantly causing a bunch of goose bumps on the skin surface. Before the brain reflexes, The body has already approached the heat energy gathered by the crowd—

   Old Blacksmith Bar.

When I came back to my senses, people had gathered again at the door of the old blacksmith bar. Although there was no staff at the door to control the crowds entering and leaving, people still lined up honestly, looking at what was going on inside the bar. , And then decide whether you want to enter it and become one of them. People in twos and threes make the bar door lively again.

   crowds, return.

However, for the crowd in the bar, there is no such intuitive feeling. They are isolated in a small and narrow space, reveling wantonly, running to the end of their lives, completely immersed in the thoughts of the stage performance. Time to observe the movement of the bar.

   Cheers, jumps, sings, shouts.

   They were just immersed in it.

Ronan also did not notice the subtle changes in the crowd. Standing on the stage, bathed in the lights, looking around, there was a blackness in front of him. He could only vaguely capture the ups and downs of the crowd, but it was difficult to prepare. Judge how many people gathered at the scene.

  Even if Ronan noticed, he would not care too much, because he devoted himself to the performance and the number of audiences was no longer the focus. What is really important is that he builds a bridge through music and establishes a connection with the audience in front of him. This is the most precious and wonderful part.

Whether it’s the audience or the band members, everyone is already immersed in the music. This is what makes the live performance unique. Ronan even embraces this moment with open arms, wandering about it, how can it be possible? Distracted by other things?

"Ladies and gentlemen…"

   was the end of another song. Ronan took a deep breath, dragged his voice, and spoke into the microphone full of breath, cutting into the topic with a subwoofer reciting.

In just 30 minutes, this was Ronan’s second time to speak, and also the first time that he truly completed a dialogue with words—all other times, he used performances to complete communication and communication. Compared with language, music is what The essence of tonight, but at this moment, the performance is nearing its end, and Ronan has only begun to "talk".

The pretentious tone is obviously imitating the background sound of the opening announcement of the Oscars. The rounded and stern "broadcasting" mode is very ceremonial; but the problem is that Ronan, who is broadcasting into the microphone, is very ceremonial. It's sweaty and red, and it's a far cry from the professional Oscar image of a suit and leather shoes. It''s like—

Wearing a vest and flip-flops for a nine-point news broadcast, the huge contrast has created a wave of humor and a wave of joy in appearance, layered on top of each other, and easily made the audience cheer and roar. , Mixed with joyful laughter.

   "Let us pay tribute to the kings tonight with the warmest applause and craziest cheers. Welcome to our country, a country with only 30 minutes of vitality."


   The burst of laughter climbed a step again, and those sesame-sized humours were hidden in the corners of the words. The relaxed audience laughed, and the atmosphere of the old blacksmith bar climbed to a new peak.

   Is this a stand-up comedy field or a band performance field?

The young people standing at the door failed to control their curiosity. They came in amidst the laughter, confused and did not understand what was going on, but after all they walked in, and...the old blacksmith's bar In this way, it slowly resurrected.

   Before the reaction came over, one-third of the space on the scene seemed to have been filled again; moreover, there were still people rushing in from behind.

"First of all, the king of bass! Coming from the glacial country of the extreme cold north of the earth, UU Reading is like an ancient Greek god. The deep facial features of the outline are enough to make flowers wither. However, carbohydrates are his Achilles. The Heel of Sizhi, the imperfection in the achievement of perfection, let us welcome-Maxim Puning!"


Maxim could hear the sound of Ollie spraying water from behind, and he almost didn't hold it back. He tried his best to suppress his impulse to beat Ronan. His right hand quickly outlined on the bass, the bass was thick. Gently plucking the heartstrings, showing his control of the rhythm.

   Every time the performance is nearing the end, the lead singer needs to give the band members a chance to shine alone, proving that they are also part of the stage and part of the band.

But I didn't expect that it was supposed to be a fixed routine moment, but it was full of joy because of Ronan's stand-up comedy. Maxim kept telling himself that this was his own flashing moment, and then he managed to control the bass directly. The impulse to reach Ronan, complete the dazzling skills.

   "Then, the king of guitars! A long journey from the hot and humid flame abyss, with the figure and craftsmanship of a dwarf, dreaming of being the king of mankind..."

   The introduction has just begun, and Maxim did not hold back, he burst out laughing as soon as he turned around: height! dwarf!

   Ronan must be deliberate!

   Fortunately, Maxim turned around in time, which prevented the laughter from being transmitted directly through the microphone, and then you could see Ollie laughing so hard that he couldn't be himself, "Hahaha", and then sat back.


   Ollie disappeared.

   Maxim's eyes were almost thrown out, with question marks all over his head: What happened just now? What is happening before my eyes? Is this the magic of making a living person?

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