King of Stage

Chapter 652: emergency brake

Thunder hit the ground and fire, sparks hit the earth.

   From shallow temptation to raging entanglement, in front of the turbulent impulse, reason is completely destroyed, and time and space are all meaningless.

   "Ronan... can we remove the clothes..."

   Alena gasped and whispered in Ronan's ear, because she was so excited and turbulent that her voice trembled uncontrollably.

   The slightly hoarse voice rubbed lightly on Ronan's eardrums, as if he could detect sparks, Ronan exhausted all his strength to make a sound.

"Do not……"

Although it was very difficult, I regretted it just as soon as the words were spoken, and the tight muscles were a little bit painful, but the remaining traces of sanity still tightened the reins on a precipice, and then you can see the misunderstanding in Alena’s eyes. And disappointed, which made Ronan laugh dumbly.


Ronan's voice was also trembling slightly, and a shallow smile was surging deep in his throat. He pressed his forehead against Alena's forehead, looked into the depths of the eyes, his name beating gently between his lips and teeth. With.

   "Alena, Alena, Alena, don't... Actually, I already regret it, don't make things more difficult. You should know that I am a man."

With simple words, he could clearly feel Ronan's struggle and entanglement, which made Alena's smile unbearable and lifted slightly, and a joking smile appeared in the bottom of her eyes, as if she was "provoking." Ronan:

   depends on whether you dare.

   Ronan's smile was a bit difficult, "Just... don't be here..." He looked around for a while. This was really a terrible place.

   The most important thing is that there is no concealment at all, people may pass by at any time, and there are countless lines of sight coming and going.

   Alena knows Ronan is right, and more importantly, outside of the small space is the bustling Hollywood and the members of the symphony orchestra.

   Both of them are still unsure, unable to determine whether they can enter the other's world, and then risk exposing the other's world to break the last layer of restraint. This is irrational and unwise. They need to calm down and move a little apart.

   So Alena did.

   Released his hands and took a few steps back. The air rushed in again, intervening between the two people, like a chasm.

   It is clear that the air is slightly hot, but the skin surface can feel a chill. Without the surrounding of the other's body temperature, goose bumps appear.

  Although Alena knew Ronan was right and wise, the loss and regret in her heart still surged uncontrollably.

   Alena doesn't like the ups and downs of herself, but she still can't control the ups and downs of her emotions, like riding a roller coaster.

Ronan was able to clearly perceive Alena’s precipitated emotions, and walked a small step forward. The shadow of his height once again enveloped Alena strictly, trying to comfort him, but could not find the right words—perhaps , Any comfort at this moment is not correct.

   Ronan scratched his head a bit: Why did he step on the emergency brake just now?

   "Hmm..." Ronan pondered for a moment, "No one in my house tomorrow, if you don't mind, you can come over."

   There was a faint expectation in his eyes, but a little anxiety appeared again.

   Alena raised her eyes and looked at Ronan carefully, expecting to be intertwined with nervous emotions, but unable to suppress her desire, "...Are you saying there is no one else?"

   "Yeah." Ronan said affirmatively with his jaw lightly.

Looking down at the brilliance flowing under Alena’s eyes, like a calm lake blowing in the breeze, waves like fish scales spread one after another. It is difficult to accurately describe the emotions hidden in it, but it can accurately capture the smile in it. This made Ronan's heartbeat miss another beat.

   pause. Breathe.

   stepped forward. near.

   One step up, one squeeze, one blockade, and the space is compressed to zero again.

Alena felt a hot flame approaching and leaned back reflexively, but she did not expect that her back was directly against the wall, and she immediately realized that she had no way out and was trapped in a mortar. Feeling the coldness of the wall on the back, goose bumps popped up across the spine.

   The brain was blank, but he raised his eyes and stared at the flames lit deep in Ronan's pupils. The shadows would be covered in the next second.

The hardness of the teeth, the softness of the lips and the cleverness of the tongue are once again entangled together. The exchange of breath and respiration, and the entanglement of temperature and temperature, seem to be able to feel the flame deep into the soul from the bottom of the eyes, ignited deep in the lower abdomen, hot and hot The airflow rushed across the body.

   My knees felt weak, and I almost couldn't stand still.

   But before his body leaned against the wall and slipped down, he felt a pair of hard knees intervene between his legs, soft and hard clashing again. The cold and hot collision caused the heart to tremble uncontrollably, so that the whole person trembles.

   a little deeper.

   go deeper.

   "...Are you sure...we will not remove the clothes... now..."

   Panting, the brain was blurred, unable to think carefully and lost the ability to think. Alena could only hear her voice surging above her eardrums, and that voice didn't sound like her normal self at all.

   Boom boom.

   Boom boom.

Ronan could faintly hear Alena's voice, but it fell on the eardrums but it was just a roar. He could perceive a heat wave running in his chest, destroying all the reason and order of the brain, which was beyond his control. The land has fallen and it has fallen so deeply.

   If he can, he also wants to indulge wantonly.


   "No, I'm sure...I can't..."

The usual sharp teeth were completely ineffective, Ronan once again put his forehead against Alena’s forehead, paused, panting quickly, and then he could see Alena’s chest that was also rising and falling sharply, and the smile on the corner of his mouth rose again. When I got up, I just thought their embarrassed appearance was a bit funny.

   Finally, I slowly raised my head and reopened the distance between the two people. They didn't talk in a hurry. They just watched each other and waited for their breathing to stabilize.


  Because the scenes and pictures were so funny, that neither of them could hold it back, and both laughed.

   Ronan lowered his gaze slightly, and said with a chuckle, "This is the club. A little bit of trouble may be magnified ten times or even a hundred times the place of right and wrong. We...we should stay sensible..."

   Ronan did not speak any more.

   Alena also kept quiet.

   Silence was surging secretly between the two people, only the hot and turbulent breathing continued to beat the eardrums, feeling the heartbeat.

   for a long time.

"But you almost couldn't help it. For a short while." Alena's jaw pressed against her chest, her head resting on Ronan's chest, quietly listening to the beating heart, pouting. The thumping sound hit his chest firmly, and then the curvature of the corner of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

   Even if nothing happens, I can still taste a touch of sweetness on the tip of my tongue.

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