King of Stage

Chapter 65: Adapt to circumstances



   "...However, because of cleanliness, he almost died in the gas station bathroom and was forced to give up on the throne. Let us applaud his sacrifice, Cliff Barron!"

   A second ago, Ronan was still teasing Cliff's height; the next second, the audience at the front of the stage burst into laughter, and the hilarious laughter couldn't stop at all.

Ronan could hear the sound from the rear, and turned his head reflexively and looked over. He just saw Ollie's raised legs, slender and slender legs sweeping across the drum, and then disappeared. "Puff Ronan didn't hold back, he burst into laughter at the scene.


Although Ronan had already opened the microphone, the exaggerated laughter spread through the microphone. Then the audience could directly see that Ronan and Maxim had already laughed so hard that they could not laugh by themselves, standing next to them. Cliff has a black face: neither is playing the guitar, nor is it not playing.

   However, this pause only lasted for a moment.

Ronan took the microphone and walked forward, controlling the burst of laughter, and quickly asked, "Oli, are you okay?" Although he knew that the laughter was wrong at this time, the smile on the corners of his mouth and under his eyes could not be controlled. , And then Ronan saw Ollie lying on the ground, hugging his belly and laughing to the sky—

   Ollie laughed more exaggeratedly than Ronan and Maxim. The deafening laughter created a thunderous effect. It seemed that the ground was vibrating, and he waved his hands at Ronan to indicate that he was not injured.

After confirming that Ollie was okay, Ronan turned his head and glanced at Maxim and noticed that Maxim had detoured to help. He turned to look at Cliff, calmed his eyes a little, and said, "Wait. Wait, let us disrupt the order first, and welcome the king of drum kits in advance!"

   Because of an accident on the stage, Cliff has missed his shining moment, but Ronan did not panic, and changed the topic accordingly.

"The prince from the elven kingdom of Middle-earth is born as a comedian. He is always good at using clumsy and simple body language to win the house! One-handed natural interruption skills can be called perfect! Let us applaud and warmly welcome, Ollie Love! "



   The audience burst into laughter!

Ronan cleverly combined the unexpected situation on the scene to complete the introduction, especially the sentence "interrupted" at the same time to resolve the plight of Ollie and Cliff, not only witty but also funny, even Cliff laughed helplessly, see Ollie struggled to get up, awkwardly and plainly acting like a brown bear stealing honey, and his smile couldn't stop.

   Ollie didn't mind being the subject of Ronan's ridicule, and waving his right hand to greet the audience.

   This action made all the audience in front of the stage roar, and the hustle and bustle of shouting was so lively.

Then, Ollie converged on his hippie smiling face, and concentrated on showing off a drum set. The surging drums vented down like a storm, and the roar of the audience continued to impact the eardrums, successfully taking advantage of the turbulent atmosphere just now. , Once again push the enthusiasm to a new peak.

"Then, let us return to the king of guitars and never underestimate the will of this gentleman. This is the man who survived the restroom of the highway gas station. We came to New Orleans from Los Angeles to New Orleans through all the troubles. Is the key to our survival."

   jokingly and jokingly, Ronan effortlessly pulled his eyes back to Cliff again, "Let’s applaud this warrior, Cliff Barron!"

Ollie and Maxim were heartless and laughed endlessly. If they were bystanders, Ronan’s jokes would be absolutely a kind of fun — completely forgetting that he was also a victim just now, and both of them looked at K. Reeve's appearance, full of belly laughter.

   From Cliff’s guitar hurricane, he can feel the passionate emotions, and those crisp string sounds slash his throat like a sharp blade.

   However, Ronan still maintained a bright smile. After Cliff's performance was over, his footsteps returned to the center of the stage, bathed in the spotlight.

Even after the whole performance, the clothes were already soaked from the inside out, but Ronan's breath remained stable, and he completed the introduction of the band members with full energy, and the 30-minute dedicated performance seemed to be just a warm-up. The movement is normal, and then you can see a smile on that face, all the brilliance is gathered to the bottom of the eye, and a confidence burst from the inside out.

"At last!"

"I! Ronan Cooper! I invite you to join our kingdom, even if it is only thirty minutes, let us join hands and wait for the dawn to tear the shackles of the night! Let us embrace the darkest moment! Because of the golden The sun is surging on the edge of darkness, waiting for the arrival of the warrior!"

   Boom boom boom!

   Boom boom boom!

The loud and loud words just roared out, the atmosphere of the old blacksmith's bar reached a small climax at this moment. The brief and powerful introduction successfully awakened the enthusiasm of the audience. UU reading could not feel the fatigue and forest at dawn. It was cold, and the heat of the rave party was boiling again.

All the audience raised their arms and shouted, regardless of whether they understood what was going on, and whether they understood what was going on, the trance expressions on each face with blurred eyes and red cheeks were so similar, they were Overdrafted his little physical strength and energy, but the burning sensation that ignited the flame of life brought the illusion and trance of this carnival to a new high point, but burst out a wonderful experience close to the soul.

   Language is indescribable.

   "Now, let us enter the final carnival! Let us burn our blood! Let us release energy! Let us stand on the ruins of world destruction and sing loudly!"

Duncan couldn’t help but was stunned. He took a half a beat to react. The thirty-minute performance was nearing the end, and he had just returned to the party. One day, the King’s band’s performance had already come to an end. Intense dissatisfaction and regret, instantly burst the emotions.

However, Ronan, who was standing on the stage, fell silent, lowered his head, let all the noise settle slowly, cheers and shouts surging in the air surging disorderly, screams, shouts, protests Sounds, ridicules, and roars sprang up from different corners, but none of these noises could affect Ronan.

Ronan stood in place like this, his eyelids drooped slightly and he was silent. The band members did the same. Then the noise slowly settled down. The world seemed to be quiet again. The audience looked at each other and could only Hear the slight buzzing sound above the eardrum.

   It seems, that is the sound of the dark surging; it seems, that is the sound of the sun blooming.

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